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Bài viết 100 Bài tập even, even though, even when, even if có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng even, even though, even when, even if từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập even, even though, even when, even if có đáp án

Bài tập even, even though, even when, even if (phần 1)

Bài 1:Julie, Sarah and Amanda are three friend who went on holiday together.

Use the information given about them to complete the sentences using even or not even.

Julie Sarah Amanda
is usually happy isn't very keen on art is almost always late
is usually on time is usually miserable is a keen photographer
likes getting up early usually hates hotels loves staying in hotels
is very interested in art hasn't got a camera isn't very good at getting up

1. They stayed at a hotel. Everybody like it, even Sarah.

2. They arranged to meet. They all arrived on time, ................... .

3. They went to an art gallery. Nobody enjoyed it, .................... .

4. Yesterday they had to get up early They all manage to do this, ..... .

5. They were together yesterday. They were all in a good mood, ........ .

6. None of them took any photogrphs, .................................. .

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. even Amanda

3. not even Julie

4. even Amanda

5. even Sarah

6. not even Amanda

Bài 2: Make sentences with even. Use the words in brackets.

1. Sue has been all over the world.

(the Antatrtic) She has even been to the Antarctic.

2. We painted the whole room.

(the floor) We ............................... .

3. Rachel has met losts of famous people.

(the prime minister) She ...................... .

4. You could hear the noise from a long way away.

(from the next streer) You ..................... .

In the following sentences you have to use not ... even:

5. They didn't say anything to us.

(hello) They didn't even say hello.

6. I can't remember anything about her.

(her name) I ................................... .

7. There isn't anything to do in this town.

(a cinema) ..................................... .

8. He didn't tell anybody where he was going.

(his wife) ..................................... .

9. I don't know anyone in our street.

(the people next door) ......................... .

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. We even painted the floor.

3. She's even met the prime minister.

4. You could even hear it from the next street.

6. I can't came remember her name.

7. There isn't even a cinema.

8. He didn't even tell his wife.

9. I don't even know the people next door.

Bài 3: Complete the sentences using even + comparative

1. It was very hot yesterday, but today it's even hotter.

2. The church is 500 years old, but the house next to it is .... .

3. That's a very good idea, but I've got an .... one.

4. The first question was very difficult to answer. The second one was ....

5. I did very badly in the exam, but most of my friends did .... .

6. Neither of us was hungry. I ate very little and my friend ate .... .

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. even older

3. even better

4. even more difficult

5. even worse

6. even less

Bài 4: Put in if ,even, even if or even though.

1. Even though she can't drive, she has bought a car.

2. The bus leaves in five minutes, but we can stil catch it .... we run.

3. The bus leaves in two minutes. We won't catch it now .... we run.

4. His Spanish isn't very good – .... after three years in Spain.

5. His Spainish isn't very good .... he's lived in Spain for three years.

6. .... with the heating on,it was very cold in the house.

7. I couldn't sleep .... . I was very tired.

8. I won't forgive them for what they did, .... they apologise.

9. .... I hadn't eaten anything for 24 hours, I wasn't hungry.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. if

3. even if

4. even

5. even though

6. Even

7. even though

8. even if

9. even though

Bài tập even, even though, even when, even if (phần 2)

Bài 1:Julie, Sarah and Amanda are three friend who went on holiday together.

Use the information given about them to complete the sentences using even or not even.

Julie Sarah Amanda
is usually happy isn't very keen on art is almost always late
is usually on time is usually miserable is a keen photographer
likes getting up early usually hates hotels loves staying in hotels
is very interested in art hasn't got a camera isn't very good at getting up

1. They stayed at a hotel. Everybody like it, even Sarah.

2. They arranged to meet. They all arrived on time, ................... .

3. They went to an art gallery. Nobody enjoyed it, .................... .

4. Yesterday they had to get up early They all manage to do this, ..... .

5. They were together yesterday. They were all in a good mood, ........ .

6. None of them took any photogrphs, .................................. .

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. even Amanda

3. not even Julie

4. even Amanda

5. even Sarah

6. not even Amanda

Bài 2: Make sentences with even. Use the words in brackets.

1. Sue has been all over the world.

(the Antatrtic) She has even been to the Antarctic.

2. We painted the whole room.

(the floor) We ............................... .

3. Rachel has met losts of famous people.

(the prime minister) She ...................... .

4. You could hear the noise from a long way away.

(from the next streer) You ..................... .

In the following sentences you have to use not ... even:

5. They didn't say anything to us.

(hello) They didn't even say hello.

6. I can't remember anything about her.

(her name) I ................................... .

7. There isn't anything to do in this town.

(a cinema) ..................................... .

8. He didn't tell anybody where he was going.

(his wife) ..................................... .

9. I don't know anyone in our street.

(the people next door) ......................... .

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. We even painted the floor.

3. She's even met the prime minister.

4. You could even hear it from the next street.

6. I can't came remember her name.

7. There isn't even a cinema.

8. He didn't even tell his wife.

9. I don't even know the people next door.

Bài 3: Complete the sentences using even + comparative

1. It was very hot yesterday, but today it's even hotter.

2. The church is 500 years old, but the house next to it is .... .

3. That's a very good idea, but I've got an .... one.

4. The first question was very difficult to answer. The second one was ....

5. I did very badly in the exam, but most of my friends did .... .

6. Neither of us was hungry. I ate very little and my friend ate .... .

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. even older

3. even better

4. even more difficult

5. even worse

6. even less

Bài 4: Put in if ,even, even if or even though.

