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Bài viết 100 Bài tập Each, Every có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng Each, Every từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập Each, Every có đáp án

Bài tập Each, Every (phần 1)

Bài 1: Complete the sentences with each or every.

1. Each player has three cards.

2. Kate has read every book in the library.

3. .... side of a square is the same length.

4. .... seat in the theatre was taken.

5. There are six apartments in the building. .... one has a balcony.

6. There's a train to London .... hour.

7. She was wearing four rings - one on .... finger.

8. Our football team is playing well. We've won .... game this session.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. Each

4. Every

5. Each

6. every

7. each

8. every

Bài 2: Put in each or every.

1. There were four books on the table. Each book was a different colour.

2. The Olympic Games are held every four years.

3. .... parent worries about their children.

4. In a game of tennis there are two or four players. .... player has a racket.

5. Nicola plays volleyball .... Thursday evening.

6. I understood most of what they said but not .... word.

7. The book is divided into five parts and .... of these has three sections.

8. I get paid .... four weeks

9. We had a great weekend. I enjoyed .... minute of it.

10. I tried to phone her two or three times, but .... time there was no reply.

11. Car sear belts save lives. .... driver should wear one.

12. (from an exam) Answer all five questions. Write your answer to .... question on a separate sheet of papet.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. Every

4. Each

5. every

6. every

7. each

8. every

9. every

10. each

11. Every

12. each

Bài 3: Complete the sentences using each.

1. The price of one of those oranges is 30 pence.

Those oranges are 30 pence each.

2. I had ten pounds and so did Sonia.

Sonia and I ....................

3. One of those postcards costs 80 pence.

Those ..........................

4. The hotel was expensive. I paid $120 and so did you.

We ..........................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. Sonia and I had ten pounds each/ Sonia and I each had ten pounds.

3. Those postcards cost 80 pence each/ Those postcards are 80 pence each.

4. We paid $120 each. We each paid $120.

Bài 4: Put in everyone (1 word) or every one (2 word)

1. Sarah is invited to a lot od parties and she goes to every one.

2. As soon as .... had arrived,we began the meeting.

3. I asked her lots of questions and she answered .... correctly.

4. She's very popular .... like her.

5. I dropped a tray of glasses. Unfortunately .... broke.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. everyone

3. every one

4. Everyone

5. every one

Bài tập Each, Every (phần 2)

Bài 1: Complete the sentences with each or every.

1. Each player has three cards.

2. Kate has read every book in the library.

3. .... side of a square is the same length.

4. .... seat in the theatre was taken.

5. There are six apartments in the building. .... one has a balcony.

6. There's a train to London .... hour.

7. She was wearing four rings - one on .... finger.

8. Our football team is playing well. We've won .... game this session.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. Each

4. Every

5. Each

6. every

7. each

8. every

Bài 2: Put in each or every.

1. There were four books on the table. Each book was a different colour.

2. The Olympic Games are held every four years.

3. .... parent worries about their children.

4. In a game of tennis there are two or four players. .... player has a racket.

5. Nicola plays volleyball .... Thursday evening.

6. I understood most of what they said but not .... word.

7. The book is divided into five parts and .... of these has three sections.

8. I get paid .... four weeks

9. We had a great weekend. I enjoyed .... minute of it.

10. I tried to phone her two or three times, but .... time there was no reply.

11. Car sear belts save lives. .... driver should wear one.

12. (from an exam) Answer all five questions. Write your answer to .... question on a separate sheet of papet.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. Every

4. Each

5. every

6. every

7. each

8. every

9. every

10. each

11. Every

12. each

Bài 3: Complete the sentences using each.

1. The price of one of those oranges is 30 pence.

Those oranges are 30 pence each.

2. I had ten pounds and so did Sonia.

Sonia and I ....................

3. One of those postcards costs 80 pence.

Those ..........................

4. The hotel was expensive. I paid $120 and so did you.

We ..........................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. Sonia and I had ten pounds each/ Sonia and I each had ten pounds.

3. Those postcards cost 80 pence each/ Those postcards are 80 pence each.

4. We paid $120 each. We each paid $120.

Bài 4: Put in everyone (1 word) or every one (2 word)

1. Sarah is invited to a lot od parties and she goes to every one.

2. As soon as .... had arrived,we began the meeting.

3. I asked her lots of questions and she answered .... correctly.

4. She's very popular .... like her.

5. I dropped a tray of glasses. Unfortunately .... broke.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. everyone

3. every one

4. Everyone

5. every one

Ngữ pháp Each, Every

* Each và every giống nhau về mặt nghĩa và cũng có cách dùng gần như tương được nhau

Ví dụ:

- Each time (hoặc every time) I see you, you look different.

(Mỗi lần tôi gặp anh, trông anh mỗi khác.)

- There's a telephone in each room (hoặc every room) of the house.

(Mỗi phòng của căn nhà này có một cái điện thoại.)

Nhưng eachevery không phải giống nhau một cách tuyệt đối. Chúng ta cùng tìm hiểu sự khác nhau

I. Phân biệt each và every

* Cách sử dụng each

1. Dùng với danh từ

Khi đứng với danh từ trong câu, each sẽ đóng vai trò như một đại từ bất định (Indefinite Pronoun) có tác dụng cụ thể hoá ý nghĩa cho danh từ. Một lưu ý nho nhỏ khi sử dụng each đó là đây là đại từ số ít, bởi vậy nên các động từ theo sau nó không thể để ở dạng số nhiều. Đại từ số ít đi cùng động từ số ít.

Ví dụ: Each student was given four tickets to the show.

(Mỗi học sinh nhận được 4 chiếc vé tham dự show)

1. Kết hợp cùng OF + Cụm danh từ

Thay vì việc chỉ dùng each + danh từ, mọi người có thể tham khảo thêm cấu trúc Each + of + cụm danh từ khi bạn muốn nhấn mạnh sự độc lập của từng đối tượng được nói đến giúp câu nói thêm phần rõ ràng về mặt ý nghĩa hơn. Cụm danh từ này bắt buộc phải có một từ hạn định the hoặc một tính từ sở hữu (my, your, their …)

Ví dụ: Each of the answers is worth 5 points.

(Mỗi một câu trả lời có giá trị là 5 điểm)

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Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
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Michael Gough
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Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Learning English Everyday