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Bài tập luyện thi Part 5 TOEIC: Bài tập Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ về dạng TO V trong tiếng Anh

Phần dưới đây là các bài tập giúp bạn luyện thi TOEIC phần bạn vừa mới được hướng dẫn trong bài trước. Với các từ mới mình sẽ không dịch sẵn mà bạn nên tự tìm hiểu vì điều đó sẽ giúp bạn nhớ lâu hơn.

Sau khi bạn đã chọn đáp án, để so sánh xem mình làm đúng được bao nhiêu, mời bạn click chuột vào phần Hiển thị đáp án ở bên dưới.

Dưới đây là bài tập áp dụng cho bí kíp luyện thi TOEIC: Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ về dạng TO V:

1. Nguyen Thi Anh Vien is the first athlete___ Vietnam glory award.

a. winning

b. won

c. to win

d. who wins

2. Here are four students representing our university___ the Asian Meeting next week.

a. attend

b. attending

c. to attend

d. attended

3. Caroline was very tense because she had many things___last month.

a. do

b. doing

c. to do

d. which to do

4. Leslie was the only student___this problem.

a. who could handle

b. to handling

c. handle

d. handling

5. By considerable measurement, blue whale is the largest known animal ___ on the Earth.

a. exist

b. existing

c. existed

d. to exist

6. The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship___ on the Clyde.

a. build

b. being build

c. to be built

d. be built

7. Neil Armstrong was the first man___ on the Moon.

a. to walk

b. walking

c. walked

d. walk

8. According to the manager, this is the only person___ the problem.

a. can slove

b. to solve

c. solving

d. solved

9. There are ten letters ___ today.

a. write

b. be written

c. to be written

d. to write

10. Working abroad is the wonderful thing____ carefully about.

a. to think

b. thinking

c. that think

d. think

11. Dolly was the first animal ___ from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer.

a. cloned

b. to clone

c. to be cloned

d. be cloned

12. English is an important language ___ .

a. be mastered

b. to master

c. mastered

d. mastering

13. As you are the last person ___ the office,please turn off the lights and air-conditioners.

a. to leave

b. leaving

c. left

d. to be leaving

14. James simply loves parties.He is always the first ___ and the last ___.

a. to come/leaving

b. come/to leave

c. to come/to leave

d. coming/leaving

15. Lady Astor was the first woman ___ her seat in Parliament.

a. take

b. to take

c. taking

d. took

16. Coal was the first fue ___ the earth's outer atmosphere.

a. reach

b. reaches

c. that reach

d. is reached

17. We had to eat standing up because we hadn't got anything ____.

a. to sit on

b. which sit on

c. sit on

d. sitting on

18. The employees would be happier if they had someone ___ with their project.

a. helping

b. to help

c. help

d. that help

19. If she had a family ___,she would be more intereste


a. to be cooked for

b. cook for

c. to cook for

d. to cooking for

20. The most excellent student ___ the scholarship would have a 5-day holiday in Ha Long Bay.

a. to be rewarded

b. be rewarded

c. to reward

d. rewarded

Đáp án bài tập luyện thi TOEIC

Mời bạn click chuột vào đây để hiển thị đáp án cho phần bài tập luyện thi TOEIC ở trên.

1 c 6 c 11 c 16 c
2 c 7 a 12 b 17 a
3 c 8 b 13 a 18 b
4 b 9 c 14 c 19 c
5 d 10 a 15 b 20 a

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