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Bài viết 100 Bài tập Lời yêu cầu, Lời mời, Lời đề nghị trong Tiếng Anh có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng Lời yêu cầu, Lời mời, Lời đề nghị trong Tiếng Anh từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập Lời yêu cầu, Lời mời, Lời đề nghị trong Tiếng Anh có đáp án

Bài tập Lời yêu cầu, Lời mời, Lời đề nghị trong Tiếng Anh (phần 1)

Bài 1: Read the situations and write questions beginning Can or Could

1. You're carrying a lot of things. You can't open the door yourself. There's a man standing near the door.

   You say to him: Could you open the door, please?

2. You phone Sue, but somebody else answers. Sue isn't there. You want to leave a message for her.

   You say: ...............................

3. You're a tourist.You want to go to the station but you don't know how to get there.

   You ask at your hotel: ........................

4. You are in a clothes shop. You are some trousers you like and you want to try them on.

   You say to the shop assistant: .................

5. You have a car.You have to go the same way as Steve who is on foot. You offer him a lift.

   You say to him: .......................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. Can/Could I leave a message (for her)?

   or Can/Could you give her a message.

3. Can/Could you tell me how to get to the station?

   or .... the way to the station?

   or .... where the station is?

4. Can/Could I try on these trousers?

5. Can I give/offer you a lift?

Bài 2: Read the situation and write a question using the word in brackets.

1. You want to borrow your friend's camera. What do you say to him?

(think) Do you think I could borrow your camera?

2. You are ar a friend's house and you want to use her phone. What do you say?

(all right) Is it all right if I use your phone?

3. You've written a letter in English. Before you send it, you want a friend to check it for you. What do you ask

(think) .............................

4. You want to leave work early. What do you ask your boss?

(mind) .............................

5. The woman in the next room is playing music. It's very loud. You want her to turn it down. What do you say to her:

(think) .............................

6. You're on a train. The window is open and you're feeling cold. You'd like to close it but first you ask the woman next to you.

(OK) .............................

7. You're still on the train. The woman next to you has finished reading her newspapers and you'd like to have a look at it. You ask her:

(think) .............................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. Do you think you could check this letter.

4. Do you mind if I leave work early?

5. Do you think you could turn the music down? / .... turn it down?

6. Is it OK if I close the window?

7. Do you think I could have I could have a look at your newspaper?

Bài 3: What would you say in these situations?

1. Paul has come to see you in your flat. You offer him something to eat:

YOU: Would you like something to eat?

PAUL: No, thank you. I've just eaten.

2. You need to help to change the film in your camera. You ask Kate:

YOU: I don't know how to change the film.

KATE: Sure. It's easy. All you have to do is this.

3. You're on a bus.You have a seat but an elderly man is standing. You offer him your seat:

You: .......................

MAN: Oh, that's very kind of you. Thank you very much

4. You're the passenger in a car.Your friend is driving very fast. You ask her to slow down.

YOU: You're making me very nervous.

DRIVER: Oh, I'm sorry.I didn't realise I was going so fast.

5. You've finished your meal in a restaurant and now you want the bill. You ask the waiter:

YOU: ............................

WRITER: Right. I'll get it for you now.

7. A friend of yours is interested in one of your books. You invite him to borrow it.

FRIEND: This looks very interesting

YOU: Yes, it's a good book. ......................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. Can/Could/Would you show me?

   or Do you think you could show me?

   or .... do it for me?

3. Would you like to sit down?

   or Would you like a seat?

   or Can I offer you a seat?

4. Can/Could/Would you slow down?

   or Do you think you could .... ?

5. Can/Could/May I/we have the bill, please ?

   or Do you think I /we could have .... ?

6. Would you like to borrow it?

Bài tập Lời yêu cầu, Lời mời, Lời đề nghị trong Tiếng Anh (phần 2)

Bài 1: Read the situations and write questions beginning Can or Could

1. You're carrying a lot of things. You can't open the door yourself. There's a man standing near the door.

You say to him: Could you open the door, please?

2. You phone Sue, but somebody else answers. Sue isn't there. You want to leave a message for her.

You say: ...............................

3. You're a tourist.You want to go to the station but you don't know how to get there.

You ask at your hotel: ........................

4. You are in a clothes shop. You are some trousers you like and you want to try them on.

You say to the shop assistant: .................

5. You have a car.You have to go the same way as Steve who is on foot. You offer him a lift.

You say to him: .......................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. Can/Could I leave a message (for her)?

or Can/Could you give her a message.

3. Can/Could you tell me how to get to the station?

or .... the way to the station?

or .... where the station is?

4. Can/Could I try on these trousers?

5. Can I give/offer you a lift?

Bài 2: Read the situation and write a question using the word in brackets.

1. You want to borrow your friend's camera. What do you say to him?

(think) Do you think I could borrow your camera?

2. You are ar a friend's house and you want to use her phone. What do you say?

(all right) Is it all right if I use your phone?

3. You've written a letter in English. Before you send it, you want a friend to check it for you. What do you ask

(think) .............................

4. You want to leave work early. What do you ask your boss?

(mind) .............................

