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Views #74 | Low Intermediate 4

Canadian Cities

Marika talks about the three main cities of Canada.
Views Listening Lesson

Todd: Marika, what is the best city in your country?

Marika: I think Montreal is the best city in my country. I've never been to Vancouver but I think Montreal is the best city in my country.

Todd: Why is it so special?

Marika: I think it is special because it has a lot of history, and a lot of old buildings and it feels like Europe but there is still a lot of modern things going on, and the French Canadian culture is there, very multi-cultural. It's got a lot of different things going on.

Todd: OK. Well, how big is it?

Marika: I think it is about 3 or 4 million people.

Jamon: OK. And what other cities are good in your country?

Marika: I think Toronto is a good city just because it is my hometown. There's not many big cities in Canada, but I also like Halifax, which is on the east coast of Canada. There's really strong Celtic culture on the east coast. Lot of the descendants are from Ireland or Scotland, so it's interesting.

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best city

I think Montreal is the best city in my country.

The 'best city' in a country is one that is better than the other cities.  It may be the most exciting, the most beautiful or the most interesting.  Notice the following:

  1. She thinks New York is the best city in the world.
  2. Do you live in the best city in the country?


I think Montreal is special, because it has a lot of history.

Something that is 'special' is important and different in a good way.  Notice the following:

  1. Today is special because it's my birthday.
  2. This necklace is special because it was my grandmother's.

modern (things) or going on

It feels like Europe, but there's a lot of modern things going on.

Things that are 'modern' are from the present or recent times, not something from the past.  Things that are 'going on' are happening or occurring.  Notice the following:

  1. Do you like to buy modern technology?
  2. What's going on this weekend?

strong culture or east coast

There's really strong Celtic culture on the east coast.

If a place has a 'strong culture' it has a many traditions and a strong history.  In this case, the traditions are Celtic.  The 'coast' of a country is where the land stops and the water starts.  The 'east coast' is the side of the country on the east, or the right side if you are looking at a map.  Notice the following:

  1. Our family still has a strong Mexican culture.
  2. They are living on the east coast now.


A lot of the descendants are from Ireland or Scotland.

'Descendants' are people that come from your ancestors.  In this case, many people on the east coast of Canada are the children or grandchildren of people from Ireland or Scotland.  Your children will be your descendants.  Notice the following:

  1. Most people in the United States are descendants of immigrants.
  2. My grandparents have many descendants.


Vocabulary Quiz

best city • special • modern
going on • culture • east coast • descendants
  1. The weather is really rainy on the right now.
  2. Vacations with my family were always very times.
  3. Cusco is the in Peru.
  4. I have a lot in my life right now.
  5. Both of my parents are of Italian immigrants.
  6. is very important for the people of Mexico.
  7. The transportation system here is very .
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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