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Bài tập luyện thi Part 5 TOEIC: Bài tập rút gọn Mệnh đề trạng ngữ trong tiếng Anh

Phần dưới đây là các bài tập giúp bạn luyện thi TOEIC phần bạn vừa mới được hướng dẫn trong bài trước. Với các từ mới mình sẽ không dịch sẵn mà bạn nên tự tìm hiểu vì điều đó sẽ giúp bạn nhớ lâu hơn.

Sau khi bạn đã chọn đáp án, để so sánh xem mình làm đúng được bao nhiêu, mời bạn click chuột vào phần Hiển thị đáp án ở bên dưới.

Dưới đây là bài tập áp dụng cho bí kíp luyện thi TOEIC: Rút gọn mệnh đề trạng ngữ:

1. ___ he always did well on his English tests, his parents were not surprised that he got on an A

a. When

b. Since

c. Although

d. While

2.___ my father has high blood pressure, he has to watch what he eats.

a. Before

b. Because

c. As long as

d. In order that

3.___he could not ruin the carpet, he took off his shoes.

a. So that

b. In order to

c. Due to

d. Thanks to

4.___ I have finished my studying in finance, I intend to work abroad.

a. Before

b. After

c. Until

d. Wherever

5.___I will keep learning English____ I am upper intermediate.

a. as soon as

b. until

c. everywhere

d. once

6. Since May Day is a holiday,____ have to go to work.

a. so we do not

b. we do not

c. as a result,we do not

d. thus, we do not

7. She went back to Argentina___ to take care of some business in his company.

a. and she needed

b. because she needed

c. which she needed

d. because she need

8.___is important since most professional jobs require writing skills

a. Learn how to write

b. Learning how to write

c. Learning how write

d. Learning how to write it is

9. While ___ about adverb clauses,a mild earthquake shook the classroom.

a. the teacher lecturing

b. the teacher was lecturing

c. lecturing

d. lectured

10. Since____ his MBA studies, Fred has secured a great job as a finance manager of a major corporation in Canada.

a. he finishing

b. finished

c. finishing

d. he finish

11. The five – cent coin looks very Canadian___it has a picture of a beaver on it.

a. before

b. though

c. since

d. so that

12. ___, he drove a truck for a living.

a. Until Steve started medical training

b. Before Steve started medical training

c. Since Steve started medical training

d. Whenever Steve started medical training

13. Hockey players wear lots of protective clothing____

a. though they don't get hurt

b. because they don't get hurt

c. after ther don't get hurt

d. in order that they don't get hurt

14. ___,you have to pay higher insurance.

a. Buying a sports car

b. Having bought a sports car

c. To buy a sports car

d. Though buying a sports car

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1 b 6 b 11 c
2 b 7 b 12 b
3 a 8 b 13 d
4 b 9 b 14 a
5 b 10 c

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