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Views #356 | Intermediate 5


Richard shares his feelings about art.

Todd: OK. Richard, do you like art?

Richard: I do. Very much. Yes.

Todd: OK. What kind of art do you like?

Richard: OK. Well, I like all kinds of art.

Todd: OK.

Richard: When I was young I used to enjoy painting.

Todd: OK. What did you paint?

Richard: OK. When I was a kid, I was in art class so it was all fairly sort of basic standard stuff like country scenes.

Todd: Country scenes. So in a country scene, what can you see?

Richard: OK. I can see a red house with a chimney, billowing smoke.. green fields, luscious green grass in England.

Todd: Wow, so is your.. is your home like that in England?

Richard: Actually, no. No, It's not in the.. we're in the suburbs of London, we're not really in the country.

Todd: Oh.

Richard: And I used to paint sort of idyllic countryside scenes.

Todd: OK. Which do you prefer, the country of the city?

Richard: To paint or to live in?

Todd: To paint.

Richard: To paint. To paint I prefer the country.

Todd: OK. Great.

Richard: To live in, I think it is more convenient being near a big city.

Todd: OK. Great. Thanks.

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country scenes

It was all fairly sort of basic standard stuff like country scenes.

A 'country scene' is a picturesque view of the countryside.

Notice the following:

  1. I collect country scenes and my house is full of these types of paintings.
  2. He painted mostly country scenes.


I can see a red house, with a chimney, billowing smoke.

When somethings 'billows' it swells up and rises. This is usually used to describe smoke, air, or something affected by air. When you talk about a flag billowing it means that it is filled with air.

Notice the following:

  1. The smoke from the bonfire billowed up into the night sky.
  2. The sails on the yacht billowed in the wind.


Luscious green grass in England.

'Luscious' means that something that gives pleasure because of its taste, smell or appearance.

Notice the following:

  1. The fruit and vegetables are luscious at this time of year.
  2. It rains a lot, so the grass is very luscious.


And I used to paint sort of idyllic countryside scenes.

When something is 'idyllic' it means that it hasn't been changed in any way. It is something in its natural state.

Notice the following:

  1. The area around the lake is idyllic.
  2. The whole place was idyllic and it was much better than I could have imagined.


To live in, I think it is more convenient being near a big city.

To live in a 'convenient' area means being close to necessary things. In general, if something is convenient it means that it is easy to use or is well-suited for its purpose.

Notice the following:

  1. I always make sure that I live in an area that is convenient for work as I do not like commuting.
  2. What would be a convenient time for you to come round?

Vocabulary Quiz

country • billowing • luscious
idyllic • convenient
  1. If you don't have a car it's important to find a place to work.
  2. When we bought this cabin then land around it was .
  3. Since he is from a big city all of these scenes are strange for him.
  4. Your garden is very right now.
  5. It looks like a storm is coming because that flag is really .
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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