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Views #52 | Low Intermediate 4

The Camera

Richard answers questions about his camera and taking pictures.
Views Listening Lesson

Todd: Richard, do you have a camera?

Richard: I do. I have a video camera. It's over there.

Todd: Wow! How often do you use it?

Richard: I use the video camera regularly..uh..everytime I go on a trip. Recently I went to Nagasaki.

Todd: Nagasaki!

Richard: With a school trip.

Todd: Who did you go to Nagasaki with?

Richard: I teach at a univeristy called Seisen University. It was a.. a group of students and teachers, and people associated with that university.

Todd: OK, do you mind being photographed?

Richard: No. I like being photographed

Todd: OK.

Richard: Depending on how I look.

Todd: OK.

Richard: If I'm presentable.

Todd: When you have your picture you always smile?

Richard: Yes, I think I usually try to smile for the camera..ah.. or else make a funny face

Todd: OK. Do you have pictures of yourself as a child?

Richard: Yes, I do. My mother sent me some pictures and I have some pictures as a baby, as a small child.

Todd: OK. Were you a cute baby?

Richard: I think I was extremely cute. Bright blond hair. Still got blue eyes.

Todd: Oh!

Richard: I had much blonder hair than I have now.

Todd: Very nice. Very nice.

Learn vocabulary from the lesson!

video camera

I use the video camera every time I go on a trip.

A 'video camera' is a type of camera that records motion and voices.  Notice the following:

  1. She used her video camera a lot when her children were growing up.
  2. I don't understand how this video camera works.

over there

My camera is over there.

'Over there' is a place that is far away and we can't reach it.  Usually we combine this phrase with a hand motion to show where we are talking about.  Notice the following:

  1. Let's walk to the cafe over there and get something to eat.
  2. My car is parked over there by the library.

school trip

Recently, I went to Nagasaki with a school trip.

A 'school trip' is a travel day that you take with your classmates and teachers.  Usually school trips are to learn something through experience.  Notice the following:

  1. Did you go on a lot of school trips in elementary school?
  2. We are taking a school trip to the science museum next week.

(do) mind

Do you mind being photographed?

When we ask someone 'Do you mind?' we are asking them if what we are doing bothers them.  This is a polite way to ask this question.  By saying 'I don't mind', we are saying that something is OK.  Notice the following:

  1. Do you mind if I listen to music?
  2. I don't mind if you sit next to me.

funny face

Sometimes, I make a funny face when I have my picture taken.

A 'funny face' is a way that you move your face to make people laugh.  Notice the following:

  1. Okay, now everyone make a funny face for the next photo.
  2. When he makes funny faces the children cry.

Vocabulary Quiz

video camera • over there • school trip
doesn't mind • funny faces
  1. Where did you go for your today?
  2. His always make me laugh.
  3. Say something to the . We are sending the tape to Bill.
  4. He cooking dinner for everyone. He likes to cook actually.
  5. I live just , on the corner.
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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