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Bài viết 100 Bài tập tính từ + giới từ có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng tính từ + giới từ từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập tính từ + giới từ có đáp án

Bài tập tính từ + giới từ (phần 1)

Bài 1: Write sentences using nice of..., kind of... ...

1. I went out in the cold without a coat.

(silly) That was silly of you.

2. Sue offered to drive me to the airport.

(nice) That was ............... her.

3. I needed money and Tom gave me some.

(generous)That .....................

4. They didn't invite us to their party.

(not very nice) That ...............

5. Can I help you with your luggage?

(very kind ) .............. .. you.

6. Kevin didn't thank me for the present.

(not very polite) .................

7. They've had an argument and now they refuse to speak to each other.

(a bit childish) ..................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. That was nice of her.

3. That was generous of him.

4. That wasn't very nice of them.

5. That's very kind of you.

6. That wasn't very polite of him.

7. That's a bit childish of them.

Bài 2: Complete the sentences using the following adjective + the correct preposition :

annoyed    annoyed    astonished    bored

excited    impressed    kind    sorry

1. Are you excited about going away next week?

2. Thank you for all your help. You've been very .... me.

3. I wouldn't like to be in her position. I feel .... her.

4. What have I done wrong ? Why are you .... me?

5. Why do you always get so .... things that don't matter?

6. I wasn't very .... the service in the restaurant. We had to wait ages before our food arrived.

7. Ben isn't very happy at college. He says he's the course he's doing.

8. I had never seen so many people before. I was .... the crowds.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. kind to

3. sorry for

4. annoyed with

5. annoyed about

6. impressed by/with

7. bored with for

8. astonished at/by

Bài 3: Put in the correct preposition.

1. I was delighted with the present you gave me.

2. It was very nice .... you to do my shopping for me. Thank you very much.

3. Why are you always so rude .... your parents? Can't you be nice .... them?

4. It was careless .... you to leave the door unlocked when you went out.

5. They didn't reply to our letter, which wasn't very polite .... them.

6. We always have the same food every day. I'm fed up .... it.

7. I can't understand people who are cruel .... animals.

8. We enjoyed our holiday, but we were a bit disappointed .... the hotel.

9. I was surprised .... the way he behaved. It was completely out of character.

10. I've been trying to learn Spanish but I'm not very satisfied .... my progress.

11. Linda doesn't look very well. I'm worried .... her.

12. Are you angry .... what happened?

13. I'm sorry .... what I did. I hope you're not angry .... me.

14. The people next door are furious .... us .... makingso much noise last night.

15. Jill starts her new job next week. She's quite excited .... it.

16. I'm sorry .... the smell of paint in this room. I've just decoratd it.

17. I was shocked .... what I saw. I'd never seen anything like it before.

18. The man we interviewed for the job was intelligent,but we weren't very impressed .... his appearance.

19. Are you still upset .... what I said to you yesterday?

20 He said he was sorry .... the situation,but there was nothing he could do.

21. I felt sorry .... the children when we went on holiday.It rained every day and they had to spend most of the time indoors.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. of

3. to .... to

4. of

5. of

6. with

7. to

8. with

9. at/by

10. with

11. about

12. about

13. sorry for/about .... angry with

14. furious with us for making

15. about

16. about

17. at/by

18. by/with

19. about

20. about

21. for

Bài tập tính từ + giới từ (phần 2)

Bài 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first:

1. There were a lot of tourists in the streets.

The streets were crowed with tourists.

2. There was a lot of furniture in the room.

The room was full .........................

3. I don't like sport very much.

I'm not very keen .........................

4. We don't have enough time.

We're a bit short .........................

5. I'm not a very good tennis player.

I'm not very good .........................

6. Cathernine's husband is Russian.

Cathermine is married .....................

7. I don't trust Robert.

I'm suspicious ............................

8. My problem is not the same as yours.

My problem is different ...................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. of furniture

3. on sport

4. of time

5. at tennis

6. to a Russian

7. of him

8. from yours

Bài 2: Complte the sentences using the following adjectives + the correct preposition. afraid    different    interested    proud    responsible    similar    sure

1. I think she's arriving this evening, but I'm not sure of that.

2. Your camera is .... mine, but it isn't eactly the same.

3. Don't worry. I'll look after you. There's nothing to be .... .

4. I never watch the news on television. I'm not .... the news.

5. The editor is the person who is .... what appears in a newspaper.

6. Sarah is a keen gardener. She's very .... her garden and loves showing it to visitors.

7. I was surprised when I met Lisa for the first time. She was .... what I expected.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. similar to

3. afraid of

4. interested in

5. responsible for

6. proud of

7. different from

Bài 3: Put in the correct preposition.

