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Views #393 | Intermediate 4

April Fools Day

Joel explains the history of April Fool's day.

April 1st is an unofficial holiday in the United States called April Fool's day. In the past, April 1st used to be celebrated as the New Year. And then in the year, I think, 1592, or something like that, the official New Year was changed to January 1st and some people never heard of this change so they continued to celebrate the New Year on the April 1st, but the people who knew of this change called them fools. A fool in English is someone who is not smart. We have many words for this in English: dumb, a dummy, stupid, imbecile, idiot, but you're all nice people so you'll never need to use those words so you can forget that. But the people who continued to celebrate the New Year's on April 1st were called April fools. So a tradition started, that on April 1st people would try to make, would do pranks on other people.

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unofficial holiday

April 1st is an unofficial holiday in the United States.

An 'unofficial holiday' is a day that many people recognize, but are not given the day off work for.

Notice the following:

  1. April Fools Day is an unofficial holiday to mark the beginning of spring.
  2. Do you have any unofficial holidays in your country?

in the past

In the past, April 1st used to be celebrated as the New Year.

'In the past' refers to a time before the present.

Notice the following:

  1. I use to smoke cigarettes in the past, but I don't anymore.
  2. That is all in the past now.


A fool in English is someone who is not smart.

When you are 'smart' it means that are intelligent.

Notice the following:

  1. She is very smart so I think she will pass her exams.
  2. You are very smart for your age.


So a tradition started.

A 'tradition' is an established way of thinking or acting in a certain situation. It is something that was started in the past and is still done today.

Notice the following:

  1. I think the traditions at Christmas are great.
  2. Does your family have any traditions?


On April 1st people would try to make, would do pranks on other people.

A 'prank' is a type of practical joke or a trick you play on someone.

Notice the following:

  1. She probably will play some type of prank on me.
  2. I do not like pranks and practical jokes.

Vocabulary Quiz

unofficial • in the past • smart
tradition • pranks
  1. He is always playing on his friends and family.
  2. The first day of summer is an holiday around here.
  3. We were good friends , but we never talk anymore.
  4. It's a in our family that we all sing together before we eat.
  5. You have to be really to complete one of these puzzles.
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
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