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Views #90 | Low Intermediate 4

Day at the Beach

James talks about a good day at the beach with friends.
Views Listening Lesson

One day last summer I had a very nice day with my girlfriend and my friends. We all decided one Saturday morning to go out to the beach. So we all organized it, arranged it, we all bought some food and some drinks, met out in Chiba and took a taxi out to the beach.

It was very windy that day but it was still very nice. We all sat on the beach, talked, played in the ocean, ate and drank and then after that we got sunburned and went home. It was a really fun day and we all had a really good time.

Learn vocabulary from the lesson!


My friends and I arranged to go out to the beach.

If you plan to do something, you 'arrange' what you need to make that plan happen, such as organizing a time, people, equipment, and so on. Notice the following:

  1. Did you arrange a time to meet next week?
  2. We have arranged a lot of games for his birthday party.

take a taxi

We took a taxi out to the beach.

When you travel somewhere by taxi you are 'taking a taxi.' We use 'take' when we talk about transportation that we are not driving or controlling like a bus, plane or train. Notice the following:

  1. Don't take a taxi right now, the traffic is terrible.
  2. Just take a taxi from the airport to my house.

play in the ocean

We played in the ocean and ate and drank.

To 'play in the ocean' is to spend time in the water swimming, splashing and so on. You are having a good time in the water. Notice the following:

  1. She brings her son down to play in the ocean almost every day.
  2. I like to play in the ocean, but only if the waves are small.

get sunburned

We got sunburned, and then we went home.

When we don't put on lotion to protect us from the sun and we spend a lot of time outside we can 'get sunburned.'  This is when your skin gets red and hurts for a few days.  Notice the following:

  1. They were having such a good time they didn't even feel that they were getting sunburned.
  2. I hate it when I get sunburned.

good time

We all had a really good time.

If you have a 'good time' you do something fun and enjoy yourself. Notice the following:

  1. We will have a good time tonight.
  2. I had a really good time at work this week.

Vocabulary Quiz

arrange • took a taxi • in the ocean
sunburned • good time
  1. Put on lots of sunscreen, you don't want to get .
  2. I to work every day last week.
  3. We always have a together.
  4. Can I help you anything for the wedding?
  5. If you give him goggles he can play for hours.
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
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Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
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