- Level 4 Natural Listening
Media - Then and Now
Views #1470 | Intermediate (B1) -
Nepal Travel Tips
Views #1462 | Intermediate (B1) -
Nepal by Region
Views #1461 | Intermediate (B1) -
Life in the Arctic
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Life Happens Up North
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Burger Barn
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The Right Age
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Missing Home
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Going to Mars
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Life on Mars
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Food We Hate
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Comfort Food
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Super Party
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Stay-at-home Moms
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Macho Women
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On the Trail
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Rodeo Rider
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Hotel for Her
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Hotel for Him
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Chilean Movie
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DJ Host
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Teen Host
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His Dreams
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Her Dreams
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Boys Camp
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Girls Camp
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Paul Bunyan
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Nepal by Region
Jin talks about the different climates and landscapes in her home country of Nepal.
Adam: Alright, hi! I'm Adam, and I'm with Jin today, and we're talking about your home country, Nepal.
Jin: Yes, that's right.
Adam: Very cool. I know that the Himalayas, and even Mt. Everest is in Nepal, which is amazing. What else can you tell us about the geography of your country?
Jin: Yeah, well actually, when people think about Nepal, they just talk about the mountains, but then there are actually three regions. There is the mountain region, and then there is another hilly region, and then Terai region, so then in Terai region, the earth, like the surface is really flat, and that's where people grow crops. That's where like we get all the grains from, and then there is the hilly region, which is in the middle part Nepal, and that's where I am from, the capital, Kathmandu, and it's like, the temperature is really good there because it's not really hot, not really cold. Ah, in terai region it's really hot, but in the hilly region, like it's perfect, and then there's the Himalayas, where it's super cold, and that's where there are like a lot of mountains, which divides us from China.
Adam: So in the south it's kind of the farming area?
Jin: Yeah, in the south, yeah, like everyone's ... the main job is farming.
Adam: That's next to India?
Jin: India, yeah.
Adam: What kind of farming do they do in Nepal in the south?
Jin: They usually grow rice there, and since the land is so fertile, there a like a lot of vegetables, rice, and like a lot of fruits. Everything that grows in hot temperatures.
Adam: Oh, so you have a lot of fruits in Nepal?
Jin: Yeah, we do. We have a lot of fruits, like of different kinds, like I told you, since it's cold, hot and moderate as well, so like we get fruits from all different places and it's amazing.
Adam: Yeah, that's really cool. I didn't know Nepal had so many different climates in one country.
Jin: Yeah, for a small country, it's a lot, I know.
Adam: Well, thank you so much for telling us about Nepal today.
Jin: You're welcome. You can ask me anytime.
Can you tell us about the geography?
Geography refers to various types of land, regions and landscapes. Notice the following:
- The U.S. has a varied geography.
- I loved studying geography in school.
The surface is really flat.
The surface is the outside layer of something. Notice the following:
- This table's surface is not smooth.
- The surface of the window is covered in dust.
It is a hilly region.
A hilly region is an area with many hills. Notice the following:
- The countryside is very hilly.
- San Francisco is a hilly city.
The land is so fertile.
If land is fertile, it is very easy for plants to grow there. Notice the following:
- Farmland is usually very fertile.
- A desert is not fertile, but plants grow there.
It's cold, hot and moderate as well.
When something is moderate, it is in the middle in terms of degrees of intensity. Notice the following:
- We live in a moderate climate.
- He has moderate views about politics.
Nepal has so many different climates.
Climate refers to the weather of an area. Notice the following:
- Hawaii is a tropical climate.
- The climate in the North Pole is very harsh.
Vocabulary Quiz
fertile • climate • moderate
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