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Beginner 1 | Lesson #13 Months and Time Prepositions

Months and Holidays

Meg and Todd talk about American holidays.

Meg: Hey Todd, let's talk about months and American holidays.

Todd: All right, let's do it.

Meg: Great. What holiday is in January?

Todd: Well, on January 1st, we have New Year's Day.

Meg: Right.

Todd: That's very fun.

Meg: Of course.

Todd: I love New Year's Day.

Meg: Me too.

Todd: What about February?

Meg: In February, we have Valentine's Day on February 14th.

Todd: That's right, so romantic.

Meg: Yes.

Todd: I don't like Valentine's Day.

Meg: Why not?

Todd: I never have a girlfriend.

Meg: Oh, sorry. What about March? What holiday is in March?

Todd: March has St. Patrick's Day.

Meg: Right.

Todd: On March 17th?

Meg: Yes. Do you usually celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

Todd: I do. I love green. Green is my favorite color.

Meg: Me too.

Todd: Oh, nice.

Meg: What about April?

Todd: April has April fool's Day, but that's not a holiday.

Meg: Not really, but it's still fun to celebrate on April 1st.

Todd: Right. Oh, usually Easter is in April.

Meg: Usually yes, but the day changes every year.

Todd: Right. Sometimes it's March though.

Meg: True.

Todd: Right, okay.

Meg: What about in May? What holidays are in May?

Todd: In May, I think a lot of countries have a holiday on May 1st, but America doesn't have a holiday on May 1st, but we do like to have fun celebrations for Cinco de Mayo, May 5th.

Meg: Right. What do you usually do for Cinco de Mayo?

Todd: We usually eat Mexican food.

Meg: Same.

Todd: I hear that in Mexico they don't celebrate Cinco de Mayo.

Meg: Really?

Todd: Yeah, it's only in America.

Meg: That's funny.

Todd: Yeah, funny. I actually heard that St. Patrick's Day also is not popular in Ireland.

Meg: Oh, that's surprising.

Todd: Yeah, I don't know. Maybe.

Meg: Maybe.

Todd: Okay, what about June?

Meg: In June, we have the first day of summer.

Todd: What day is that?

Meg: I think it's on June 21st.

Todd: I think so.

Meg: The longest day of the year.

Todd: I love that day.

Meg: Me too.

Todd: It's the best.

Meg: Yeah.

Todd: In July?

Meg: In July, in America of course, we have July 4th, Independence Day.

Todd: Yeah. What do you do on July 4th, Independence Day?

Meg: Usually, I would have a barbecue with friends and family and watch fireworks.

Todd: Yeah, me too. The same.

Meg: It's fun.

Todd: What about August? Is there a holiday in August?

Meg: I can't think of a holiday in August, but my brother's birthday is August 15th.

Todd: That's great.

Meg: Yeah, my younger brother.

Todd: Oh wow.

Meg: Do you know of any holidays in August?

Todd: I don't, but usually school is out in August, so for the whole month there's no school.

Meg: Yeah, vacation time. What about September?

Todd: Well, September has Labor Day, but I don't remember the day. Is it September 1st?

Meg: I'm not sure.

Todd: I think it's September 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th.

Meg: I think it changes every year.

Todd: Maybe it's the first Monday.

Meg: I think so. Let's see, after September, what holiday is in October?

Todd: The best holiday, Halloween.

Meg: Yes, I love Halloween.

Todd: Halloween is October 31st.

Meg: Right. Every year.

Todd: Plus, October has my birthday.

Meg: Oh, what day is your birthday.

Todd: October 2nd.

Meg: Nice.

Todd: Yeah. When is your birthday?

Meg: Not until December.

Todd: Coming up.

Meg: Yes.

Todd: Okay, so what holiday is in November?

Meg: November, we have Thanksgiving Day.

Todd: Yes. Actually, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.

Meg: Oh, you said Halloween.

Todd: I know, I change, I changed it.

Meg: What day is Thanksgiving?

Todd: It changes, like Easter. It's on the third Thursday.

Meg: Is it the third or the fourth Thursday?

Todd: It's the fourth Thursday.

Meg: Oh, okay.

Todd: You're right. It's on the fourth Thursday of every November.

Meg: Right. How do you usually celebrate Thanksgiving?

Todd: I have dinner with my family-

Meg: Me too.

Todd:... and I watch football.

Meg: Yes, it's tradition.

Todd: I watch football on [inaudible 00:04:55].

Meg: Right. What about December?

Todd: Well, December has Christmas, which is December 25th.

Meg: Yes.

Todd: We also have New Year's Eve, which is December 31st.

Meg: Right, both fun holidays.

Todd: Yeah, really good holidays. I like it because you get lots of time off work or school.

Meg: Yeah, it's good to spend time with friends and family.

Todd: And to get presents.

Meg: Of course.

Todd: When is your birthday?

Meg: December 14th.

Todd: Nice. I have to remember.

Meg: Yes. You could give me a gift.

Todd: What is your favorite holiday?

Meg: My favorite holiday is actually Halloween.

Todd: Okay, I change again, me too.

Months / Times of the Year

Point 1: There are twelve months in the year.
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December
Point 2: Always start months with a capital letter.
  1. I love October.
  2. May is very cool.
  3. I leave in June.
  4. See you in August.
Point 3: Use the preposition 'in' for months and seasons.
  1. I will be back in June.
  2. See you in July.
  3. I have a vacation in December.
  4. My birthday is in October.
Point 4: There are four seasons in most English speaking countries.
  1. Spring
  2. Summer
  3. Fall
  4. Winter
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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