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Views #130 | Low Intermediate 4


Nicola compares the people of Australia with the people of Japan.
Views Listening Lesson

Nicola: I'm gonna laugh!

Todd: OK. Hello!

Nicola: Hello!

Todd: Hi. What is your name?

Nicola: My name's Nicola.

Todd: OK, Nicola. Where are you from?

Nicola: I'm from Australia.

Todd: Australia! Great! And where are you from in Australia?

Nicola: I'm from a state called Queensland.

Todd: OK. What is Queensland like?

Nicola: It's pretty hot. There's a lot of beaches and a lot of rainforests.

Todd: Oh, rainforests, really!

Nicola: Yeah!

Todd: Do you go in the rainforest often?

Nicola: Occasionally my friends and I go hiking there, but not that often.

Todd: OK. Are there really big snakes?

Nicola: Ahhhh..I haven't seen any yet.

Todd: OK, that's good. That's good. How do you feel about Australia?

Nicola: It's a beautiful place to live. I like travelling, so I like seeing other countries. But when I go home I am always happy to be there. OK. Yeah, that's nice. I kind of feel the same way about America.

Nicola: Mm.

Todd: How would you compare Australia and Japan?

Nicola: They are very different. Japanese people are quite busy, Australians are pretty laid back. OK. OK. I see we're just about out of time so anyway thanks.

Nicola: OK. Thank you.

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Occasionally my friends and I go hiking.

If something happens 'occasionally' it does not happen very frequently.  In the example, maybe they go hiking one time every two or three months.  Notice the following:

  1. He eats fast food occasionally, even though he doesn't like it.
  2. Occasionally she wears a dress to work, but usually she wears pants.


How do you feel about Australia?

How you 'feel' about a place are the emotions you have about it.  Do you like it?  Notice the following:

  1. Do you feel like going to a movie tomorrow?
  2. How do you feel about the new apartment?

same way

I feel the same way about America.

If you feel the 'same way' as someone then you have agree with her feeling and have the same feelings.  Notice the following:

  1. I really like you.  Do you feel the same way about me?
  2. I feel the same way about high heeled shoes.  They just aren't comfortable.


Japanese people are quite busy.

A 'busy' person has a lot to do in his life and doesn't spend a lot of time relaxing.  Notice the following:

  1. Are you busy on Friday night?  Do you want to go out for a drink with me?
  2. I am going to be really busy this weekend.

laid back

Australians are pretty laid back.

A 'laid back' person is very relaxed and doesn't get stressed easily.  Notice the following:

  1. He was really laid back until he started this new job.
  2. You should really try to be a little more laid back.

Vocabulary Quiz

occasionally • feel • same way
busy • laid back
  1. He's a good roommate because he's really .
  2. I think a lot of people feel the about the current financial situation.
  3. we go to the cinema, but mostly we rent movies.
  4. I never see you anymore because you're always so .
  5. How do you about living in a place where you don't speak the language?
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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