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Views #125 | Low Intermediate 4

Water Wonderland

Matt talks about his love of diving.
Views Listening Lesson

Todd: What is your hobby?

Matt: I suppose it is scuba diving?

Todd: Oh, nice! Well, tell us about scuba diving.

Matt: Well, I haven't been for awhile because I have been living in Japan and it's expensive to do it here, but when I was in Thailand I went scuba diving quite a lot. I did the PADI certificate. I just love it.

I did quite a bit of scuba diving both in the Gulf of Thailand and the Indian Ocean and saw whale sharks, leopard sharks and all sorts of things.

Todd: How do they compare, the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Thailand?

Matt: Well, the Gulf of Thailand is quite polluted and there is a lot of shipping tha tcomes up from Singapore to Bangkok, whereas the Indian Ocean, it's called the Andaman Sea but it's part of the Indian Ocean is a lot cleaner but it can be affected by monsoons.

Todd: OK. Great. Thanks Matt.

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quite a lot

In Thailand I went scuba diving quite a lot.

'Quite a bit' and 'quite a lot' are very similar.  They both refer to a frequency that is not everyday, but frequently.It can also be used to refer to an amount of something that is less than 'a lot.'  Notice the following:

  1. He did quite a lot of shopping on his vacation.
  2. I have quite a lot of work to do tonight.

quite a bit

I did quite a bit of scuba diving in the Gulf of Thailand.

'Quite a bit' and 'quite a lot' are very similar.  They both refer to a frequency that is not everyday, but frequently.  Quite a lot is more frequently than quite a bit.  It can also be used to refer to an amount of something that is less than 'a lot' or 'quite a lot.' Notice the following:

  1. Do you see her quite a bit?
  2. I ate quite a bit at lunch and I'm not very hungry now.

all sorts of things

I saw whale sharks, leopard sharks and all sorts of things.

You can use the phrase 'all sorts of things' when there are many other examples, but you don't want to say all of them.  In this sentence it is similar to "many other things." Notice the following:

  1. She hats and jackets and all sorts of things for cold weather.
  2. He is going to buy all sorts of things for his new apartment.


The Gulf of Thailand is quite polluted.

If water or air is 'polluted' then it is contaminated by dangerous or hazardous chemicals, it is not clean.  Notice the following:

  1. The polluted air made his nose black and his lungs hurt.
  2. The city is much more polluted now than it was ten years ago.


The Indian Ocean can be affected by monsoons.

'Affected by' is similar to influenced by.  The example says that there are monsoons in the Indian Ocean and these monsoons cause problems.  Notice the following:

  1. She is very affected by what other people say to her.
  2. Was their house affected by the flood?


Vocabulary Quiz

quite a lot • a bit • all sorts of
polluted • affected by
  1. They have different things on the menu.
  2. I got quite of sleep last night but I'm still tired.
  3. We have to do this weekend, but we want to see you.
  4. Our neighborhood has been really construction this summer.
  5. The river is so that nobody can swim in it.
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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