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Bài viết 100 Bài tập thứ tự từ có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng thứ tự từ từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

200 Bài tập thứ tự từ trong tiếng Anh có đáp án

Bài tập thứ tự từ trong tiếng Anh (phần 1)

Bài 1: Is the word order right or wrong? Correct the sentences where necessary.

1 Everybody enjoyed the party very much. OK
2 Ben walks every morning to work. Ben walks to work every morning.
3 Joe doesn't like very much football. ..........
4 I drink three or four cups of coffee every morning. ..........
5 I ate quickly my breakfast and went out. ..........
6 Are you going to invite to the party a lot of people? ..........
7 I phoned Tom immediately after hearing the news. ..........
8 Did you go late to bed last night? ..........
9 Did you learn a lot of things at school today? ..........
10 I met on my way home a friend of mine. ..........

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. Joe doesn't like football very much

4. OK

5. I ate my breakfast quickly and ...

6. .... a lot of people to the party?

7. OK

8. Did you go to bed late last night?

9. OK

10. I met a friend of mine on my way house.

Bài 2: Put the parts of the sentence in the correct order.

1. (the party/ very much/ everybody enjoyed)

Everybody enjoyed the party very much.

2. (we won/easily/the game)


3. (quietly/the door/I closed)


4. (Diane/quite well/speaks/German)


5. (Sam/all the time/TV/watches)


6. (again/please don't ask/that question)


7. (football/every weekend/does Kevin play?)


8. (some mony/I borrowed/from a friend of mine)


Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. We won the game easily.

3. I closed the door quietly.

4. Diane speaks German quite well.

5. Sam watches TV all the time.

6. Please don't ask that question again.

7. Does Kevin play football every weekend?

8. I borrowed some money from a friend of mine.

Bài 3: Complete the sentences. Put the parts in the correct order.

1. (for a long time/have lived/in the same house)

They have lived in the same house for a long time.

2. (to the supermarket/every Friday/ go)

I ...............................................

3. (home/did you come/last)

What ............................................?

4. (her children/taes/every day/to school)

Sarah ...........................................

5. (been/recently/to the cinema)

I haven't .......................................

6. (at the top of the page/your name/write)

Please ..........................................

7. (her name/after a few minutes/remembered)

I ...............................................

8. (around the town/all morning/walked)


9. (on Saturday night/didn't see you/at the party)

I ...............................................

10. (some interesting books/found/in the library)

We ..............................................

11. (her umbrella/last nigh/in a restaurant/left)

Jackie ..........................................

12. (oppsite the park/a new hotel/are building)

They ............................................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. I go to the supermarket every Friday.

3. Why did you come home so late?

4. Sarah takes her children to school every day.

5. I haven't been to the cinema recently.

6. Please write your name at the top of the page.

7. I remembered her name after a few minutes.

8. We walked around the town all morning.

9. I didn't see you at the party on Saturday night.

10. We found some interesting books in the library.

11. Jackie left her umbrella in a restaurant last night.

12. They are building a new hotel opposite the park.

Bài tập thứ tự từ trong tiếng Anh (phần 2)

Bài 1: Are the underlined words in the right position or not? Correct the sentences where necessary.

1 Helen drives always to work. Helen always drives to work.
2 I cleaned the house and also cooked the dinner. OK
3 I have usually a shower in the morning. .........
4 We soon found the solution to the problem. .........
5 Steve gets hardly ever angry. .........
6 I did some shopping and I went also to the bank. .........
7 Jane has always to hurry in the morning. .........
8 We all were tired, so we all fell asleep. .........
9 She always say she'll phone me, but she never does. .........

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. I usually have

4. OK

5. Steve hardly ever gets angry

6. ... and I also went to the bank

7. Jane always has to hurry

8. We were all tired, so ...

9. OK

Bài 2: Rewrite the sentences to include the word in brackets.

1. Clare doesn't eat meat.

(often) Clare doesn't often eat meat.

2. a We were on holiday in Spain.

    (all) ...........................

    b We were staying at the same hotel.

    (all) ...........................

    c We enjoyed ourselves.

    (all) ...........................

3. Catherine is very generous.

(always) ...........................

4. I don't have to work on Saturdays.

(usually) ..........................

5. Do you watch TV in the evenings?

(always) ...........................

6. Marin is learning French, and he is learning Italian. (also)

Martin is learning French and he ......................

7. a The new hotel is very expensive.

(probably) ......................

b It costs a lot to stay there.

(probably) ......................

8. a I can help you.

    (probably) ......................

    b I can't help you.

    (probably) ......................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. a We were all on holiday in Spain.

    b We were all staying at the same hotel.

    c We all enjoyed ourselves.

