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Views #416 | Low-Intermediate 4


Simon and Todd discuss newspapers.

Todd: Oh, Simon, I see you have today's paper.

Simon: Yes, I read the paper every day.

Todd: So today do we have good news or bad news?

Simon: Well, world news is always bad, and for me sports is always good, sports news, but I felt an earthquake yesterday and so, I've basically l ooked at the headlines today first and just to see if the earthquake was in the paper, and it was.

Todd: Nobody died did they?

Simon: I don't think so, but for me it felt quite strong.

Todd: Actually, speaking of papers, I love the paper, and I read it every day, but there is one thing that I hate about the newspaper, and that's you read all the stories on the front page and then they stop, they're cut in half, and then you have to go to the middle of the paper to finish, and it just drives me nuts because I take the train to work every day and the train is so crowded sometimes I can't actually turn the paper, fold the paper to get to story on the inside, so I have to wait until I get to work, so I read six stories, seven stories half way and I have to wait till later to find out the ending.

Simon: Yeah, that's terrible. I do something similar. I, when I, I take also, I also take a busy train in the morning, and I just read the front page, and the back page. The front page has the headlines, the back page has the sports, and then when I get to work, if I have free time I just open up and finish the story that I read. (Yeah) I have a question, what do you prefer, do you prefer the tabloid style paper, which opens up like a book and you read each page, like a book, or do you prefer the traditional paper where, which is all folded neatly and into sections, like A B C D.

Todd: Um, that's a good point, I guess, or a good question, uh, I guess I'm used to the old traditional style but I have to admit, the tabloid style is a lot more convenient, um, so I wouldn't mind if my paper changed to that style. (OK) What do you prefer?

Simon: Yeah, I prefer the tabloid, just because it's easier to read.

Todd: The only thing I don't like about some tabloids is that they put a lot of colors on the paper and it's not as easy to read as the more traditional papers I think.

Simon: Well, the other meaning of tabloid is the kind of newspaper that prints just glossy stories with pictures and usually celebrity news, that's not really world news, or sports or anything but about Micheal Jackon's trial or what celebrity got which hair cut, so that's a different kind of tabloid, but yeah.

Todd: So do you subscribe to the newspaper or just buy one every day?

Simon: I buy one every day because I sometimes buy a different papers.

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I looked at the headlines today first just to see if the earthquake was in the paper.

Used like this 'paper' is a short way of saying newspaper. Notice the following:

  1. He reads the paper every day while he drinks his coffee.
  2. I used to buy a paper on my way to work, but now I just read it online.

drives me nuts

It drives me nuts that I can't turn and fold the paper in the crowded train.

If something 'drives you nuts' it makes you frustrated or irritated. Notice the following:

  1. Sometimes the way that she speaks to people just drives me nuts.
  2. He leaves his dirty socks all over the room and it drives me nuts.


Do you prefer the tabloid style paper or the traditional paper?

A 'tabloid' is a type of newspaper that focuses on gossip or celebrities. In some places, the information that appears in tabloid newspapers is false. Notice the following:

  1. Do you actually believe everything you read in the tabloids?
  2. She buys a tabloid every time she goes to the supermarket.

wouldn't mind

I wouldn't mind if my paper changed to that style.

We can use the phrase ' I wouldn't mind' if something would not bother us or it is not a problem for us. Notice the following:

  1. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you brought a friend with you.
  2. I wouldn't mind working so late if I didn't have to wake up so early.

glossy stories

Some tabloid prints just glossy stories with pictures and usually celebrity news.

Used like this, 'glossy' means superficial or something that is not really important, but is interesting gossip for many people. Something 'glossy' attracts attention of readers. Notice the following:

  1. There were many glossy stories about Amy Winehouse's life and death.
  2. Beauty salons are always full of magazines with glossy stories.

subscribe to

Do you subscribe to the newspaper or just buy one every day?

If you 'subscribe' to a newspaper or a magazine that means that you receive it each time a new issue comes out. Usually it is delivered to your house. Notice the following:

  1. They had subscribed to National Geographic for over 15 years.
  2. I used to subscribe to Rolling Stone magazine, but I never really read it.

Vocabulary Quiz

paper • drives me • tabloid
mind • glossy • subscribe
  1. How many different fitness magazines do you to?
  2. I'm kind of tired tonight. I wouldn't just staying home.
  3. I can't believe you read that magazine. It's just full of articles about celebrities.
  4. Some of the stories in this are just ridiculous.
  5. It nuts that he doesn't call when he says he's going to.
  6. There was an article about the new stadium in this morning's .
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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