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Bài tập luyện thi Part 5 TOEIC: Bài tập Phân biệt a few, few, a little, little trong tiếng Anh

Phần dưới đây là các bài tập giúp bạn luyện thi TOEIC phần bạn vừa mới được hướng dẫn trong bài trước. Với các từ mới mình sẽ không dịch sẵn mà bạn nên tự tìm hiểu vì điều đó sẽ giúp bạn nhớ lâu hơn.

Sau khi bạn đã chọn đáp án, để so sánh xem mình làm đúng được bao nhiêu, mời bạn click chuột vào phần Hiển thị đáp án ở bên dưới.

Dưới đây là bài tập áp dụng cho bí kíp luyện thi TOEIC: Phân biệt a few - few & a little - little:

1. We have only___ time to finish all of the reports by tomorrow.

a. a few

b. few

c. little

d. a little

2. Since taking office last year, the government has made____ changes in employment policy that concerns the publi


a. a few

b. few

c. little

d. a little

3. Oh no, we just have ____ flour left, not enough for a cake.

a. a few

b. few

c. little

d. a little

4. I enjoy my life here. I have ___ friends and we meet quite often.

a. a few

b. few

c. little

d. a little

5. We have ____ knowledge of market analysis.

a. a few

b. few

c. little

d. a little

6. The government has done ___ or nothing to help the poorest people in this country.

a. a few

b. few

c. little

d. a little

7. ___ cities anywhere in Europe can match the cultural richness of Berlin.

a. a few

b. few

c. little

d. a little

8. Last month was a good month for the company. We found ___ new customers and also increased our profit.

a. a few

b. few

c. little

d. a little

9. Unfortunately, ___ of the companies which we sent offers to showed intersest in our products.

a. a few

b. few

c. little

d. a little

10. I had___ problems with the printer in the office, but it's been fixed now.

a. a few

b. few

c. little

d. a little

11. As so___ members has turned up at the meeting, it was decided to postpone it until further notice.

a. a few

b. few

c. little

d. a little

12. We have to spend up – there is very___ time to finish the project. The deadline is next Wednesday.

a. a few

b. few

c. little

d. a little

13. I strongly recommend investing in these shares because you will get a very good return after only ___ years.

a. a few

b. few

c. little

d. a little

14. At the moment we are experiencing some cash flow problems because ___ money is coming in.

a. a few

b. few

c. little

d. a little

15. There is ___ extra added to your salary because you will benefit from the inner city allowance.

a. a few

b. few

c. little

d. a little

Đáp án bài tập luyện thi TOEIC

Mời bạn click chuột vào đây để hiển thị đáp án cho phần bài tập luyện thi TOEIC ở trên.

1 a little 6 c 11 b
2 a few 7 b 12 c
3 little 8 a 13 a
4 a few 9 b 14 c
5 little 10 d 15 d

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Michael Gough
Michael Gough
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Michael Gough
Michael Gough
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Michael Gough
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