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Views #427 | Low-Intermediate 4


Simon and Todd talk about a recent earthquake to hit the Tokyo area.

Todd: So, Simon, did you feel that earthquake last night?

Simon: Oh, yeah, it was big and strong. I didn't like it.

Todd: Yeah, I mean, I from San Francisco and we have earthquakes quite often, but last night's earthquake was pretty bad. I was worried for awhile.

Simon: Yeah, I was too sleepy to be really worried, but yeah, I heard the building shake and creak. That was the worst earthquake I ever felt.

Todd: Yeah, actually, the sounds woke me up. I didn't feel it at first. I heard the squeeking of the building going "eeee" and then I felt it, everything jolt and move, but usually when there's an earthquake it's about 10 seconds, 15 seconds, but last night, that went on a long time. It seemed like almost a minute, so I got pretty worried.

Simon: Now, I'm getting worried just remembering it, you know at the time I was just so out of it, but uh, yeah you're from San Francisco so you have some experience with earthquakes, don't you?

Todd: Yeah, but you're from Vancouver, so you must also have lots of earthquakes.

Simon: Ah, not a whole lot, but I think Vancouver is due for a really big one soon. I think on the timeline, we're about a hundred years behind (Wow) for the big, you know damaged caused, damage causing quake.

Todd: Mm, that's not good.

Simon: No, it's not good.

Todd: Yeah

Simon: But I'm not there so, you know,.

Todd: Well, actually one of my colleagues was saying that when there's a big earthquake, the safest thing to do is to jump off your bed, and lie next to your bed. Don't get under your bed. Don't stay in your bed. Just get beside your bed, so if the roof comes down the bed will be tall enough to protect you.

Simon: That makes sense.

Todd: Yeah, I never thought of that.

Simon: And you can't fall off the ground.

Todd: Yeah, so maybe that's the only time in life that it's good to fall out of bed.

Simon: Good point.

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