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Bài viết 100 Bài tập all, all of, most, most of, no, none có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng all, all of, most, most of, no, none từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập all, all of, most, most of, no, none có đáp án

Bài tập all, all of, most, most of, no, none (phần 1)

Bài 1: Put in of where necessary. Leave the space empty if the sentence is already complete.

1. All ..–.. cars have wheels. (the sentence is already complete)

2. None of this money is mine.

3. Some .... films are very violent.

4. Some .... the films I've seen recently have been very violent.

5. Joe never goes to museums. He says that all .... museums are boring.

6. I think some .... people watch too much television.

7. "Are any .... those letters for me?" "No they're all for me."

8. Kate has lived in London most .... her life.

9. Jim has lived in Chicago all .... his life.

10. Most .... days I get up before

7. o'clock.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. -

4. of

5. -

6. -

7. of

8. of

9. -

10. –

Bài 2: Choose from the list and complete the sentences. Use of (some of/most of ...) where necessary.

accident    European countries    my dinner    the players

birds    her friends    my spare time    the population

cars    her opinions    the buildings    these books

1. I haven't read many of these books.

2. All cars have wheels.

3. I spend much .... gardening.

4. Many .... are caused by bad driving.

5. It's a historic town. Many .... are over 400 years old.

6. When she gor married she kept is a secret. She didn't tell any .....

7. Not many people live in the north of the country. Most .... like in the south.

8. Not all .... can fly. For example the penguin can't fly.

9. Our team played badly and lost the game. None .... played well.

10. Julia and I have very different ideas. I don't agree with many .....

11. Sarah travels a lot in Europe. She has been to most .....

12. I had no appetite. I could only eat half .....

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. of my space time

4. accidents

5. of the buidings

6. of her friends

7. of the population

8. birds

9. of the players

10. of her opinions

11. European countries

12. of my dinner.

Bài 3: Use yourn ideas to complete these sentences:

1. The building was damaged in the explosion. All the windows were broken.

2. We had a very lazy holiday. We spent most of .... on the beach.

3. I went to the cinema by myself. None of .... wanted to come.

4. The test was difficult. I could only answer half ....

5. Some of .... you took at the wedding were very good.

6. "Have you spent all .... I gave you?" "No, there's still some left."

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

Example answer:

2. the time

3. my friends

4. of the question

5. the photos/the photographs/the pictures

6. (of) the money.

Bài 4:Complete the sentences. Use: all of/ some of/ none of + it/them /us (ex: all of it /some of them ...)

1. These books are all Jame's. None of them belong to me.

2. "How many of these books have you read." ".... . Every one."

3. We all got wet in the rain because .... had an umbrella

4. Some of this money is yours and .... is mine

5. I asked some people for directions but .... was able to help me.

6. She invented the whole story from beginning to end .... was true

7. Not all the tourists in the group wewe Spanish .... were French.

8. I watched most of the film but not .... .

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. All of them

3. none of us

4. some of it

5. none of them

6. none of it

7. some of them

8. all of it

Bài tập all, all of, most, most of, no, none (phần 2)

Bài 1: Put in of where necessary. Leave the space empty if the sentence is already complete.

1. All ..–.. cars have wheels. (the sentence is already complete)

2. None of this money is mine.

3. Some .... films are very violent.

4. Some .... the films I've seen recently have been very violent.

5. Joe never goes to museums. He says that all .... museums are boring.

6. I think some .... people watch too much television.

7. "Are any .... those letters for me?" "No they're all for me."

8. Kate has lived in London most .... her life.

9. Jim has lived in Chicago all .... his life.

10. Most .... days I get up before

7. o'clock.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. -

4. of

5. -

6. -

7. of

8. of

9. -

10. –

Bài 2: Choose from the list and complete the sentences. Use of (some of/most of ...) where necessary.

accident European countries my dinner the players

birds her friends my spare time the population

cars her opinions the buildings these books

1. I haven't read many of these books.

2. All cars have wheels.

3. I spend much .... gardening.

4. Many .... are caused by bad driving.

5. It's a historic town. Many .... are over 400 years old.

6. When she gor married she kept is a secret. She didn't tell any .....

7. Not many people live in the north of the country. Most .... like in the south.

8. Not all .... can fly. For example the penguin can't fly.

9. Our team played badly and lost the game. None .... played well.

10. Julia and I have very different ideas. I don't agree with many .....

11. Sarah travels a lot in Europe. She has been to most .....

12. I had no appetite. I could only eat half .....

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. of my space time

4. accidents

5. of the buidings

6. of her friends

7. of the population

8. birds

9. of the players

10. of her opinions

11. European countries

12. of my dinner.

Bài 3: Use yourn ideas to complete these sentences:

1. The building was damaged in the explosion. All the windows were broken.

2. We had a very lazy holiday. We spent most of .... on the beach.

3. I went to the cinema by myself. None of .... wanted to come.

4. The test was difficult. I could only answer half ....

5. Some of .... you took at the wedding were very good.

6. "Have you spent all .... I gave you?" "No, there's still some left."

