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Bài viết 100 Bài tập still, yet, already, anymore, any longer, no longer có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng still, yet, already, anymore, any longer, no longer từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập still, yet, already, anymore, any longer, no longer có đáp án

Bài tập still, yet, already, anymore, any longer, no longer (phần 1)

Bài 1: Compare what Paul said a few years ago with what he says now. Some things are the same as before and some things have changed. Write sentences with still and any more.

Paul a few years ago Paul now
I travel a lot. I travel a lot.
I work in a shop. I work in a hospital.
I write poems. I gave up writing poems.
I want to be a teacher. I want to be a teacher.
I'm interested in politics. I'm not interested in politics.
I'm single. I'm single.
I go fishing a lot. I haven't been fishing for years.

1. (travel) He still travel a lot.

2. (shop) He doesn't work in a shop any more.

3. (poems ) He ..............................

4. (poems) ..................................

5. (politics) ...............................

6. (single) .................................

7. (fishing) ................................

Now write three sentences about Paul using no longer.

8. He no longer works in a shop.

9. ...............................

10. ...............................

11. ...............................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. He doesn't write poems any more.

4. He still wants to be a teacher.

5. He isn't interested in politics any more.

6. He's still single.

7. He doesn't go fishing any more.


He no longer writes poems.

He is no longer interested in politics.

He no longer goes fishing.

Bài 2: For each sentence will still write a sentence with a similar meaningg using not ... + yet + one of the following verbs:

decide    find    finish    go   

stop    take off    wake up

1 It's still raining. It hasn't stopped raining yet.
2 Gary is still here. He ...........................
3 They're still repairing the road. They .........................
4 The children are still asleep? ..............................
5 Is Ann still looking for a place to live? ..............................
6 I'm still wondering what to do. ..............................
7 The plane is stil waiting on the runway. ..............................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. He hasn't gone yet.

3. They haven't finished yet.

4. They haven't woken up yet.

5. Has she found a place to live yet?

6. I haven't decided yet.

7. It hasn't taken off yet.

Bài 3: Put in still yet, alredy or any more in the underlined sentence. Study the examples carefully.

1. Mike lost his job a year ago and he is unemployed.

--> He is still unemployed.

2. Shall I tell Joe what happened or does he know?

--> does he already know.

3. I'm hungry. Is dinner ready?

--> Is dinner ready yet?

4. I was hungry earlier, but I'm not hungry.

--> I'm not hungry any more.

5. Can we wait a few minutes? I don't want to go out.


6. Jenny used to work at the airport, but she doesn't work there.


7. I used to live in Amsterdam. I have a lot of friends there.


8. "Shall I introduce you to Joe?" "There is no need. We've meet."


9. Do you like in the same place or have you moved?


10. Would you like to eat with us or have you eaten?


11. "Where is John ?" "He's not here. He'll be here soon."


12. Tim said he'd be here at 8.30. It's 9 o'clock now and he isn't here.


13. Do you want to join the club or are you a member?


14. It happened a long time ago, but I can remember it very clearly.


15. I've put on weight. These trousers don't fit me.


16. "Have you finished with the paper?" "No I'm reading it."


Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

5. I don't want to go out yet

6. she doesn't work there any more

7. I still have a lot of friends there

8. "We've already met."

9. Do you still live in the same place

10. have you already eaten

11. "He's not here yet."

12. he still isn't here

13. are you already a member

14. I can still remember it very clearly

15. These trousers don't fit me any more

16. "Have you finished with the paper yet?" "No, I'm still reading it."

Bài tập still, yet, already, anymore, any longer, no longer (phần 2)

Bài 1: Compare what Paul said a few years ago with what he says now. Some things are the same as before and some things have changed. Write sentences with still and any more.

Paul a few years ago Paul now
I travel a lot. I travel a lot.
I work in a shop. I work in a hospital.
I write poems. I gave up writing poems.
I want to be a teacher. I want to be a teacher.
I'm interested in politics. I'm not interested in politics.
I'm single. I'm single.
I go fishing a lot. I haven't been fishing for years.

1. (travel) He still travel a lot.

2. (shop) He doesn't work in a shop any more.

3. (poems ) He ..............................

4. (poems) ..................................

5. (politics) ...............................

6. (single) .................................

7. (fishing) ................................

Now write three sentences about Paul using no longer.

8. He no longer works in a shop.

9. ...............................

10. ...............................

11. ...............................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. He doesn't write poems any more.

4. He still wants to be a teacher.

5. He isn't interested in politics any more.

6. He's still single.

7. He doesn't go fishing any more.


He no longer writes poems.

He is no longer interested in politics.

He no longer goes fishing.

Bài 2: For each sentence will still write a sentence with a similar meaningg using not ... + yet + one of the following verbs:

decide find finish go

stop take off wake up

1 It's still raining. It hasn't stopped raining yet.
2 Gary is still here. He ...........................
3 They're still repairing the road. They .........................
4 The children are still asleep? ..............................
5 Is Ann still looking for a place to live? ..............................
6 I'm still wondering what to do. ..............................
7 The plane is stil waiting on the runway. ..............................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. He hasn't gone yet.

3. They haven't finished yet.

4. They haven't woken up yet.

5. Has she found a place to live yet?

6. I haven't decided yet.

7. It hasn't taken off yet.

Bài 3: Put in still yet, alredy or any more in the underlined sentence. Study the examples carefully.

1. Mike lost his job a year ago and he is unemployed.

--> He is still unemployed.

2. Shall I tell Joe what happened or does he know?

--> does he already know.

