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Views #521 | Low-Intermediate 4

Kiwi Kid

Kate talks about growing up in New Zealand.

Todd: So Kate, can you talk about growing up in New Zealand, what it’s like?

Kate: Growing up in New Zealand is very free. Kids have a lot more freedom that kids in other countries: we can.. obviously we go to school from 5 years and until 16 years old you must go to school, but when we come home from school there’s our parents there. They’re very loving and caring, in general that is. And we have a lot of lawns, a lot of scenery, landscapes that we can run around on.

Todd: What kind of things did you do when you were little, like games and sports?

Kate: Sports.

Todd: Oh sports, what sports?

Kate: I started off with ballet and I got really bored with ballet. I went to gymnastics and that was my main sport when I was growing up.

Todd: Oh wow you were a gymnast? What events did you do?

Kate: Events? Well you have levels: competition levels, so you start from level 3 and I went up to level 7 and next level would have been very competitive, it’s called ‘junior elite’. Had I continued I would have probably stopped school and concentrated on gymnastics only.

Todd: When you were younger was your dream to go to the Olympics?

Kate: Yes definitely.

Todd: Oh ok. So do you ever - because you’re still very young - do you ever practise gymnastics still?

Kate: Yes I do actually. At the university that I go to I joined the club which is not gym but it’s kind of dance and I can still do some of the stuff I used to be able to do.

Todd: As you get older have you ever thought about becoming a coach?

Kate: Yes, I did think about it but it’s not a reality any more. I’ve forgotten so many things already. Just teaching for fun.

Learn Vocabulary from the lesson

in general

They’re very loving and caring, in general that is.

If a child is well-behaved 'in general,' then the child is usually well-behaved.  In general is what is normal.  Notice the following:

  1. In general, he is a very clean person.
  2. She works hard in school, in general.


We have a lot of lawns, a lot of scenery.

A 'lawn' is a large, open space with grass, usually next to a house or building.  Notice the following:

  1. They are playing soccer on the lawn.
  2. My lawn looks terrible because the grass is brown.


Had I continued I would have probably stopped school and concentrated on gymnastics only.

If you 'concentrate' on something then you focus your time or attention on it.  Notice the following:

  1. You could be a good student, but you never concentrate in class.
  2. Be quiet!!  I am trying to concentrate on this movie.


As you get older have you ever thought about becoming a coach?

A 'coach' is a person who works with athletes to help them improve their skills.  Notice the following:

  1. After the team won the game, the coach took them out for ice cream.
  2. Our coach is always very patient with the players on the team.


I did think about it but it’s not a reality any more.

'Reality' is something that is true or real in this world.  Notice the following:

  1. It is a reality that fire is hot.
  2. She is very confused in her idea of reality.

Vocabulary Quiz

in general • lawn • concentrate
coach • reality
  1. He is, , a very nice person .
  2. I'll pay you $5 if you mow my .
  3. If you on the test, I'm sure you will pass.
  4. In , you will only kick the ball once or twice a game .
  5. I think the kids would play better hockey if they had a better .
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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