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Views #69 | Low Intermediate 4


Kentaro talks a little about his home country of Japan and his hometown roots.
Views Listening Lesson

Todd: Hello! What is your name?

Kentaro: My name is Kentaro.

Todd: Kentaro. And what is your full name?

Kentaro: My full name is Kentaro Sugimori.

Todd: Sugimori.

Kentaro: Mm-hm.

Todd: OK. And where are you from?

Kentaro: I'm originally from Hamamatsu city. Which is in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.

Todd: Oh, really. Shizuoka is a nice place.

Kentaro: Oh, really!

Todd: Yeah!

Kentaro: Have you been there?

Todd: Yeah, I used to live there.

Kentaro: Oh..Great!

Todd: Tell me about Japan.

Kentaro: Well, Japan is, compared to the states, it's small, homogeneous, however and it's also has it's own culture.

Todd: OK. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. Japanese culture is very, very unique.

Kentaro: Mm-hm.

Todd: What is the capital city of Japan?

Kentaro: Tokyo.

Todd: Tokyo

Kentaro: I believe so.

Todd: OK! Yeah, and who is the leader of the country?

Kentaro: Well, our political leader is Mr. Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro.

Todd: OK.

Kentaro: But our psychological leader will be our Emperor.

Todd: OK. Nice, and do you like the Prime Minister?

Kentaro: Yes, I like him.

Todd: OK. Yeah, me too. Alright. Thanks a lot.

Kentaro: Thank you.

Learn vocabulary from the lesson!

full name

What is your full name?

Your 'full name' generally includes your first, middle and last name.  In some cases, people may not have middle names, or may have more than one last name.  This is your legal name, as it would be written in a passport.  Notice the following:

  1. My full name is really long.
  2. Please write your full name on the line.

used to

I used to live in Japan.

We use 'used to' for something that was true in the past, but isn't true anymore.  We can use this to talk about repeated actions in past or physical states.  Notice the following:

  1. You used to eat meat.
  2. She used to be very fat in college.


Japan is homogeneous and has its own culture.

'Homogeneous' things are very similar or have something in common.  Notice the following:

  1. In a very homogeneous population it was easy to see that he was a foreigner.
  2. My high school was very homogeneous.

political leader

Our political leader is the Prime Minister.

A 'political leader' is someone who is a government official.  This person is responsible for the people of the country and has some ability to make changes in the country. Notice the following:

  1. He was one of the most respected political leaders of our country.
  2. We will elect a new political leader next year.

psychological leader

Our psychological leader will be our Emperor.

A 'psychological leader' is someone who leads people by bringing them together and motivating them towards a goal. Notice the following:

  1. We need a strong psychological leader for this country.
  2. Our teacher was a good psychological leader for our class.


Vocabulary Quiz

full name • used to • homogeneous
political • psychological
  1. He is our current leader, but nobody likes him.
  2. The plant population is very in this area.
  3. He is a strong leader because people respect him.
  4. Please say your for the record.
  5. She live in England.
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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