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Bài viết 100 Bài tập At, In, On có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng giới từ At, In, On từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập At, In, On có đáp án (Chỉ nơi chốn)

Bài tập At, In, On (phần 1)

Bài 1: Complete the sentences. Use in, at or on + the following:

sea    hospital    a taxi    the station    the cinema

the plane    school    prison    the airport    the sports centre

1. My train arrives at 11.30. Can you meet me at the station?

2. We walked to the restaurant, but we went home ..... .

3. I'd like to see a film. What's on .... this week?

4. Some people are .... for crimes that they did not commit.

5. "What does your sister do? Has she got a job?" "No, she's still .... ."

6. I play basketball .... on Friday evenings

7. A friend of mine was injured in an accident a few days ago. She's still ......

8. Our flight was delayed. We had to wait .... for four hours.

9. I enjoyed the flight,but the food .... wasn't very nice.

10. Bill works on ships. He is .... most of the time.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. in a taxi

3. at the cinema

4. in prison

5. at school

6. at the sports centre

7. in hospital

8. at the airport

9. on the plane

10. at sea

Bài 2: Complete these sentences with in, at or on.

1. We went to a concert at the Royal Festival Hall.

2. It was a very slow train. It stopped .... every station.

3. My parents live .... a small village about 50 miles from London.

4. I haven't seen Kate for some time. I last saw her .... David's wedding.

5. We stayed .... a very nice hotel when we were .... Amsterdam.

6. There were fifty rooms .... the hotel

7. I don't know where my umbrella is. Perhaps I left it .... the bus.

8. I wasn't in when you phoned. I was .... my sister's house.

9. There must be somebody .... the house. The lights are on.

10. The exhibition .... the Museum of Modern Art finished on Saturday.

11. Shall we travel .... your car or mine?

12. What are you doing .... home? I expected you to be .... work.

13. "Did you like the film?" "Yes,but it was too hot .... the cinema."

14. Paul lives .... Birmingham. He's a student .... Birmingham University.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. at

3. in

4. at

5. a very nice hotel

6. in

7. on

8. at

9. in

10. at

11. in

12. at .... at

13. in

14. in Birmingham .... at Birmingham University

Bài tập At, In, On (phần 2)

Bài 1: Complete the sentences. Use in, at or on + the following:

sea hospital a taxi the station the cinema

the plane school prison the airport the sports centre

1. My train arrives at 11.30. Can you meet me at the station?

2. We walked to the restaurant, but we went home ..... .

3. I'd like to see a film. What's on .... this week?

4. Some people are .... for crimes that they did not commit.

5. "What does your sister do? Has she got a job?" "No, she's still .... ."

6. I play basketball .... on Friday evenings

7. A friend of mine was injured in an accident a few days ago. She's still ......

8. Our flight was delayed. We had to wait .... for four hours.

9. I enjoyed the flight,but the food .... wasn't very nice.

10. Bill works on ships. He is .... most of the time.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. in a taxi

3. at the cinema

4. in prison

5. at school

6. at the sports centre

7. in hospital

8. at the airport

9. on the plane

10. at sea

Bài 2: Complete these sentences with in, at or on.

1. We went to a concert at the Royal Festival Hall.

2. It was a very slow train. It stopped .... every station.

3. My parents live .... a small village about 50 miles from London.

4. I haven't seen Kate for some time. I last saw her .... David's wedding.

5. We stayed .... a very nice hotel when we were .... Amsterdam.

6. There were fifty rooms .... the hotel

7. I don't know where my umbrella is. Perhaps I left it .... the bus.

8. I wasn't in when you phoned. I was .... my sister's house.

9. There must be somebody .... the house. The lights are on.

10. The exhibition .... the Museum of Modern Art finished on Saturday.

11. Shall we travel .... your car or mine?

12. What are you doing .... home? I expected you to be .... work.

13. "Did you like the film?" "Yes,but it was too hot .... the cinema."

14. Paul lives .... Birmingham. He's a student .... Birmingham University.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. at

3. in

4. at

5. a very nice hotel

6. in

7. on

8. at

9. in

10. at

11. in

12. at .... at

13. in

14. in Birmingham .... at Birmingham University

Ngữ pháp giới từ At, In, On

A. Giới từ on với holiday, tour, trip, ...

Chúng ta có thể nói (be/go) on holiday / on business / on a trip / on a cruise ...:

- Tom's away at the moment. He's on holiday in France. (không nói 'in holiday')

(Hiện giờ Tom đi vắng. Anh ấy đang nghỉ hè bên Pháp.)

