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Bài tập luyện thi Part 5 TOEIC: Bài tập phân biệt At the end và In the end

Phần dưới đây là các bài tập giúp bạn luyện thi TOEIC phần bạn vừa mới được hướng dẫn trong bài trước. Với các từ mới mình sẽ không dịch sẵn mà bạn nên tự tìm hiểu vì điều đó sẽ giúp bạn nhớ lâu hơn.

Sau khi bạn đã chọn đáp án, để so sánh xem mình làm đúng được bao nhiêu, mời bạn click chuột vào phần Hiển thị đáp án ở bên dưới.

Dưới đây là bài tập áp dụng cho bí kíp luyện thi TOEIC: Phân biệt At the end và In the end:

1. (At the beginning/In the beginning) of the 19th century, the French educational system was desperately in the need of reform.

2. John has worked in the customer service for 5 years. (At the beginning/In the beginning), he was so satisfied with the job but it seems boring to him now.

3. The map here shows that there is a clothing store(at the end/in the end) of the Oak Road so we just have to go along this street then turn left.

4. Kyoto could not find any solution to the problem caused by the error of control system (at the end/in the end).

5. After a long time waiting for the specialist, many people had to leave (in the beginning/in the end) because he didn't appear.

6. (In the beginning/At the beginning), there were about over 80% of the residents in the area consuming domestic products but the figure decreased gradually over the period of time, down to approximately 58%.

7. The firm estimates that(at the end/in the end) of the year, the profit earned will be up to 10 million dollars.

8. The service of Bellucci, highly appreciated because its delivery is punctual, always (at the beginning/in the beginning) of the month.

9. Although there were no noticeable signs of a break-in, the shop was confirmed to have robbed (at the end/in the end).

10. The plan was thought to be too costly to implement (at the beginning of/in the beginning) but Mr.Fukusi proved that opinion was completely wrong.

11. The students must pay 100% tuition fee(at the beginning/at the end) the course if they want to receive a voucher of fee reducation for the next course.

12. (At the beginning/In the end) of the day.all the letters will have been addressed and sent to each and every name on the list.

13. (At the end of/in the end) 2015, the population in this area reached 2000,000 people.

14. Mr.Fred Grant was little – known outside of his native Portugal. However, (at the end/in the end), he received a lot of attention from the public when he dated Ms.Watson, the hottest female actress in Hollywood at that time.

15. The manager is considering discounts for loyal customers (at the end of/in the beginning) this month since the competition in this market has become stronger and stronger.

Đáp án bài tập luyện thi TOEIC

Mời bạn click chuột vào đây để hiển thị đáp án cho phần bài tập luyện thi TOEIC ở trên.

1 at the beginning 6 in the beginning 11 at the beginning of
2 in the beginning 7 at the end 12 at the beginning
3 at the end 8 at the beginning 13 at the end of
4 in the end 9 in the end 14 in the end
5 in the end 10 in the beginning 15 at the end of

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Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
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