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Views #86 | Low Intermediate 4

The Commute

Yoko talks about her daily commute on the train in Tokyo.
Views Listening Lesson

Todd: Hello, Yoko.

Yoko: Hello, Todd.

Todd: How are you?

Yoko: Good. How are you?

Todd: Good. OK. We're gonna talk about trains.

Yoko: OK.

Todd: Do you take the train everyday?

Yoko: Yes, I have to.

Todd: Oh, really?

Yoko: Yeah, cause I don't have a car.

Todd: Oh, really?

Yoko: Yeah!

Todd: Are you have happy with that? Do you mind?

Yoko: Actually no!

Todd: Yeah, well, what's the train like in the morning when you get on?

Yoko: It's really crowded.

Todd: Yeah!

Yoko: Yes.

Todd: OK. How much is your train fare?

Yoko: Almost 500 yen.

Todd: What's the best thing about taking the train?

Yoko: Mm, nothing.

Todd: Nothing.

Yoko: Nothing. I don't think it's great. Ah, I can sleep on the train.

Todd: OK. Do you normally get a seat?

Yoko: Ah, sometimes I can.

Todd: Yeah.

Yoko: Yeah.

Todd: OK. Do you read?

Yoko: Cause I can't read a book. I'll get sick.

Todd: Oh, cause your eyes move around.

Yoko: Yeah.

Todd: Yeah, I gocha. What's the worse thing about the train?

Yoko: Ah, too crowded in Japan.

Todd: Yeah. It's terrible.

Yoko: And I have to pay.

Todd: Oh, you have to pay. Your company does not pay.

Yoko: No.

Learn vocabulary from the lesson!

take the train

I take the train every day.

When you 'take the train' somewhere you use it to travel from one place to another. Notice the following:

  1. I used to drive, but now I take the train to work.
  2. Do you take the train frequently?


Do you mind taking the train every day?

We can ask the question 'Do you mind?' to see if a person hates doing something. Notice the following:

  1. Do you mind driving long distances?
  2. He doesn't mind waking up early.

get on

What's the train like in the morning when you get on?

To 'get on' a train is to go inside it to travel.  We use this phrasal verb for planes, trains, buses, motorcycles and bicycles. Notice the following:

  1. Get on my motorcycle, I'll give you a ride home.
  2. You can get on the plane in fifteen more minutes.

get a seat

Do you normally get a seat?

When there are seats available to sit down it means that you can 'get a seat.'  If you don't get a seat you have to stand. Notice the following:

  1. There were so many people on the bus that I didn't get a seat.
  2. You have to get to the class early to get a good seat.

get sick

I get sick if I read a book in the train.

If we begin to feel like we are going to vomit or have a headache from doing something then we 'get sick' from doing this action.  Notice the following:

  1. If you eat a lot of chocolate you will get sick.
  2. If I go on rides at the amusement park I always get sick.

Vocabulary Quiz

take the train • mind • get on
get a seat • get sick
  1. He has to the bus by 7:30am or he is late to work.
  2. I if I drink too much coffee and don't eat enough.
  3. Our plan is to to the north so we can look at the country while we travel.
  4. I really don't walking everywhere.
  5. Do you usually when you get on the bus?
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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