5. The woman in the next room is playing music. It's very loud. You want her to turn it down. What do you say to her:

(think) .............................

6. You're on a train. The window is open and you're feeling cold. You'd like to close it but first you ask the woman next to you.

(OK) .............................

7. You're still on the train. The woman next to you has finished reading her newspapers and you'd like to have a look at it. You ask her:

(think) .............................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. Do you think you could check this letter.

4. Do you mind if I leave work early?

5. Do you think you could turn the music down? / .... turn it down?

6. Is it OK if I close the window?

7. Do you think I could have I could have a look at your newspaper?

Bài 3: What would you say in these situations?

1. Paul has come to see you in your flat. You offer him something to eat:

YOU: Would you like something to eat?

PAUL: No, thank you. I've just eaten.

2. You need to help to change the film in your camera. You ask Kate:

YOU: I don't know how to change the film.

KATE: Sure. It's easy. All you have to do is this.

3. You're on a bus.You have a seat but an elderly man is standing. You offer him your seat:

You: .......................

MAN: Oh, that's very kind of you. Thank you very much

4. You're the passenger in a car.Your friend is driving very fast. You ask her to slow down.

YOU: You're making me very nervous.

DRIVER: Oh, I'm sorry.I didn't realise I was going so fast.

5. You've finished your meal in a restaurant and now you want the bill. You ask the waiter:

YOU: ............................

WRITER: Right. I'll get it for you now.

7. A friend of yours is interested in one of your books. You invite him to borrow it.

FRIEND: This looks very interesting

YOU: Yes, it's a good book. ......................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. Can/Could/Would you show me?

or Do you think you could show me?

or .... do it for me?

3. Would you like to sit down?

or Would you like a seat?

or Can I offer you a seat?

4. Can/Could/Would you slow down?

or Do you think you could .... ?

5. Can/Could/May I/we have the bill, please ?

or Do you think I /we could have .... ?

6. Would you like to borrow it?

Ngữ pháp Lời yêu cầu, Lời mời, Lời đề nghị trong Tiếng Anh

1. Các cấu trúc mời và đáp lại lời mời

a. Lời mời trang trọng

I would like to invite you to …………

Eg: I would like to invite you to a reception next Sunday at my home.

(Tôi muốn mời bạn đến dự tiệc chiêu đãi vào Chủ nhật tới tại nhà tôi.)

Would you care to ………………

Eg: Would you care to join us for dessert and coffee?

(Bạn có muốn ăn tráng miệng và cà phê với chúng tôi không?)

I was wondering if you'd like to ………

Eg: I was wondering if you'd like to go to the pool on Saturday.

(Tôi đã tự hỏi liệu bạn có muốn đi đến hồ bơi vào thứ Bảy không.)

b. Lời mời thân mật

Can you/ we ……………?

Eg: Can you meet me at the gym after class for some basketball?

(Bạn có thể gặp tôi ở phòng tập thể dục sau giờ học để chơi bóng rổ không?)

How about/ What about ……….?

Eg: How about a quick game of pool before we go home?

(Làm một trận bi-a nhanh chóng trước khi chúng ta về nhà không?)

Will you ………………..?

Eg: Will you come over tomorrow night and watch the game with us?

(Bạn sẽ đến vào tối mai và xem trận đấu với chúng tôi chứ?)

Why don’t you/ we …………….?

Eg: Why don't you jog with me this afternoon?

(Tại sao bạn không chạy bộ với tôi chiều nay nhỉ?)

Why not …………………?

Eg: Why not jog with me this afternoon?

(Sao không chạy bộ với tôi chiều nay nhỉ?)

Would you like + to V ……?

Eg: Would you like to go out with me?

(Bạn muốn đi chơi với mình không?)

c. Đáp lại lời mời

Chấp nhận lời mời Từ chối lời mời

- Thanks/ Thank you. I’d love to.

- It’s a good idea.

- Yes, please.

- All right.


- No, thanks.

- Another time perhaps.

- Sorry, I’m busy.


2. Các cấu trúc đưa ra yêu cầu, đề nghị và trả lời đề nghị

a. Yêu cầu người khác làm gì cho mình

Can + S + Vinf …, please?

Can you show me your photo album, please?

(Bạn có thể cho tôi xem album ảnh được không?)

Could + S + Vinf ………., please?

Could you open the door for me, please?

(Làm ơn bạn có thể mở cửa giúp tôi được không?)

Will + S + Vinf …, please?

Will you help me with my homework, please?

(Làm ơn giúp tôi làm bài tập nhé?)

Would/ Do you mind + verb-ing…?

Would you mind opening the door for me?

(Bạn có phiền mở cửa giúp tôi không?)

b. Xin phép ai đó làm việc gì

Do you mind + if + clause?

Do you mind if I smoke?

(Anh có phiền không nếu tôi hút thuốc?)

May + S + Vinf ……, please?

May I borrow your pen?

(Tôi có thể mượn bút bạn không?)

c. Trả lời yêu cầu, đề nghị

Chấp nhận Từ chối

- Sure here you are

- Okey.

- Yes, of course.

- Yes, that's fine.

- Certainly.


- I'm afraid I can't.

- Sorry, but …………

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