1. Even though she can't drive, she has bought a car.

2. The bus leaves in five minutes, but we can stil catch it .... we run.

3. The bus leaves in two minutes. We won't catch it now .... we run.

4. His Spanish isn't very good – .... after three years in Spain.

5. His Spainish isn't very good .... he's lived in Spain for three years.

6. .... with the heating on,it was very cold in the house.

7. I couldn't sleep .... . I was very tired.

8. I won't forgive them for what they did, .... they apologise.

9. .... I hadn't eaten anything for 24 hours, I wasn't hungry.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. if

3. even if

4. even

5. even though

6. Even

7. even though

8. even if

9. even though

Ngữ pháp even, even though, even when, even if

A. Ví dụ trạng từ even trong tiếng Anh

Bạn theo dõi ví dụ sau:

- Tina loves watching television. She has a TV set in every room of the house — even the bathroom.

(Tina rất thích xem tivi. Cô ấy có tivi ở mỗi phòng — ngay cả ở phòng tắm.)

Xét thêm một vài ví dụ:

- These photographs aren't very good. Even I could take better photographs than these.

(and I'm certainly not a good photographer)

(Những tấm hình này không đẹp lắm. Tôi thậm chí có thể chụp được những tấm hình đẹp hơn như vậy.)

(mà tôi tất nhiên không phải là người chụp ảnh giỏi.)

- He always wears a coat — even in hot weather.

(Anh ta luôn mang áo khoác — ngay cả khi trời nóng bức.)

- Nobody would lend her the money — not even her best friend.


Not even her best friend would lend her the money.

(Sẽ không có ai cho cô ta mượn tiền — ngay cả người bạn thân nhất của cô ta.)


(Ngay cả người bạn thân nhất của cô ta cũng sẽ không cho cô ta mượn tiền.)

B. Sử dụng even với động từ ở giữa câu

even thường được dùng với động từ ở giữa câu. Ví dụ:

- Sue has travelled all over the world. She has even been to the Antarctic.

(It's especially unusual to go to the Antarctic, so she must have travelled a lot.)

(Sue đã đi du lịch khắp thế giới. Cô thậm chí đã tới tận Nam cực. )

(Tới Nam cực quả là một việc hi hữu và như vậy hẳn cô ấy đã đi rất nhiều nơi)

- They are very rich. They even have their own private jet.

(Họ rất giàu có. Họ thậm chí có cả máy bay riêng.)

Ví dụ với not even:

- I can't cook. I can't even boil an egg.

(and boiling an egg is very easy)

(Tôi không biết nấu ăn. Ngay cả trứng tôi cũng chẳng biết luộc. )

(mà luộc trứng thì rất dễ)

- They weren't very friendly to us. They didn't even say hello.

(Họ đã tỏ ra không thật thân thiện với chúng tôi. Thậm chí họ không thèm chào hỏi.)

- Jenny is very fit. She's just run five miles and she's not even out of breath.

(Jenny rất khỏe. Cô ấy mới vừa chạy bộ liền năm dặm vậy mà không hề bị thở gấp.)

C. Even + dạng so sánh

Bạn có thể sử dụng cấu trúc even + dạng so sánh (cheaper / more expensive ...) như trong các ví dụ sau:

- I got up early but John got up even earlier.

(Tôi thức dậy rất sớm nhưng John thậm chí còn dậy sớm hơn.)

- I knew I didn't have much money but I've got even less than I thought.

(Tôi đã biết tôi không có nhiều tiền nhưng tôi có thậm chí còn ít hơn tôi nghĩ.)

- We were surprised to get a letter from her. We were even more surprised when she came to see us a few days later.)

(Chúng tôi ngạc nhiên khi nhận được thư cô ấy. Chúng tôi thậm chí còn ngạc nhiên hơn khi cô ấy tới thăm chúng tôi sau đó ít ngày.)

D. Cách sử dụng even though, even when, even if

Bạn có thể dùng even + though/when/if để nối các câu. Chú ý rằng bạn không được dùng even một mình trong những ví dụ sau:

-Even though she can't drive, she has bought a car. (không nói Even she can't drive...)

(Cho dù không biết lái xe cô ấy vẫn mua một chiếc xe hơi.)

- He never shouts, even when he's angry.

(Anh ta không bao giờ la hét ngay cả khi anh ta tức giận.)

- I'll probably see you tomorrow. But even if I don't see you tomorrow, we're sure to see each other before the weekend. (không nói 'even I don't see you')

(Ngày mai có lẽ anh sẽ không gặp em. Nhưng cho dù anh sẽ không gặp em vào ngày mai, chắc chắn chúng ta vẫn sẽ gặp nhau trước cuối tuần.)

So sánh even ifif:

- We're going to the beach tomorrow. It doesn't matter what the weather is like. We're going to the beach even if it's raining.

(Chúng ta sẽ ra bãi biển vào ngày mai. Thời tiết có như thế nào cũng mặc. Chúng ta sẽ ra bãi biển cho dù (nếu) trời có mưa.)

- We hope to go to the beach tomorrow, but we won't go if it's raining.

(Chúng ta hy vọng sẽ ra bãi biển vào ngày mai, nhưng chúng ta sẽ không đi nếu trời mưa.)

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