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Bài viết 100 Bài tập Afraid of, Afraid to có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng Afraid of, Afraid to từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập Afraid of, Afraid to có đáp án

Bài tập Afraid of, Afraid to (phần 1)

Bài 1: Use the words in brackets to write sentences. Use afraid to or afraid of -ing.

1. The streets are unsafe at night.

(a lot of people/afraid/go/out)

A lot of people are afraid to go out.

2. We walked very carefully along the icy path.


We were afraid of failing.

3. I don't usually carry my passport with me.

(I/ afraid/ lose/ it) ......................................

4. I thought she would be angry if I told her what had happened.

(I / afraid / lose /it) ....................................

5. We rushed to the station.

(we/afraid/ miss / our train ) .............................

6. In the middle of the film there was an especially horrifying scene.

(we/afraid/ look) ..........................................

7. The vase was very valuable ,so I held it carefully.

(I / afraid / drop /it) ....................................

8. I thought the food on my plate didn't look fresh.

A: (I/ fraid/ eat/ it) ...................................

B: (I /afraid / get/ sick) ...............................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. I'm afraid of losing it.

4. I was afraid to tell her.

5. We were afraid of missing our train.

6. we were afraid to look.

7. I was afraid of dropping it.

8. A: I was afraid to eat it.

B: I was afraid of getting sick.

Bài 2: Complete the sentences using in .... or to .... . Use these verbs:

buy    get    know    look    read    start

1. I'm trying to sell my car but nobody is interested in buying in.

2. Julia is interested .... her own business.

3. I was interested .... your letter in the newspaper last week.

4. Be wants to stay single. He's not interested .... married.

5. I met Mark a few days ago. You'll be interested .... that he's just got a job in Paris.

6. I don't enjoy sightseeing. I'm not interested .... at old buildings.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. in

3. to read

4. in getting

5. to know

6. in looking

Bài 3:Complete each sentence using sorry for/about or sorry to. Use the verbs in brackets.

1. I'm sorry to phone you so late, but I need to ask you something. (phone)

2. I was .... that you didn't get the job you applied for. (hear)

3. I'm .... all those bad things about you. I didn't mean them. (say)

4. I'm .... you, but do you have a pen I could borrow? (disturb)

5. I'm .... the book you lent me.I'll buy you another me. (lose)

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. sorry to hear

3. sorry for saying

4. sorry to disturb

5. sorry for losing

Bài 4:Complete each sentence using the verb in brackets.

1. a, We wanted to leave the building. (leave)

b, We weren't allowed .... the building. (leave)

c, We were prevented .... the building. (leave)

2. a, Peter failed .... the problem. (solve)

b, Chirs succeeded .... the problem. (solve)

3. a, I'm thinking .... away next week. (go)

b, I'm hoping .... away next week. (go)

c, I'd like .... away next week. (go)

d, I'm looking forward .... away next week. (go)

4. a, Helen wanted .... me lunch. (buy)

b, Helen promised .... me lunch. (buy)

c, Helen insisted .... me lunch. (buy)

d, Helen wouldn't dream .... me lunch. (buy)

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

1. b to leave

c from leaving

2. a to solve

b in solving

3. a of /about going

b to go

c to go

d to going

4. a to buy

b to buy

c to buy

d on buying

Bài tập Afraid of, Afraid to (phần 2)

Bài 1: Use the words in brackets to write sentences. Use afraid to or afraid of -ing.

1. The streets are unsafe at night.

(a lot of people/afraid/go/out)

A lot of people are afraid to go out.

2. We walked very carefully along the icy path.


We were afraid of failing.

3. I don't usually carry my passport with me.

(I/ afraid/ lose/ it) ......................................

4. I thought she would be angry if I told her what had happened.

(I / afraid / lose /it) ....................................

5. We rushed to the station.

(we/afraid/ miss / our train ) .............................

6. In the middle of the film there was an especially horrifying scene.

(we/afraid/ look) ..........................................

7. The vase was very valuable ,so I held it carefully.

(I / afraid / drop /it) ....................................

8. I thought the food on my plate didn't look fresh.

A: (I/ fraid/ eat/ it) ...................................

B: (I /afraid / get/ sick) ...............................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. I'm afraid of losing it.

4. I was afraid to tell her.

5. We were afraid of missing our train.

6. we were afraid to look.

7. I was afraid of dropping it.

8. A: I was afraid to eat it.

B: I was afraid of getting sick.

Bài 2: Complete the sentences using in .... or to .... . Use these verbs:

buy get know look read start

1. I'm trying to sell my car but nobody is interested in buying in.

2. Julia is interested .... her own business.

3. I was interested .... your letter in the newspaper last week.

4. Be wants to stay single. He's not interested .... married.

5. I met Mark a few days ago. You'll be interested .... that he's just got a job in Paris.

6. I don't enjoy sightseeing. I'm not interested .... at old buildings.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. in

3. to read

4. in getting

5. to know

6. in looking

Bài 3:Complete each sentence using sorry for/about or sorry to. Use the verbs in brackets.

1. I'm sorry to phone you so late, but I need to ask you something. (phone)

2. I was .... that you didn't get the job you applied for. (hear)

3. I'm .... all those bad things about you. I didn't mean them. (say)

4. I'm .... you, but do you have a pen I could borrow? (disturb)

5. I'm .... the book you lent me.I'll buy you another me. (lose)

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. sorry to hear

3. sorry for saying

4. sorry to disturb

5. sorry for losing

Bài 4:Complete each sentence using the verb in brackets.