3. Catherine is always very generous.

4. I don't usually have to work on Saturdays.

5. Do you always watch TV in the evenings?

6. He is also learning Italian.

7. a The new hotel is probably.

    b It probably costs a lot to stay there.

8. a I can probably help you.

    b I probably can't help you.

Bài 3: Complete the sentences.Use the words in brackets in the correct order.

1. I can nevet remember her name. (remember/never/can )

2. I ..... sugar in coffee. (take/usually).

3. I ..... hungry when I get home from work. (am/usually )

4. A : Where's Joe?

    B : He ..... home early. (gone/has/probably)

5. Mark and Diane ..... in Manchester. (both/were/born)

6. Liz is a good pianist. She ..... very well. (sing/also/can)

7. Our cat ..... under the bed. (often/sleeps)

8. They live in the same streetas me, but I ..... to them. (never/have/spoken)

9. We ..... a long time for the bus. (have/always /to wait).

10. My eyesigh isn't very good. I ..... with glasses. (read/only/can)

11. I ..... early tomorrow. (probably/leaving/will/be)

12. I'm afraid I ..... able to come to the party.

13. It's difficult to contact Sue. She ..... at home when I phone her. (is/hardly ever)

14. We ..... in the same place. We haven't moved. (still/are/living)

15. If we hadn't taken the same train, we ..... each other. (never/met/would/have)

16. A: Are you tired?

    B: Yes, I ..... at this time of day. (am/always)

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. usually take

3. am usually

4. has probably gone

5. were both born

6. can also rings

7. often sleeps

8. have never spoken

9. always have to wait

10. can only read

11. will probably be leaving

12. probably won't be

13. is hardly ever

14. are still living

15. would never have met

16. always am

Ngữ pháp thứ tự từ trong tiếng Anh

A. Động từ + tân ngữ (túc từ) trong tiếng Anh

Động từ thường đi liền với tân ngữ (túc từ). Ta ít khi đặt từ khác giữa chúng:

động từ + túc từ (tân ngữ)

I like my job very much. (KHÔNG nói: I like very much my job)

Did you see your friends yesterday?

Liz often plays tennis.

Hãy xem các ví dụ dưới đây, để ý vị trí của động từ và túc từ:

- Do you clean the house every weekend?

(Không nói 'Do you clean every weekend the housse?')

Bạn có dọn dẹp nhà cửa vào mỗi cuối tuần không?

- Everybody enjoyed the party very much.

(không nói 'Everybody enjoyed very much the party')

(Mọi người đều thích bữa tiệc đó.)

- Our guide spoke English fluently. (không nói '...spoke fluently English')

(Người hướng dẫn của chúng tôi đã nói tiếng Anh lưu loát.

- I not only lost all my money. I also lost my passport.

(không nói 'I lot also my passport')

(Tôi không chỉ đánh mất tiền. Tôi còn đánh mất cả hộ chiếu nữa.)

- At the end of the street you'll see a supermarket on your left.

(không nói ' ...see on your left a supermarket')

(Ở cuối phố bạn sẽ thấy một siêu thị nằm phía bên trái.)

B. Thứ tự: nơi chốn + thời gian

1. Động từ và từ chỉ nơi chốn (where) thường đi với nhau:

go home

live in a city

walk to work ...

Nếu động từ đi với tân ngữ (túc từ), từ chỉ nơi chốn sẽ đi sau cấu trúc động từ + tân ngữ (túc từ):

- Take somebody home

- Meet a friend in the street

2. Từ chỉ thời gian (when/how often/how long) thường đi sau từ chỉ nơi chốn:

nơi chốn + thời gian

Ben walks to work every morning.

Sam has been in Canada since April.

We arrived at the airport early.

Hãy xem thêm những ví dụ dưới đây, lưu ý cách mà từ chỉ thời gian theo sau từ chỉ nơi chốn:

- I'm going to Paris on Monday. (không nói I'm going on Monday to Paris)

(Tôi sẽ đi Paris vào thứ hai.)

- They have lived in the same house for a long time.

(Họ đã sống chung nhà với nhau một thời gian dài.)

- Don't be late. Make sure you're here by 8 o'clock.

(Đừng tới muộn nhé. Bạn hãy chắc chắn sẽ có mặt ở đây lúc 8 giờ.)

- Sarah gave me a lift home after the party.

(Sarah cho tôi đi nhờ xe về nhà sau bữa tiệc.)

- You really shouldn't go to bed so late.

(Bạn thật không nên đi ngủ khuya như vậy.)

Tuy nhiên ta vẫn thường đặt từ chỉ thời gian lên đầu câu:

- On Monday I'm going to Paris.

(Sáng thứ hai tôi sẽ đi Paris.)

- Every morning Tom walks to work.

(Mỗi buổi sáng Tom cuốc bộ đi làm.)

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