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Bài viết 100 Bài tập both, both of, neither, neither of, either, either of có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng both, both of, neither, neither of, either, either of từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập both, both of, neither, neither of, either, either of có đáp án

Bài tập both, both of, neither, neither of, either, either of (phần 1)

Bài 1: Complete the sentences with both/neither/either.

1. "Do you want tea or coffee?" "Either. I really don't mind."

2. "What day is it today – the 18th or the

19. th ?" " .... . It is the 20th."

3. A: Where did you go for your holidays – Scotland or Ireland.

B: We went to .... . A week in Scotland and a week in Ireland.

4. "Where shall I phone, in the morning or afternoon?" " .... . I'll be in all day."

5. "Where is Liz? Is she at work or at home?" " .... . She's away on holiday."

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. Neither

3. both

4. Either

5. Neither

Bài 2: Complete the sentences with both/neither/either. Use of where necessary.

1. Both my parents are from London.

2. To get to the town centre, you can go along the footpath by the river or you can go along the road. You can go .... way.

3. I tried twice to phone George but .... times he was out.

4. .... Tom's parents is English. His father is Polish and his mother is Italian.

5. I saw an accident this morning. One car drove into the break of another. Fortunately .... driver was injured but .... cars were bdly damaged.

6. I've got two sisters and a brother. My brother is working but .... my sisters are still at school.

2. either

3. both

4. Neither of

5. neither driver.both./both the……./both of the cars

6. both /both of

Bài 3: Complete the semtences with both/neither/either + of us/them.

1. I asked two people the way to the station, but neither of them could help me.

2. I was invited to two parties last week, but I couldn't go to ....

3. There were two windows in the room. It was very warm, so I opened ....

4. Sarah and I play tennis together regularly, but .... can play very well.

5. I tried two bookshops for the book I wanted, but .... had it.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. either of them

3. both of them

4. neither of us

5. neither of them

Bài 4: Write sentences with both ... and .../neither ... nor ... /either ... or ...

1. Chris was late. So was Pat.

Both Chris and Pat were late.

2. He didn't write and he didn't phone.

He neither wrote nor phoned.

3. Joe is on holiday and so is Sam.


4. Joe hasn't got a car. Sam hasn't got one either.


5. Brian doesn't watch TV and he doesn't read newspaper.


6. It was a boring film. It was long too.

The film ..............................

7. Is that man's name Richard? Or is it Robert? It's one of the two.

That man's name .......................

8. I haven't got time to go on holiday. And I haven't got the money.

I've got .............................

9. We can leave today or we can leave tomorrow – whichever you prefer.

We ....................................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. Both Joe and Sam are on holiday.

4. Neither Joe nor Sam has got a car.

5. Brian neither watches TV nor reads newspapers.

6. The film was both boring and long.

7. That man's name is either Richard or Robert.

8. I've got neither the time nor the money to go on holiday.

9. We can leave either today or tomorrow.

Bài 5: Complete the sentences with neither/either/none/any.

1. We tried a lot of hotels but none of them had any rooms.

2. I took two books with me on holiday, but I didn't read .... of them.

3. I took five books with me on holiday but I didn't read .... of them.

4. There are a few shops at the end of the street, but .... of them sells newspaper.

5. You can phone me at .... time during the evening. I'm always at home.

6. .I can meet you next Monday or Friday. Would .... of those days be convenient for you?

7. John and I couldn't get into the house because .... of us had a key.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. either

3. any

4. none

5. any

6. either

7. neither

Bài tập both, both of, neither, neither of, either, either of (phần 2)

Bài 1: Complete the sentences with both/neither/either.

1. "Do you want tea or coffee?" "Either. I really don't mind."

2. "What day is it today – the 18th or the

19. th ?" " .... . It is the 20th."

3. A: Where did you go for your holidays – Scotland or Ireland.

B: We went to .... . A week in Scotland and a week in Ireland.

4. "Where shall I phone, in the morning or afternoon?" " .... . I'll be in all day."

5. "Where is Liz? Is she at work or at home?" " .... . She's away on holiday."

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. Neither

3. both

4. Either

5. Neither

Bài 2: Complete the sentences with both/neither/either. Use of where necessary.

1. Both my parents are from London.

2. To get to the town centre, you can go along the footpath by the river or you can go along the road. You can go .... way.

3. I tried twice to phone George but .... times he was out.

4. .... Tom's parents is English. His father is Polish and his mother is Italian.

5. I saw an accident this morning. One car drove into the break of another. Fortunately .... driver was injured but .... cars were bdly damaged.

6. I've got two sisters and a brother. My brother is working but .... my sisters are still at school.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. either

3. both

4. Neither of

5. neither driver.both./both the……./both of the cars

6. both /both of

Bài 3: Complete the semtences with both/neither/either + of us/them.

1. I asked two people the way to the station, but neither of them could help me.

2. I was invited to two parties last week, but I couldn't go to ....

3. There were two windows in the room. It was very warm, so I opened ....

4. Sarah and I play tennis together regularly, but .... can play very well.

5. I tried two bookshops for the book I wanted, but .... had it.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. either of them

3. both of them

4. neither of us

5. neither of them

Bài 4: Write sentences with both ... and .../neither ... nor ... /either ... or ...

1. Chris was late. So was Pat.

Both Chris and Pat were late.

2. He didn't write and he didn't phone.

He neither wrote nor phoned.

3. Joe is on holiday and so is Sam.


4. Joe hasn't got a car. Sam hasn't got one either.


5. Brian doesn't watch TV and he doesn't read newspaper.


6. It was a boring film. It was long too.

The film ..............................

