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Bài viết 100 Bài tập By, Until và By the time có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng By, Until và By the time từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập By, Until và By the time có đáp án

Bài tập By, Until và By the time (phần 1)

Bài 1: Make sentences with by.

1. We have to be home not later than

5. o'clock.

We have to be home by

5. o'clock.

2. I have to be at the airport not later than 8.30.

I have to be at the airport .......................

3. Let me know not later than Saturday whether you can come to the party.

Let me know .......................................

4. Please make sure that you're here not later than

2. o'clock.

Please make sure that .............................

5. If we leave now, we should arrive not later than lunchtime.

If we leave now ...................................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. I have to be at the airport by 8.30

3. Let me know by Saturday whether you can come to the party

4. Please make sure that you're here by

2. 0'clock

5. If we leave now, we should arrive by lunchtime

Bài 2: Put in by or until.

1. Steve has gone away. He'll be away until Monday.

2. Sorry, but I must go. I have to be home ....

5. o' clock.

3. I've been offered a job. I haven't decided yet whether to accept it or not. I have to decide .... Friday.

4. I think I'll wait .... Thursday before making a decision.

5. It's too late to go shopping. The shops are open only 5.30. They'll be closed .... now.

6. I'd better pay the phone bill. It has to be paid .... tomorrow.

7. Don't pay the phone bill today. Wait .... tomorrow.

8. A: Have you finished redecorating your house?

B: Not yet. We hope to finish .... the end of the week.

9. A: I'm going out now. I'll be back at about 10.30. Will you still be here?

B: I don't think so. I'll probably have gone out .... then.

10. I'm moving into my new flat next week. I'm staying with a friend .... then.

11. I've got a lot of work to do. .... the time I finish, it will be time to go to bed.

12. If you want to take part in the competition, you have to apply ....

3. April.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. by

3. by

4. until

5. until 5.30 .... by now

6. by

7. until

8. by

9. by

10. until

11. by

12. by

Bài 3: Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. Use by or until.

1. David is away at the moment. He'll be way until Monday.

2. David is away at the moment. He'll be back by Monday.

3. I'm just going out. I won't be very long. Wait here ................

4. I'm going out to buy a few things. It's 4.30 now. I won't be long.

I'll be back .........

5. If you want to apply for the job, your application must be received ....

6. Last night I watch TV ...................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

Example answers:

3. until I come back

4. by

5. o'clock

5. by next Friday

6. until midnight

Bài 4: Read the situations and complete the sentences using By the time.

1. I was invited toa a party, but I got there much later than I intended. By the time I got to the party, most of the other guests had left.

2. I intended to catch a train, but it took me longer than expected to get to the station. ........................ ,my train had already left.

3. I wanted to go shopping after finishing my work. But I finished much later than expected. ........................ ,it was too late to go shopping.

4. I saw two men who looked as if they were trying to seal a car. I called the police but it was some time before they arrived. ........................ ,the two men had disappearred.

5. We climbed a mountain and it took us a very long time to get to the top. There wasn't much time to enjoy the view. ........................ , we had to come down again.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. By the time I got to the station

3. By the time I finished

4. By the time the police arrived

5. By the time we got to the top

Bài tập By, Until và By the time (phần 2)

Bài 1: Make sentences with by.

1. We have to be home not later than

5. o'clock.

We have to be home by

5. o'clock.

2. I have to be at the airport not later than 8.30.

I have to be at the airport .......................

3. Let me know not later than Saturday whether you can come to the party.

Let me know .......................................

4. Please make sure that you're here not later than

2. o'clock.

Please make sure that .............................

5. If we leave now, we should arrive not later than lunchtime.

If we leave now ...................................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. I have to be at the airport by 8.30

3. Let me know by Saturday whether you can come to the party

4. Please make sure that you're here by

2. 0'clock

5. If we leave now, we should arrive by lunchtime

Bài 2: Put in by or until.

1. Steve has gone away. He'll be away until Monday.

2. Sorry, but I must go. I have to be home ....

5. o' clock.

