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Bài viết 100 Bài tập May và Might có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng May và Might từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập May và Might có đáp án

Bài tập May và Might (phần 1)

Bài 1: Write these sentences in a diffirent way using might.

1. Perhaps Helen is in her office. She might be in her office
2. Perhaps Helen is busy. .........................
3. Perhaps she is working. .........................
4. Perhaps she wants to be alone. .........................
5. Perhaps she was ill yesterday. .........................
6. Perhaps she went home early. .........................
7. Perhaps she had to go home early. .........................
8. Perhaps she was working yesterday. .........................
In sentences 9-11 use might not:
9. Perhaps she doesn't want to see me. .........................
10. Perhaps she isn't working today. .........................
11. Perhaps she wasn't feeling well yesterday. .........................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. She might be busy

3. She might be working

4. She might want to be alone

5. She might have been ill yesterday

6. She might have gone home early

7. She might have had to go home early

8. She might have been working yesterday

9. She might not want to see me

10. She might not be working today

11. She might not have been feeling well yesterday

Bài 2: Complete each sentences with a verb in the correct form

1. "Where is Sam?" "I'm not sure. He might be having lunck."

2. "Who is that man with Emily?" "I'm not sure. It might .... her brother."

3. A: Who was the man we saw with Anna yesterday?

B: I'm not sure. It may .... her brother.

4. A: What are those people doing by the side of the road?

B: I don't know. They might .... for a bus.

5. Do you have a stamp? No but ask Simon. He may .... one.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. be

3. have been

4. be waiting

5. have

Bài 3: Read the situation and make sentences from the words in brackets. Use might.

1. I can't find Jeff anywhere. I wonder where he is.

a (he/go/shopping) He might have gone shopping.

b (he/play/tennis) He might be playing tennis.

2. I'm looking for Sarah. Do you know where she is?

a (she/watch/TV/in her room) .........................

b (she/go/out) .........................

3. I can't find my umbrella. Have you seen it?

a (it/be/in the car) .........................

b (you/leave/in the restaurant last night) ..................

4. Why didn't Dave answer the doorbell? I'm sure he was at home at the time.

a (he/go/to bed early) .........................

b (he/not/hear/the doorbell) .........................

c (he/be/in the shower) .........................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. a She might be watching TV in her room

b She might have gone out

3. a It might be in the car

b You might have left it in the restaurant last night

4. a He might have gone to bed early

b He might no have heard the doorbell

c He might have been in the shower

Bài 4: Complete the sentences using might not have or couldn't have

1. A: Do you think Sarah got the message we sent her?

B: No,she would have contacted us. She couldn't have got it.

2. A: I was surprised Kate wasn't at the meeting. Perhaps she didn't know about it.

B: That's possible. She might not have know about it.

3. A: I wonder why they never replied to our letter. Do you think they received it?

B: Maybe not. They .........................

4. A: I wonder how the fire started. Was it an accident?

B: No the police say it .........................

5. A: Mike says he needs to see you. He tried to find you yesterday.

B: Well, he.................very hard. I was in my office all day.

6. A: The man you spoke to – are you sure he was American?

B: No, I'm not sure. He.........................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. might not have received it

4. couldn't have been an accident

5. couldn't have tried

6. might not have been American

Bài tập May và Might (phần 2)

Bài 1: Write sentences with might

1. Where are you going for your holidays? ( to Ireland)

I haven't decided yet. I might go to Ireland.

2. What sort of car are you going to buy? (a Mercedes)

I'm not sure yet. I ...................

3. What are you doing this weekend ? (go to London)

I haven't decided yet. ..................

4. Where is Tom coming to see us? (on Saturday)

He hasn't said yet. ........................

5. Where are you going to hang this picture? (in the dinning room)

I haven't made up my mind yet. ........................

6. What's Julia going to do when she leaves school? (go to university)

She's still thinking about it. ......................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. I might buy a Mercedes

3. I might go to London

4. He might come on Saturday

5. I might hang it in the dining room

6. She might go to university

Bài 2: Complete the sentences using might + the following:

bite    break    need    rain    slip    wake

1. Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It might rain later.

2. Don't make too much noise. You .... the baby.

3. Be careful of that dog. It .... you

4. I don't think we should throw that letter away. We .... it later.

5. Be careful. The footpath is very icy. You .........

6. Don't let the children play in this room. They .... something.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. might wake

3. might bite

4. might need

5. might slip

6. might break

Bài 3: Complete the sentences using might be able to or might have to + suitable verb

1. I can't help you, but why don't you ask Jane? She might be able to help you

2. I can't meet you this evening, but I .... you tomorrow.

3. I'm not working on Saturdaybut I .... on Sunday.

4. I can come to the meeting, but I .... before the end

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. might be able to meet

3. might have to work

4. might have to go

Bài 4: Write sentences with might not

1. I'm not sure that Liz will come to the party

Liz might not come to the party.

2. I'm not sure that I'll go out this evening.

I ..............................

3. I'm not sure that we'll get tickets for the concert.

We ..............................

4. I'm not sure that Sue will be able to come out with us this evening.


Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. I might not go out this evening

3. We might no get tickets for the concert

4. Sue might no be able to come out with us this evening

Bài 5: Read the situations and make sentences with might as well

1. You and a friend have just missed the bus. The buses run every hour.

YOU say: We'll have to wait an hour for the next bus. We might as well walk.

2. You have a free ticket for a concert. You're not very keen on the concert, but you decide to go

YOU say: I .... to the concert. It's pity to waste a free ticket.

3. You've just painted your kitchen. You still have a lot of paint, so why not paint the bathroom too?

YOU say: We ....... . There's plenty of paint left.

4. You and a friend are at home.You're bored. There's a film on TV starting in a few minutes

YOU say: ...... . There's nothing else to do.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. I might as well go to the concert

3. We might as well paint the bathroom

4. We might as well watch the film

Ngữ pháp May và Might

1. Diễn tả một khả năng có thể xảy ra, nhưng không chắc chắn lắm:
MAY / MIGHT + V (bare infinitive)
Ex: What is in this box? - It may / might be a watch.

* Note: May có vẻ chắc chắn hơn Might một chút.

MAY / MIGHT+ BE + V-ING (có thể đang làm gì)
Ex: Where’s Jim? He may/ might be doing his homework.

* Note: Khi diễn tả sự chắc chắn, ta dùng must / have to + V-inf
Ex: What’s that? It must be a star.

2. MAY NOT / MIGHT NOT là dạng phủ định của may / might

3. MAY / MIGHT diễn tả khả năng không chắc chắn ở tương lai.
Ex: He may / might come tomorrow.

4. MAY có thể dùng để xin phép và cho phép:
Ex: May I go out? Yes, you may.

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