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Views #129 | Low Intermediate 4

My Dog

Trevor talks about his beloved dog and describes what it looks like.
Views Listening Lesson

Todd: Trevor, do you have a dog?

Trevor: Yeah, I do have a dog.

Todd: What kind of dog?

Trevor: My dogs a boxer.

Todd: A boxer. What does a boxer look like?

Trevor: A boxer is medium size. She's got short hair and a very short stubby nose. And no tail.

Todd: No, tail. Nice. Which do you prefer dogs or cats?

Trevor: I'm a dog person. I like dogs.

Todd: OK. Why?

Trevor: Dogs are a man's best friend and they are always loyal.

Todd: OK. What do you mean loyal? What does loyalty mean?

Trevor: Oh, they'll stay with you, even through the hard times.

Todd: OK. Which breed or kind of dog do you like besides boxers?

Trevor: I like labrodors and I like, uh, small terriers.

Todd: Small terriers

Trevor: Small terriers. A Jack Russell small terrier.

Todd: What color is a terrier?

Trevor: Black and white.

Todd: Black and white. All right! --- What are some costs associated with keeping a dog?

Trevor: Pretty cheap really. You got some vet costs if they get sick and they got to have needles, but food. That's about it really.

Todd: OK. Great. All right. Thanks a lot Trevor

Trevor: See ya later!

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A boxer has a short stubby nose.

A 'stubby' nose is short, wide and doesn't stick out far from the rest of the dog's head.  We can use 'stubby' for anything that fits this description. Notice the following:

  1. He has really stubby fingers.
  2. My cat has kind of a stubby tail.


Dogs are always loyal.

A person or animal that will always love you and be by your side is 'loyal.'  Like a good friend that will be there even when your life is difficult.  Notice the following:

  1. You have been a very loyal friend, supporting me through all of my problems.
  2. I am a loyal customer of the coffee shop near my house.


Which breed of dog do you like besides boxers?

A 'breed' of dog is a type of dog.  Usually people who sell dogs make puppies with two parents of the same breed, two boxers instead of a boxer and a poodle.  Notice the following:

  1. I have never seen a dog that looks like that.  What breed is he?
  2. My favorite breed of dog is a pug.


What costs are associated with keeping a dog?

Another way to ask this question is: What costs or expenses are connected with having a dog?  Or, If I get a dog, what will I have to pay for?  Things that are associated to each other are connected. Notice the following:

  1. What responsibilities are associated with your new job?
  2. What activities do you associate with a vacation?


Pretty cheap really.

If something is 'pretty cheap' it still costs money, but not a lot of money.  It costs more money than something that is really cheap.  'Pretty' is used with another adjective to mean 'kind of.' Notice the following:

  1. You are actually pretty tall.
  2. I will meet you at your house pretty soon.


Vocabulary Quiz

stubby • loyal • breed
associate • pretty
  1. I still this song with my time in university.
  2. My dog has short, little legs and a long tail.
  3. The movie is long, but it's good.
  4. This is a good of dog for people with kids.
  5. You are a hard worker and a employee.
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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