- Did you go to Germany on business or on holiday?

(Anh đã sang Đức công tác hay đi nghỉ mát vậy?)

- One day I'd like to go on a world tour.

(Tôi muốn ngày nào đó sẽ đi du lịch vòng quanh thế giới.)

Chú ý rằng bạn có thể nói: go to a place for a holiday/ for my holiday(s):

- Tom has gone to France for a holiday. (không nói 'for holiday')

(Tom đã sang Pháp nghỉ hè rồi.)

- Where are you going for your holidays next summer?

(Hè năm tới bạn sẽ đi nghỉ ở đâu?)

B. Một số thành ngữ với giới từ on trong tiếng Anh

  • on telivision / on the radio:

    - I didn't watch the news on television, but I heard it on the radio.

    (Tôi đã không theo dõi tin đó trên ti vi, nhưng tôi nghe được trên đài.)

  • on the phone / telephone:

    - You can't phone me. I'm not on the phone. (= I haven't go a phone)

    (Bạn không thể gọi điện cho tôi. Tôi không có điện thoại.)

    - I've never met her but I've spoken to her on the phone.

    (Tôi chưa gặp cô ấy bao giờ nhưng tôi đã từng nói chuyện điện thoại với cô ấy.)

  • (be /go) on strike:

    - There are no trains today. The railway workers are on strike.

    (Hôm nay tàu lửa không chạy. Công nhân đường sắt đang đình công.)

  • (be/go) on a diet:

    - I've put on a lot of weight. I'll have to go on a diet.

    (Tôi đã tăng cân nhiều. Tôi sẽ phải ăn kiêng thôi.)

  • (be) on fire:

    - Look! That car is on fire!

    (Xem kìa! Chiếc xe hơi kia đang bốc cháy!)

  • on the whole (= nói chung):

    - Sometimes I have problems at work but on the whole I enjoy my job.

    (Đôi khi tôi gặp nhiều phiền phức trong công việc nhưng nói chung tôi hài lòng với công việc của tôi.)

  • on purpose (= cố tình):

    - I'm sorry. I didn't mean to annoy you. I didn't do it on purpose.

    (Xin lỗi. Tôi không định làm phiền anh. Tôi không cố tình làm điều đó.)

C. Một số thành ngữ với giới từ in trong tiếng Anh

  • in the rain / in the sun (= sunshine) / in the shade / in the dark / in bad weather ...:

    - We sat in the shade. It was too hot to sit in the sun.

    (Chúng tôi ngồi trong bóng mát. Trời quá nóng để ngồi ngoài nắng.)

    - Don't go out in the rain. Wait until it stops.

    (Đừng đi ra ngoài dưới mưa. Chờ mưa tạnh đã.)

  • (write) in ink / in biro / in pencil:

    - When you do the exam, you're not allowed to write in pencil.

    (Khi các em làm bài kiểm tra, các em không được phép viết bằng bút chì.)

  • Tương tự với (write) in words, in figures, in block letters:

    - Please fill in the form in block letters.

    (Làm ơn điền vào mẫu này bằng chữ in hoa.)

  • (pay) in cash:

    - I paid the bill in cash. nhưng I paid by cheque / by credit card.

    (Tôi đã thanh toán hóa đơn bằng tiền mặt / séc / thẻ tín dụng.)

  • (be / fall) in love (with somebody):

    - Have you ever been in love with anybody?

    (Bạn đã bao giờ yêu ai chưa?)

  • in (my) opinion:

    - In my opinion, the film wasn't very good.

    (Theo ý kiến của tôi, cuốn phim không hay lắm.)

D. Cách diễn đạt at the age of ...

Chúng ta nói: at the age of.../at a speed of.../at a temperature of... ... Chẳng hạn:

- Jill left school at 16.


... at the age of 16.

(Jill thôi học năm 16 tuổi. (Jill rời trường phổ thông năm 16 tuổi))

- The train was travelling at 120 miles an hour.


... at a speed of 120 miles an hour.

((Đoàn tàu chạy với tốc độ 120 dặm một giờ.)

- Water boils at 100 degrees celsius.

(Nước sôi ở 100 độ celsius.)

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