1. a, We wanted to leave the building. (leave)

b, We weren't allowed .... the building. (leave)

c, We were prevented .... the building. (leave)

2. a, Peter failed .... the problem. (solve)

b, Chirs succeeded .... the problem. (solve)

3. a, I'm thinking .... away next week. (go)

b, I'm hoping .... away next week. (go)

c, I'd like .... away next week. (go)

d, I'm looking forward .... away next week. (go)

4. a, Helen wanted .... me lunch. (buy)

b, Helen promised .... me lunch. (buy)

c, Helen insisted .... me lunch. (buy)

d, Helen wouldn't dream .... me lunch. (buy)

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

1. b to leave

c from leaving

2. a to solve

b in solving

3. a of /about going

b to go

c to go

d to going

4. a to buy

b to buy

c to buy

d on buying

Ngữ pháp Afraid of, Afraid to

A. Cách sử dụng afraid to và afraid of (ving) trong tiếng Anh

Cấu trúc I am afraid to do something = Tôi ngại (sợ) làm điều gì đó. Tôi không muốn làm điều đó bởi vì điều đó nguy hiểm hoặc kết quả có thể không tốt.

Chúng ta sử dụng afraid to do với những việc chúng ta có chủ tâm.

Ví dụ:

- A lot of people are afraid to go out at night.

(= they don't want to go out because it is dangerous — so they don't go out)

(Nhiều người ngại đi ra ngoài ban đêm. )

(=họ không muốn đi ra ngoài bởi vì điều đó nguy hiểm - vì vậy họ không đi ra ngoài)

- He was afraid to tell his parents about the broken window.

(= he didn't want to tell them because he knew they would be angry)

(Cậu ta sợ nói với cha mẹ mình về cái cửa sổ bị vỡ.)

(Cậu ta không muốn nói với họ vì cậu ta biết rằng họ có thể nổi giận)

Cấu trúc I am afraid of something happening = Có khả năng một việc gì xấu sẽ xảy ra (ví dụ tai nạn).

Chúng ta không sử dụng afraid of + Ving cho những việc mà chúng ta có chủ tâm.

Ví dụ:

- The path was icy, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid of falling.

(= it was possible we would fall --— KHÔNG nói 'we were afraid to fall')

(Con đường này đã bị đóng băng, vì thế chúng tôi đi rất cẩn thận. Chúng tôi e sẽ bị ngã.)

(=có khả năng chúng tôi sẽ ngã )

- I don't like dogs. I'm always afraid of being bitten.

(KHÔNG nói 'afraid to be bitten')

(Tôi không thích chó. Tôi luôn luôn sợ bị cắn.)

Tóm lại, bạn ngại phải làm điều gì đó (afraid to do) vì bạn sợ xảy ra một điều gì đó (afraid of something happening) như là một hậu quả tất yếu.

Ví dụ:

- I was afraid to go near the dog because I was afraid of being bitten.

(Tôi sợ đi gần con chó vì tôi sợ bị cắn.)

B. Cách sử dụng interested in (doing) và interested to (do) trong tiếng Anh

Cấu trúc I'm interested in doing something = tôi thích làm điều gì đó, tôi đang nghĩ về việc thực hiện điều đó.

Ví dụ:

- I'm trying to sell my car but nobody is interested in buying it. (KHÔNG dùng 'to buy')

(Tôi đang cố gắng bán cái xe của tôi nhưng không có ai muốn mua nó.)

Chúng ta sử dụng interested to để diễn tả cách ai đó phản ứng lại những gì họ hear/see/know/read/learn.

Ví dụ như I was interested to hear it = tôi đã nghe được điều đó và nó làm tôi quan tâm.

Ví dụ:

- I was interested to hear that Diane has got a new job.

(Tôi đã rất vui khi nghe rằng Diane có công việc mới.)

- Ask George for his opinion. I would be interested to know what he thinks.

(Hãy hỏi George về quan điểm của anh ấy. Tôi thích được biết anh ấy nghĩ gì.)

Cấu trúc này là tương tự với cấu trúc surprised to/delighted to... mình đã trình bày trong chương Tính từ + to V trong tiếng Anh.

Ví dụ:

- I was surprised to hear that Diane has got a new job.

(Tôi đã ngạc nhiên khi nghe rằng Diane có công việc mới.)

C. Cấu trúc sorry to (do) và sorry for (doing) trong tiếng Anh

Chúng ta thường nói sorry to ... để xin lỗi khi (hay trước khi) chúng ta làm gì đó.

Ví dụ:

- I'm sorry to bother you, but I need to talk to you.

(Tôi xin lỗi khi quấy rầy anh, nhưng tôi cần phải nói chuyện với anh.)

Chúng ta sử dụng sorry to (hear/read/...) để biểu thị sự quan tâm tới người nào đó.

Bạn tham khảo chương Tính từ + to V trong tiếng Anh

Ví dụ:

- I was sorry to hear that Fiona lost her job. (=I was sorry when I hear...)

(Tôi lấy làm tiếc khi nghe rằng Fiona bị mất việc.)

Bạn có thể sử dụng sorry for (doing something) để xin lỗi về việc bạn đã làm trước đó.

Ví dụ:

- (I'm) sorry for shouting at you yesterday. (KHÔNG nói 'Sorry to shout...')

((Tôi) xin lỗi về việc đã la rầy bạn ngày hôm qua.)

Với cách diễn đạt này, bạn cũng có thể nói:

- (I'm) sorry I shouted at you yesterday.

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