7. Is that man's name Richard? Or is it Robert? It's one of the two.

That man's name .......................

8. I haven't got time to go on holiday. And I haven't got the money.

I've got .............................

9. We can leave today or we can leave tomorrow – whichever you prefer.

We ....................................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. Both Joe and Sam are on holiday.

4. Neither Joe nor Sam has got a car.

5. Brian neither watches TV nor reads newspapers.

6. The film was both boring and long.

7. That man's name is either Richard or Robert.

8. I've got neither the time nor the money to go on holiday.

9. We can leave either today or tomorrow.

Bài 5: Complete the sentences with neither/either/none/any.

1. We tried a lot of hotels but none of them had any rooms.

2. I took two books with me on holiday, but I didn't read .... of them.

3. I took five books with me on holiday but I didn't read .... of them.

4. There are a few shops at the end of the street, but .... of them sells newspaper.

5. You can phone me at .... time during the evening. I'm always at home.

6. .I can meet you next Monday or Friday. Would .... of those days be convenient for you?

7. John and I couldn't get into the house because .... of us had a key.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. either

3. any

4. none

5. any

6. either

7. neither

Ngữ pháp both, both of, neither, neither of, either, either of

A. Cách sử dụng both / neither / either

Chúng ta sử dụng both / neither / either với hai vật, sự việc, ... Bạn có thể dùng các từ này cùng với danh từ (both books, neither books...) .

Ví dụ, bạn đang nói về việc đi ăn tiệm chiều nay. Có hai nhà hàng mà bạn có thể tới, bạn nói:

1. both = cả hai

- Both restaurants are very good. (không nói "the both restaurants")

(Cả hai nhà hàng đều rất ngon.)

2. neither = không cái nào

- Neither restauranrs is expensive.

(Không nhà hàng nào đắt cả.)

3. either = một trong hai, cái nào cũng được

- We can go to either restaurant. I don't mind.

(Chúng ta có thể tới nhà hàng nào cũng được. Tôi không có ý kiến gì.)

B. Cách sử dụng Both of... / neither of... / either of...

Khi bạn sử dụng both / neither / either + of, bạn luôn luôn cần thêm the... / these / those... / my / your / his / Tom's... . Bạn không thể nói "both of restaurant". Bạn phải nói "both of the restaurants", "both of those restaurants" ...:

Ví dụ:

- Both of these restaurants are very good.

(Cả hai nhà hàng này đều rất ngon.)

- Neither of the restaurants we went to was (or were) expensive.

(Không có cái nào trong số hai nhà hàng mà chúng ta đã tới là đắt cả.)

- I haven't been to either of those restaurants. (= I haven't been to one or the other)

(Tôi chưa tới nơi nào trong số hai nhà hàng đó.)

Bạn không cần thêm of sau both. Vì thế bạn có thể nói:

- Both my parents are from London. hoặc Both of my parents...

(Hai bố mẹ tôi đều là người London.)

Chúng ta có thể sử dụng both of / neither of / either of + us / you / them:

- (talking to two people) Can either of you speak Spanish ?

((nói với hai người) Một trong hai bạn nói được tiếng Tây Ban Nha chứ ?)

- I asked two people the way to the station but either of them knew.

(Tôi hỏi hai người đường đến sân vận động nhưng cả hai đều không biết.)

Chúng ta cần sử dụng both of trước us/you/them (of là cần phải có) :

- Both of us were very tired. (không nói 'Both us were...')

(Cả hai chúng tôi đều rất mệt.)

Sau neither of... động từ có thể chia ở số ít hay số nhiều đều được:

- Neither of the children wants (hay want) to go to bed.

(Không đứa nào trong bọn trẻ muốn đi ngủ cả.)

C. Khi sử dụng both / neither / either đứng một mình

Bạn cũng có thể sử dụng both / neither / either đứng một mình.

Ví dụ:

- I couldn't decide which of the two shirts to buy. I like both. (hoặc I like both of them)

(Tôi đã không thể quyết định mua cái nào trong hai cái áo đó. Tôi thích cả hai.)

- "Is your friend British or American?" "Neither. She's Autralian."

("Bạn của anh là người Anh hay Mỹ ?" "Đều không phải. Cô ấy là người Úc.")

- "Do you want tea or coffee?" "Either. I don't mind."

("Anh muốn trà hay cà phê?" "Thứ nào cũng được. Tôi không bận tâm.")

D. Cách sử dụng both...and, neither...nor, either...or

both...and neither...nor... either...or...

- Both Ann and Tom were late.

(Cả Ann và Tom đều đến muộn.)

- Neither Liz nor Robin came to the party.

(Cả Liz và Robin đều không đến dự tiệc.)

- She said she would contact me but she neither wrote nor phoned.

(Cô ấy nói sẽ liên hệ với tôi nhưng cô ấy đã không viết thư cũng chẳng gọi điện thoại.)

- I'm not sure where he's from. He's either Spanish or Italian.

(Tôi không chắc anh ấy người nước nào. Có thể anh ấy là người Tây Ban Nha hoặc người Ý.)

- Either you apoplogise or I'll never speak to you again.

(Hoặc là anh xin lỗi hoặc là tôi sẽ không bao giờ nói chuyện với anh nữa.)

E. So sánh either/neither/both và any/none/all

Dưới đây là các ví dụ để so sánh either / neither / both (hai thứ) và any / none / all (nhiều hơn hai).

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Michael Gough
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