3. I've been offered a job. I haven't decided yet whether to accept it or not. I have to decide .... Friday.

4. I think I'll wait .... Thursday before making a decision.

5. It's too late to go shopping. The shops are open only 5.30. They'll be closed .... now.

6. I'd better pay the phone bill. It has to be paid .... tomorrow.

7. Don't pay the phone bill today. Wait .... tomorrow.

8. A: Have you finished redecorating your house?

B: Not yet. We hope to finish .... the end of the week.

9. A: I'm going out now. I'll be back at about 10.30. Will you still be here?

B: I don't think so. I'll probably have gone out .... then.

10. I'm moving into my new flat next week. I'm staying with a friend .... then.

11. I've got a lot of work to do. .... the time I finish, it will be time to go to bed.

12. If you want to take part in the competition, you have to apply ....

3. April.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. by

3. by

4. until

5. until 5.30 .... by now

6. by

7. until

8. by

9. by

10. until

11. by

12. by

Bài 3: Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. Use by or until.

1. David is away at the moment. He'll be way until Monday.

2. David is away at the moment. He'll be back by Monday.

3. I'm just going out. I won't be very long. Wait here ................

4. I'm going out to buy a few things. It's 4.30 now. I won't be long.

I'll be back .........

5. If you want to apply for the job, your application must be received ....

6. Last night I watch TV ...................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

Example answers:

3. until I come back

4. by

5. o'clock

5. by next Friday

6. until midnight

Bài 4: Read the situations and complete the sentences using By the time.

1. I was invited toa a party, but I got there much later than I intended. By the time I got to the party, most of the other guests had left.

2. I intended to catch a train, but it took me longer than expected to get to the station. ........................ ,my train had already left.

3. I wanted to go shopping after finishing my work. But I finished much later than expected. ........................ ,it was too late to go shopping.

4. I saw two men who looked as if they were trying to seal a car. I called the police but it was some time before they arrived. ........................ ,the two men had disappearred.

5. We climbed a mountain and it took us a very long time to get to the top. There wasn't much time to enjoy the view. ........................ , we had to come down again.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. By the time I got to the station

3. By the time I finished

4. By the time the police arrived

5. By the time we got to the top

Ngữ pháp By, Until và By the time

A. Cấu trúc by + từ chỉ thời gian trong tiếng Anh

by + từ chỉ thời gian có nghĩa là không muộn hơn:

- I posted the letter today, so they should receive it by Monday.

(= on or before Monday, not late than Monday)

(Hôm nay tôi đã đi gửi thư, vậy chắc họ sẽ nhận được thư vào thứ hai. )

(= trong hoặc trước ngày thứ hai, không muộn hơn ngày thứ hai)

- We'd better hurry. We have to be at home by 5 o'clock.

(= at or before 5 o'clock, not late than 5 o'clock)

(Chúng ta nên khẩn trương. Chúng ta phải có mặt ở nhà lúc 5 giờ. )

(= lúc 5 giờ hoặc sớm hơn, không muộn hơn 5 giờ)

- Where's Sue? She should be here by now.

(= now or before now — so she should have arrived already)

(Sue đâu rồi? Cô ấy lẽ ra phải có mặt vào lúc này rồi. )

(= lúc này hoặc sớm hơn — cô ấy lẽ ra đã phải tới rồi.)

Bạn không thể sử dụng until với nghĩa như vậy:

- Tell me by Friday whether or not you can come to the party.

(không nói 'Tell me until Friday')

(Muộn nhất là vào thứ sáu bạn hãy cho tôi biết bạn có thể đến dự buổi liên hoan hay không.)

B. So sánh Until và Till trong tiếng Anh

Chúng ta sử dụng until (hoặc till) để diễn đạt một tình huống nào đó tiếp diễn trong bao lâu.

Ví dụ:

- "Shall we go now?" "No, let's wait until (hoặc till) it stops raining."

("Chúng ta đi ngay bây giờ chứ?" "Không, hãy đợi cho tới khi trời ngừng mưa.")