3. I'm hungry. Is dinner ready?

--> Is dinner ready yet?

4. I was hungry earlier, but I'm not hungry.

--> I'm not hungry any more.

5. Can we wait a few minutes? I don't want to go out.


6. Jenny used to work at the airport, but she doesn't work there.


7. I used to live in Amsterdam. I have a lot of friends there.


8. "Shall I introduce you to Joe?" "There is no need. We've meet."


9. Do you like in the same place or have you moved?


10. Would you like to eat with us or have you eaten?


11. "Where is John ?" "He's not here. He'll be here soon."


12. Tim said he'd be here at 8.30. It's 9 o'clock now and he isn't here.


13. Do you want to join the club or are you a member?


14. It happened a long time ago, but I can remember it very clearly.


15. I've put on weight. These trousers don't fit me.


16. "Have you finished with the paper?" "No I'm reading it."


Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

5. I don't want to go out yet

6. she doesn't work there any more

7. I still have a lot of friends there

8. "We've already met."

9. Do you still live in the same place

10. have you already eaten

11. "He's not here yet."

12. he still isn't here

13. are you already a member

14. I can still remember it very clearly

15. These trousers don't fit me any more

16. "Have you finished with the paper yet?" "No, I'm still reading it."

Ngữ pháp still, yet, already, anymore, any longer, no longer

1. Still:
- Chúng ta dùng "still" để đề cập tới hành động hay tình huống nào đó vẫn đang còn tiếp diễn, chưa thay đổi hay kết thúc:
- It's 11 p.m and Lan is still outside.
Đã 11 giờ tối rồi mà Lan vẫn ở bên ngoài.
- When I went home, Kim was still at school.
Khi tôi về nhà, Kim vẫn ở trường.
- Do you still want to buy that car or have you changed your mind?
Bạn vẫn muốn mua chiếc xe đó không hay bạn đã đổi ý rồi?
Still thường đứng giữa câu cùng động từ.

2. Any more/any longer/no longer
- Ta dùng not ...any more hay not ...any longer khi muốn nói tới một tình huống nào đó đã thay đổi. Any more và any longer đứng ở cuối câu:
Ann doesn't work here any more (hay any longer). She left last month. (không nói 'Ann doesn't still work here')
Ann không còn làm việc ở đây nữa. Cô ấy đã ra đi tháng trước.
- We used to be a couple but we aren't any more. (hay any longer).
Chúng tôi đã từng là 1 đôi nhưng nay thì không còn yêu nhau với nhau nữa.
- Bạn cũng có thể nói no longer. No longer đứng ở giữa câu:
Ann no longer works here.
Ann không còn làm ở đây nữa.
- Nhưng ta không dùng no more theo cách này:
We are no longer a couple. (không nói 'we are no more a couple')
Chúng tôi không còn là 1 đôi nữa.
- Hãy so sánh still và not ...any more:
Beth still works here but Ann doesn't work here anymore.
Beth vẫn làm việc ở đây còn Ann thì đã không làm ở đây nữa rồi.

3. Yet
- Yet = until now. Ta hay dùng yet trong những câu phủ định (I haven't finished yet) và trong các câu hỏi (have you finfshed yet?). Yet cho thấy người nói chờ đợi một hành động nào đó sẽ xảy ra. Yet thường đứng ở cuối câu:
- It's 11 p.m and Lan hasn't come back home yet.
Đã 11 giờ tối mà Lan chưa về nhà.
- I'm hungry. Is dinner ready yet?
Tôi đói bụng rồi. Bữa ăn dọn ra chưa?
- We don't know what we're having for dinner yet.
Chúng tôi chưa biết sẽ ăn gì vào bữa tối.
- Chúng ta thường dùng yet với thì hiện tại hoàn thành (present perfect - Have you finished yet?).
Hãy so sánh yet với still:
- Is she still talking on the phone?
Cô ấy vẫn nói chuyện điện thoại à?
- Has she stopped talking on the phone yet?
Cô ấy đã dừng nói chuyện điện thoại chưa?
- Still cũng có thể dùng trong câu phủ định:
She said she would pay 3 days ago and she still hasn't paid.
Cô ấy đã nói sẽ trả tiền 3 ngày trước mà bây giờ vẫn chưa trả.
- Nói như trên cũng có nghĩa gần giống như nói she hasn't come yet. Nhưng still ...not cho thấy cảm giác ngạc nhiên hay thiếu kiên nhẫn một cách rõ ràng hơn. Thử so sánh:
- I wrote to him last week. He hasn't replied yet. (But I expect he will reply soon)
Tôi viết thư cho anh ấy tuần trước. Anh ấy vẫn chưa trả lời. (Nhưng tôi đã chờ đợi rằng anh ấy sẽ sớm trả lời)
- I wrote to him month ago and he still hasn't replied. (He should have replied before now)
Tôi viết thư cho anh ấy tháng trước vậy mà anh ấy vẫn chưa trả lời. (Lẽ ra anh ấy phải trả lời rồi)

4. Already
- Ta dùng already để nói tới việc nào đó đã xảy ra sớm hơn dự tính. Already thường được đặt giữa câu:
- "When is Sam going on holiday?" "She has already gone." (= sooner than you expected)
"Khi nào thì Sam sẽ đi nghỉ?" "Cô ấy đã đi rồi." (= sớm hơn bạn nghĩ)
- I've only just had breakfast and I'm already hungry.
Tôi vừa mới ăn sáng mà giờ đã thấy đói bụng rồi.

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