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Views #121 | High Beginner 3


Diana is given an adjective and must thing of the first word that comes to mind.
Views Listening Lesson

Todd: OK, Diana we're going to talk about adjectives?

Dianna: OK.

Todd: What is hot?

Dianna: An oven.

Todd: Yeah. what do you put inside an oven?

Dianna: Pizza.

Todd: Pizza. Do you bake your own pizza at home?

Dianna: I have before. I'm not a good cook though, so.

Todd: Oh, yeah, me neither. What is cold?

Dianna: The Artic ocean.

Todd: That is true. Very cold. What can you find down at the Artic?

Dianna: Oh, Polar bears.

Todd: Yeah, polar bears OK, have you ever seen a polar bear?

Dianna: Only at the zoo.

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What do you put inside an oven?

'Inside' is very similar to the word in, put the food in the oven, but we use 'inside' for a place that is completely closed on all sides, like a house or a car.  Notice the following:

  1. Don't put metal inside the microwave.
  2. When it started to rain the children went inside the house.

bake your own

Do you bake your own pizza at home?

To 'bake' something is to cook it in an oven.  To 'bake your own pizza' is to cook it in an oven at your house, instead of buying from a restaurant.  Notice the following:

  1. She always bakes her own cookies.
  2. I prefer to bake my own bread.


I have baked my own pizza before.

If you have baked your own pizza 'before' it means that at least one time in your life you have had the experience of baking a pizza.  We use the word 'before' like this to talk about experiences.  Notice the following:

  1. Have you taken dance classes before?
  2. She had never tried octopus before.


Me neither.

'Neither' is a word of negative agreement.  If someone says," I don't like carrots,"  this is a negative sentence and if you want to agree you use a negative agreement.  Notice the following:

  1. Neither of us wants to go to the cinema tonight.
  2. There is neither butter nor eggs in the refrigerator.


Have you ever seen a polar bear?

We use the word 'ever' in questions to talk about past experiences in our lives to talk about actions that we may not do.  It is frequently used with the perfect tense.  Notice the following:

  1. Do you ever eat beef?
  2. Has she ever met your family before?

Vocabulary Quiz

inside • your own • before
neither • ever
  1. We've seen that movie , but we can watch it again.
  2. That new restaurant lets you make and bake pizza.
  3. Do you remember your dreams?
  4. Will all these suitcases fit the car?
  5. of us wanted to clean the bathroom.
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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