- I couldn't get up this morning. I stayed in bed untill half past ten.

(Sáng nay tôi không thể dậy được. Tôi ngủ mãi tới 9h30.)

- I couldn't get up this morning. I didn't get up until half past ten.

(Sáng nay tôi không thể dậy được. Tôi không chịu dậy cho tới 9h30.)

So sánh until với by:

until: sự việc nào đó được tiếp tục tới một thời điểm trong tương lai.

- Fred will be away until Monday. (so he'll be back on Monday)

(Fred sẽ vắng nhà cho tới thứ hai. (Anh ấy sẽ trở về vào thứ hai))

- I'll be working untill 11.30. (so I'll stop working 11.30)

(Tôi sẽ làm việc tới 11.30. (Vậy tôi sẽ kết thúc công việc lúc 11g30).)

by: Sự việc sẽ xảy ra không muộn hơn một thời điểm tương lai.

- Fred will be back by Monday. (= he'll be back not later than Monday).

(Fred sẽ trở về vào thứ hai. (=Anh ấy sẽ trở về không muộn hơn ngày thứ hai))

- I'll have finished my work by 11.30. (I'll finish my work not later than 11.30)

(Tôi sẽ hoàn thành công việc lúc 11g30 (tôi sẽ kết thúc không muộn hơn 11g30))

C. Cách sử dụng By the time trong tiếng Anh

Bạn có thể nói by the time something happens (thì hiện tại). Hãy xem những ví dụ sau:


- It's not worth going shopping now. By the time we get to shops, they will be closed.

(= the shops will close between now and the time we get there)

(Lúc này mà đi chợ thì chẳng ích gì. Khi chúng ta tới thì các cửa hàng đã đóng cửa rồi. )

(= trong khoảng thời gian chúng ta tới cửa hàng thì chúng sẽ đóng cửa rồi)


- (from a letter) I'm flying to the United States this evening. So by the time you receive this letter, I'll be in New York.

(= I will arrive in New York between now and the time you receive this letter)

((Trong một bức thư) Tối nay tôi sẽ bay sang Mỹ. Vậy khi mà anh nhận được bức thư này, tôi đang ở New York. )

(= Tôi sẽ tới New York trong khoảng thời gian từ bây giờ đến khi anh nhận được bức thư này)


- Hurry up! By the time we get to the cinema, the film will already have started.

(Nhanh lên! Trong khi mình tới rạp thì phim đã bắt đầu chiếu rồi.)

Bạn có thể nói by the time something happened (với thì quá khứ):


- Jane's car broke down on the way to the party last night. By the time she arrived, most of the other guests had gone.

(= it look her a long time to get to the party and most of the guests went home during this time)

(Xe hơi của Jane bị hỏng trên đường tới dự tiệc tối qua. Lúc cô tới nơi, phần lớn khách đã ra về. )

(= cô mất nhiều thời gian trên đường và trong khoảng thời gian đó phần lớn khách đã về)


- I had a lot of work to do yesterday evening. I was very tired by the time I finished.

(= it took me a long time to do the work and I became more and more tired during this time)

(Tôi có nhiều việc phải làm tối hôm qua. Tôi rất mệt cho tới lúc xong việc. )

(= Công việc kéo dài và càng lúc tôi càng mệt hơn trong khoảng thời gian này)


- We went to the cinema last night. It took us a long time to find somewhere to park the car. By the time we got to the cinema, the film had already started.

(Tối qua chúng tôi đi xem phim. Chúng tôi đã tốn nhiều thời gian để tìm nơi đỗ xe. Cho tới khi chúng tôi vào rạp thì phim đã bắt đầu chiếu rồi.)

Tương tự, ta có by thenby that time:

- Jane finally arrived at the party at midnight, but by then (hoặc by that time), most of the guests had gone.

(Cuối cùng thì Jane cũng tới được bữa tiệc vào lúc nửa đêm, nhưng cho tới khi đó thì phần lớn khách đã ra về.)

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