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Bài viết 100 Bài tập no, none, nothing, nobody có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng no, none, nothing, nobody từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập no, none, nothing, nobody có đáp án

Bài tập no, none, nothing, nobody (phần 1)

Bài 1: Complete these sentences with no, none or any.

1. It was a public holiday, so there were no shops open.

2. I haven't got any money. Can you lend the some?

3. We had to walk home because there were .... taxis.

4. We had to walk home because there weren't .... taxis.

5. "How many eggs have we got?" "..... . Do you want me to get some?"

6. We took a few photographs but .... of them were very good.

7. What a stupid thing to do! .... intelligeent person would do such a thing.

8. I'll try and answer .... questions you ask me.

9. I couldn't answer .... of the questions they asked me.

10. We cancelled the party because .... of the people we invited were able to come.

11. I tried to phone Chrsis but there was .... answer.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. no

4. any

5. None

6. none

7. no

8. any

9. any

10. none

11. no

Bài 2: Answer the questions using none/nobody/nothing/nowhere.

1 What did you do? Nothing.
2 Who were you talking to? .........
3 How much luggage have to get? .........
4 Where are you going? .........
5 How many mistakes did you make? .........
6 How much did you pay? .........

Now answer the same questions using complete sentences with any/anybody/anything.

7. (1) I didn't do anything.

8. (2) I ..................

9. (3) ....................

10. (4) ...................

11. (5) ...................

12. (6) ...................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. Nobody

3. None

4. Nowhere

5. None

6. Nothing

8. I wasn't talking to us anybody

9. I haven't got any luggage

10. I'm not going anywhere

11. I didn't make any mistake

12. I didn't pay anything

Bài 3:

Complete these sentences with no- or any- + -body/-thing/-where.

1. I don't want anything to drink. I'm not thirsty.

2. The bus was completely empty. There was .... on it.

3. "Whree did you go for your holidays?" "..... I stayed at home."

4. I went to the shops but I didn't buy.

5. "What did you buy?" "..... I couldn't find .... I wanted."

6. The town is still the same as it was years ago .... has changed.

7. Have you seen my watch? I can't find it .....

8. There was complete silence in the room .... said ....

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. nobody/no-one

3. Nowhere

4. anything

5. Nothing. I couldn't find anything.

6. Nothing

7. anywhere

8. Nobody/ No-one said anything

Bài 4:

Choose the right word

1. She didn't tell nobody/anybody about her plans. (anybody is correct)

2. The accident looked serious, but fortunately nobody/anybody was badly injured.

3. I looked out of the window, but I couldn't see no-one/anyone.

4. My job is very easy. Nobody/Anybody could do it.

5. What's in that box? Nothing/Anything. It's empty.

6. The situation in uncertain. Nothing/Anything could happen.

7. I don't know nothing/anything about economics.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. nobody

3. anyone

4. Anybody

5. nothing

6. Anything

7. anything

Bài tập no, none, nothing, nobody (phần 2)

Bài 1: Complete these sentences with no, none or any.

1. It was a public holiday, so there were no shops open.

2. I haven't got any money. Can you lend the some?

3. We had to walk home because there were .... taxis.

4. We had to walk home because there weren't .... taxis.

5. "How many eggs have we got?" "..... . Do you want me to get some?"

6. We took a few photographs but .... of them were very good.

7. What a stupid thing to do! .... intelligeent person would do such a thing.

8. I'll try and answer .... questions you ask me.

9. I couldn't answer .... of the questions they asked me.

10. We cancelled the party because .... of the people we invited were able to come.

11. I tried to phone Chrsis but there was .... answer.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. no

4. any

5. None

6. none

7. no

8. any

9. any

10. none

11. no

Bài 2: Answer the questions using none/nobody/nothing/nowhere.

1 What did you do? Nothing.
2 Who were you talking to? .........
3 How much luggage have to get? .........
4 Where are you going? .........
5 How many mistakes did you make? .........
6 How much did you pay? .........

Now answer the same questions using complete sentences with any/anybody/anything.

7. (1) I didn't do anything.

8. (2) I ..................

9. (3) ....................

10. (4) ...................

11. (5) ...................

12. (6) ...................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. Nobody

3. None

4. Nowhere

5. None

6. Nothing

8. I wasn't talking to us anybody

9. I haven't got any luggage

10. I'm not going anywhere

11. I didn't make any mistake

12. I didn't pay anything

Bài 3:

Complete these sentences with no- or any- + -body/-thing/-where.

1. I don't want anything to drink. I'm not thirsty.

2. The bus was completely empty. There was .... on it.

3. "Whree did you go for your holidays?" "..... I stayed at home."

4. I went to the shops but I didn't buy.

5. "What did you buy?" "..... I couldn't find .... I wanted."

6. The town is still the same as it was years ago .... has changed.

7. Have you seen my watch? I can't find it .....

8. There was complete silence in the room .... said ....

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. nobody/no-one

3. Nowhere

4. anything

5. Nothing. I couldn't find anything.

6. Nothing

7. anywhere

8. Nobody/ No-one said anything

Bài 4:

Choose the right word

1. She didn't tell nobody/anybody about her plans. (anybody is correct)

2. The accident looked serious, but fortunately nobody/anybody was badly injured.

3. I looked out of the window, but I couldn't see no-one/anyone.

4. My job is very easy. Nobody/Anybody could do it.

5. What's in that box? Nothing/Anything. It's empty.

6. The situation in uncertain. Nothing/Anything could happen.

7. I don't know nothing/anything about economics.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. nobody

3. anyone

4. Anybody

5. nothing

6. Anything

7. anything

Ngữ pháp no, none, nothing, nobody

A. No, none, nothing, nobody / no one, nowhere

Bạn có thể dùng các từ phủ định này ở đầu câu hoặc một mình.

