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Views #413 | Low-Intermediate 4



California is best known for its coastline and beaches. The state has nearly 2,000 km of coastline, so the state is known as a surfer's paradise. From the tall cliffs that line the coast, you are almost always guaranteed a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean, especially at sunset.

The state is also famous for its giant redwood trees. These trees can grow to be over 100 meters tall. Some trees are so wide you can drive a car through them. These trees have a long life, for they can live for over 1,000 years. One tree in California is over 2,200 years old.

On the eastern side of California, you will find the Sierra Mountains. These mountains start in Alaska and run all the way to Chile, in South America. People usually think of California as a warm place, but the Sierra Mountains provide a great playground for both skiers and snowboarders.

In the Sierras you can find Yosemite National Park. This is by far the most popular national park in California, because it offers a little bit of everything: tall mountains, high cliffs, deep forests, wide meadows, great hiking trails, and beautiful views everywhere you look.

In Southern California, the weather can be very hot and dry, so not surprisingly you will find many deserts in the south. These dry lands are home to many wildlife such as iguana, foxes, coyotes, eagles, bighorn sheep and rattlesnakes.

California is not all wild terrain. It is also home to large areas of farm land. In fact, California produces nearly half of all the fruit and vegetables grown in the United States. For this reason, California is sometimes referred to as America's fruit basket.

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guaranteed or cliffs

From the tall cliffs, you are almost always guaranteed a beautiful view, especially at sunset.

If something is 'guaranteed' it is certain. In this case, it is certain that you will have a beautiful view. A 'cliff' is a high rock that has at least one very steep side. If you stand at the edge of a cliff you can see straight to the ground. Notice the following:

  1. There is a cliff near here where you can jump off into the water.
  2. You are always guaranteed to have a good time with him.

surfer's paradise

California has nearly 2,000 km of coastline, so the state is known as a surfer's paradise.

If a person likes surfing then a location that has good surfing is 'paradise' or like a dream for him. We can add 'paradise' after any noun to show that it is something that is a good place for him. For example, a place surrounded by ocean with lots of fish would be a fisherman's paradise. Notice the following:

  1. The market in Peru is a jewelry collector's paradise.
  2. This area is really a seafood lover's paradise.

not surprisingly

The weather in the south can be very hot and dry, so not surprisingly, you will find many deserts there.

You can use 'not surprisingly' along with a statement that is logical or obvious. The information you are giving is not a surprise, it makes sense. Notice the following:

  1. I ate a lot of fried food yesterday, so not surprisingly, I don't feel that well today.
  2. Not surprisingly, after the heavy rains many people had problems with water in their homes.


These dry lands are home to many wildlife, such as iguana, foxes, and rattlesnakes.

'Wildlife' includes animals such as birds, snakes, mammals, etc, that live in a wild area. Animals in zoos are not considered wildlife. Notice the following:

  1. There is not much wildlife in the city.
  2. People who love wildlife will think this park is very interesting.


California is not all wild terrain, but also home to large areas of farm land.

We use the word 'terrain' to talk about land that is still in its natural form and has not been changed by civilization. Notice the following:

  1. You should wear supportive shoes because the terrain is very rugged.
  2. The terrain in that area makes construction very difficult.

Vocabulary Quiz

guaranteed • cliffs • paradise 
surprisingly • wildlife • terrain
  1. is great as long as it stays out of your house.
  2. It's hard to believe that people settled in place with this kind of . It would be almost impossible to build anything.
  3. This would be a nightlife lover's , but I don't really enjoy going out.
  4. We had a plan to meet here at 11 o'clock, but not he arrived a half an hour late.
  5. The view is absolutely beautiful, a lake surrounded by big .
  6. You are to receive your order by the end of the week.
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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