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Views #735 | Low-Intermediate 4

Wish List

Keren talks about places she'd like to visit and why they're on her wish list.

Todd: Keren, you have talked about places you have been. Now. why don't you talk about places you want to go. Where would you like to visit?

Keren: Whoa! There are so many places. I'd love to go to Cuba.

Todd: Why Cuba?

Keren: I imagine it's such a unique place and it probably won't be so unique for much longer, and I'd love to see what life is like there.

Todd: Right. So about Cuba, what is it that attracts you about Cuba? I take it, it's not baseball.

Keren: No! Well, part of the reason is that I can speak Spanish, so I love to practice speaking it, and it has beautiful beaches but it also has cultural history also. So there's lots to do there.

Todd: OK, now, I think you actually have travel plans coming up. Aren't you going somewhere soon?

Keren: I am. Yes. I'm going to Cambodia.

Todd: Oh, Cambodia.

Keren: Yeah.

Todd: What are you going to do in Cambodia?

Keren: I am going to go to to Angor Wat to see the old temple ruins and then I'm going to go to Phnom Pen and after that I'm going to the beach.

Todd: Nice. So, the beaches are popular now in Cambodia?

Keren: Yeah. I believe there are lot quieter than the beaches in Thailand but they are becoming more popular and they're supposed to be beautiful.

Todd: Now is this the first time you've been to Cambodia?

Keren: Yes it is, yeah.

Todd: Oh, OK. So are you going straight to Cambodia or are you going through Thailand?

Keren: I'm gonna fly to Bangkok and go through Bangkok to the Cambodian border.

Todd: OK. How long do you plan to stay?

Keren: About ten days.

Todd: Ten days. Well, I hope you have a nice trip.

Keren: Thank you very much.

Learn Vocabulary from the Lesson

unique place


I imagine it's such a unique place and it probably won't be so unique for much longer.

A 'unique place' is a place that is unlike any other.

Notice the following:

  1. I live in a very unique place, and I love it.
  2. I like to visit unique places.

what is it that attracts you


What is it that attracts you about Cuba?

'What is that attracts you' is a question that asks you what you like about something or why you are interested in it.

Notice the following:

  1. What is it that attracts you to working in the police force?
  2. What is it that attracts you to your boyfriend?

coming up


I think you actually have travel plans coming up.

When something is 'coming up,' it means that it will happen in the near future.

Notice the following:

  1. There are lots of good films coming up at the cinema.
  2. She says that there are lots of new jobs coming up.

old temple ruins


I am going to go to Angor Wat to see the old temple ruins.

'Old temple ruins' are the remains of a religious building or place of worship.

Notice the following:

  1. It was free to enter the old temple ruins.
  2. We had a guide to show us around the old temple ruins.

supposed to be


They are becoming more popular, and they're supposed to be beautiful.

Here, 'supposed to be' implies that Keren has heard from somebody or read somewhere that the beaches in Cambodia are beautiful. The beaches have a reputation for being beautiful.

Notice the following:

  1. It's supposed to be really difficult to get tickets to their concerts.
  2. Tom Cruise is actually supposed to be kind of short.

Vocabulary Quiz

unique • attracts • coming
temple • supposed
  1. There are some amazing old ruins right in the center of Mexico City.
  2. The international population is what makes this city a place.
  3. I've heard that the main actor in this film is to be not very nice in real life.
  4. I think there is an art festival up next month.
  5. Surfing is what most tourists to this town.
Answer the following questions about the interview.


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