Ví dụ:

- No cars are allowed in the city centre.

(Không chiếc xe hơi nào được phép vào trung tâm thành phố.)

- None of this money is mine.

(Không có đồng nào trong chỗ tiền này là của tôi cả.)

- "What did you say?" "Nothing."

("Bạn đã nói gì vậy?" "Đâu có nói gì.")

- Nobody (hay no one) came to visit me while I was in hospital.

(Không có ai đến thăm tôi khi tôi nằm viện.)

- "Where are you going?" "Nowhere. I'm staying here."

("Bạn sẽ đi đâu?" "Không đi đâu cả, tôi sẽ ở lại đây.")

Bạn cũng có thể dùng các từ này sau động từ, đặc biệt sau behave:

Ví dụ:

- The house is empty. There's nobody living there.

(Ngôi nhà này bỏ trống. Không có ai sống ở đây cả.)

- She had no difficulty finding a job.

(Cô ấy đã tìm được việc làm không mấy khó khăn.)

No/Nothing/Nobody ... = not + any/anything/anybody ... (không có ai/thứ gì/vật gì)

Ví dụ:

- We haven't got any money. (= We've got no money)

(Chúng tôi không có đồng nào cả.)

- I didn't say anything. (= I say nothing)

(Tôi đã không nói gì cả.)

- She didn't tell anybody about her plans. (She told nobody...)

(Cô ấy đã không nói với bất cứ ai về những dự định của cô ấy.)

- The station isn't anywhere near here. (is nowhere near here)

(Quanh đây không có nhà ga nào cả.)

Khi dùng no/nothing/nobody ... ta không sử dụng động từ ở dạng phủ định (isn't, didn't, can't...).

Ví dụ:

- I said nothing. (không nói 'I didn't say nothing')

(Tôi đã không nói gì cả.)

- Nobody tells me anything. (không nói 'Nobody doesn't tell...')

(Không có ai nói với tôi điều gì cả.)

B. So sánh no- và any- trong tiếng Anh

Chúng ta cũng dùng any / anything / anybody ... (không dùng not) với nghĩa "It doesn't matter which / what / who".

Bạn tham khảo cách sử dụng này trong chương Cách sử dụng some và any

So sánh no-any-:

- "What do you want to eat?" "Nothing. I'm not hungry."

("Bạn muốn ăn gì nào?" "Không muốn gì cả. Tôi không đói.")

- I'm so hungry. I could eat anything.

(Tôi đói quá. Tôi có thể ăn bất cứ thứ gì. (= thứ gì cũng được))

- The exam was extremely difficult. Nobody passed. (= mọi người đều trượt)

(Kỳ thi thực khó quá. Không có ai vượt qua được.)

- The exam was very easy. Anybody could have passed.

(Kỳ thi rất dễ. Bất cứ ai cũng có thể thi đậu. (= bất kể là ai))

C. Cách sử dụng no và none trong tiếng Anh

Chúng ta sử dụng cấu trúc no + danh từ.

Trong đó, no = not a hoặc not any (không có một/không có bất kỳ)

Ví dụ:

- We had to walk home because there was no bus. (= there wasn't a bus)

(Chúng tôi đã phải đi bộ về nhà vì không có xe buýt.)

- I can't talk to you now. I've got no time. (= I haven't got any time)

(Tôi không thể nói chuyện với bạn bây giờ được. Tôi không có thời gian.)

- There was no shops open. (= there weren't any shops open)

(Không cửa hàng nào còn mở cửa.)

Chúng ta sử dụng none một mình không có danh từ đi theo.

Ví dụ:

- How much money have you got?" "None." (= no money)

("Bạn có bao nhiêu tiền?" "Không có đồng nào.")

- All the tickets have been sold. There are none left. (= no tickets left)

(Tất cả vé đã được bán hết. Không còn lại cái nào.)

Hoặc sử dụng none of...

  • none of these shops

  • none of my money

  • none of it/them/us/you

Sau none of + một danh từ số nhiều (ví dụ: 'none of the shops', 'none of them' ...) bạn có thể dùng động từ chia ở số ít hoặc số nhiều. Tuy nhiên, động từ chia ở số nhiều thường được dùng hơn.

Ví dụ:

- None of the shops were (hoặc was) open.

(Không cửa hàng nào còn mở cửa.)

D. nobody/no-one mang nghĩa số nhiều

Sau nobody / no one bạn có thể dùng they/them/their.

Ví dụ:

- Nobody phoned, did they? (= did he or she)

(Không có ai gọi điện thoại đến phải không?)

- The party was a disaster. Nobody enjoyed themselves. (= himself or herself)

(Bữa tiệc thật thảm hại. Không ai thích thú cả.)

- No one in the class did their homework. (= his or her homework)

(Không một ai trong lớp làm bài tập cả.)

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