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

Example answer:

2. the time

3. my friends

4. of the question

5. the photos/the photographs/the pictures

6. (of) the money.

Bài 4:Complete the sentences. Use: all of/ some of/ none of + it/them /us (ex: all of it /some of them ...)

1. These books are all Jame's. None of them belong to me.

2. "How many of these books have you read." ".... . Every one."

3. We all got wet in the rain because .... had an umbrella

4. Some of this money is yours and .... is mine

5. I asked some people for directions but .... was able to help me.

6. She invented the whole story from beginning to end .... was true

7. Not all the tourists in the group wewe Spanish .... were French.

8. I watched most of the film but not .... .

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. All of them

3. none of us

4. some of it

5. none of them

6. none of it

7. some of them

8. all of it

Ngữ pháp all, all of, most, most of, no, none

A. Đi với một danh từ

Bạn có thể sử dụng những từ trong khung trên (cũng như no) với một danh từ (some foot / few books /...)

Ví dụ:

- All cars have wheels.

(Tất cả xe hơi đều có bánh.)

- Some cars can go faster than others.

(Một vài chiếc xe có thể chạy nhanh hơn những chiếc khác.)

- (on a notice) No cars. (= no cars allowed)

(trên biển báo) Cấm ô tô. (= ô tô không được phép)

- Many people drive too fast.

(Nhiều người lái xe quá nhanh.)

- I do not go out very often. I am at home most days.

(Tôi thường ít đi chơi. Tôi ở nhà hầu như mọi ngày.)

Bạn không thể nói 'all of car', 'most of people', ...:

- Some people are very unfriendly. (không nói 'some of people')

(Một vài người tỏ ra rất lạnh nhạt.)

Lưu ý rằng chúng ta có thể nói most (nhưng không nói 'the most')

- Most tourists do not visit this part of the town. (khônng nói 'the most tourists')

(Đa số các khách du lịch không đến thăm phần này của thị trấn.)

B. Cách sử dụng Some of... / most of... / none of ...

Bạn có thể sử dụng các từ trong khung trên (cũng như nonehalf) với of. Có thể nói some of (the people) , most of (my friends), none of (this money), ...

Chúng ta sử dụng some of, most of (v.v.) + the /this /that /these /those /my /his /Ann's ...

some of the people, some of those people (KHÔNG nói 'some of people')

most of my friends, most of Ann's friends (KHÔNG nói 'most of friends')

none of this money, none of their money (KHÔNG nói 'none of money')

Ví dụ:

- Some of the people I work with are very friendly.

(Một vài trong số những người cùng làm việc với tôi rất thân thiện.)

- None of this money is mine.

(Không có đồng nào trong số tiền này là của tôi.)

- Have you read any of these books?

(Anh đã đọc quyển nào trong số những quyển sách này chưa?)

- I was not well yesterday. I spent most of the day in bed.

(Hôm qua tôi không được khỏe. Tôi nằm trên giường hầu như cả ngày.)

Không nhất thiết có of sau all hay half. Vì vậy bạn có thể nói:

- All my friends live in London. hay All of my friends...

(Tất cả bạn bè của tôi sống ở Luân đôn)

- Half this money is mine. hay Half of this money...

(Phân nửa số tiền này là của tôi.)

So sánh all...all (of) the...

- All flowers are beautiful.

(Tất cả các loài hoa đều đẹp. (= hoa nói chung) )

- All (of) the flowers in this garden are beautiful.

(Tất cả hoa trong mảnh vườn này đều đẹp. (Một nhóm cụ thể các loài hoa))

C. Cách sử dụng all of/some of/none of

Bạn có thể dùng all of / some of / none of ... + it / us / you / them

Ví dụ:

- "How many of these people do you know?" "None of them." / "A few of them"

("Anh quen bao nhiêu người trong số những người này?" )

("Không ai cả." / "Một vài trong số họ.")

- Do any of you want to come to party tonight?

(Có ai trong số các bạn muốn tới bữa tiệc tối nay không?)

- "Do you like the music?" "Some of it. No all of it."

("Anh thích nhạc này không?" "Vài bản trong số đó. Không phải tất cả chúng.")

Trước it / us / you / them bạn cần thêm of sau allhalf (all of, half of)

Ví dụ:

- all of us (không nói 'all us')

(tất cả chúng tôi)

- half of them (không nói 'half them')

(một nửa trong số họ)

D. Sử dụng các từ trên đứng một mình

Bạn có thể sử dụng các từ trong khung (cũng như none) đứng một mình, không có danh từ đi kèm.

Ví dụ:

- Some cars have four doors and some have two.

(Một số xe hơi có bốn cửa và một số có hai cửa.)

- A few of the shops were open but most (of them) were closed.

(Một vài cửa hàng còn mở cửa nhưng đa số thì đã đóng cửa.)

- Half (of) this money is mine, and half (of it) is yours. (không nói 'the half')

(Một nửa số tiền này là của tôi, và một nửa là của anh.)

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