1. The letter I wrote was full of mistakes.

2. My home town is not an especially interesting place. It's not famous .... any thing.

3. Kate is very fond .... her younger brother.

4. I don't like going up ladders. I'm scared .... heights.

5. You look bored. You don't seem interested .... what I'm saying.

6. Did you know that Liz is engaged .... a friend of mine?

7. I'm not ashamed .... what I did . In fact I'm quite proud .... it.

8. I suggested that we should all go out for a meal, but nobody else was taken .... the idea.

9. These days everybody is aware .... the dangers of smoking.

10. The station platform was crowed .... people waiting for the train.

11. Sue is much more succeful than I am. Sometimes I feel a bit jealous .... her.

12. I'm tried .... doing the same thing every day. I need a change.

13. Do you know anyone who might be interested .... buying an old car?

14. We've got plenty to eat. The fridge is full .... food.

15. She is a very honest person. I don't think she is capable .... telling a lie.

16. Helen works hard and she's extremely good .... her job.

17. I'm not surprised he changed his mind at the last moment. That's typical .... him

18. Mark has no money of his own. He's today dependent .... his parents.

19. We're short .... staff in our office at the moment. We need more people to do the work.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. for

3. of

4. of

5. in

6. to

7. of .... of

8. on

9. of

10. with

11. of

12. of

13. in

14. of

15. of

16. at

17. of

18. on

19. of

Bài 4: Write sentences about yourself. Are you good at these things or not? Use the following:

quite    good    not very good    hopeless    good

1. (repairing things) I'm not very good at repairing things.

2. (telling jokes) .........................................

3. (mathematics) ...........................................

4. (remembering names) .....................................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

Example answer

2. I'm hopeless at telling jokes.

3. I'm not very good at mathematics.

4. I'm quite good at remembering names.

Ngữ pháp tính từ + giới từ trong tiếng Anh

A. Cấu trúc tính từ + OF somebody to do something trong tiếng Anh

Chúng ta sử dụng các tính từ nice / kind / good / generous / polite / silly / stupid ... + OF somebody to do something:

- Thank you. It was very nice/kind of you to help me.

(Cảm ơn. Bạn đã thật nhiệt tình/tốt bụng giúp đỡ tôi.

- It is stupid of her to go out without a coat in such cold weather.

(Cô ấy thật dại dột khi đi ra ngoài mà không mang áo khoát với thời tiết lạnh như thế.)

Nhưng (be) nice / kind / good / generous / polite / friendly / cruel ... to somebody:

- They have always been very nice/kind to me. (không nói 'with me')

(Họ luôn luôn rất tử tế/tốt bụng đối với tôi.)

- Why were you so unfriendly to Tessa?

(Sao bạn lạnh nhạt với Tessa thế?)

B. Tính từ + about/with trong tiếng Anh

  • Với các tính từ: angry / annoyed / furious

    Cấu trúc:

    angry / annoyed / furious ABOUT something
    WITH somebody FOR doing something

    (Ví dụ:

    - It's stupid to get angry about things that don't matter.

    (Thật dại dột khi giận những chuyện không đâu.)

    - Are you annoyed with me for being late?

    (Bạn có buồn tôi vì tôi tới trễ không?)

  • excited / worried / upset / nervous / happy ... ABOUT something:

    - Are you excited about going on holiday next week?

    (Bạn có náo nức với chuyến đi nghỉ tuần tới không?)

    - Carol is upset about not being invited to the party.)

    (Carol bực bội vì không được mời dự buổi tiệc.)

  • delighted / pleased / satisfied / disappointed WITH something:

    - I was delighted with the present you gave me.

    (Tôi đã vui sướng với món quà bạn tặng tôi.

    - Were you disappointed with your exam results?

    (Bạn đã thất vọng với kết quả thi phải không?)

C. Tính từ + at/by/with trong tiếng Anh

  • surprised / shocked / amazed / astonished AT / BY something:

    - Everybody was surprised at (hoặc by) the news.

    (Tất cả đều đã ngạc nhiên khi nghe tin đó.)

    - I hope you weren't shocked by (hoặc at) what I said.

    (Tôi hy vọng bạn đã không bị sốc với những gì tôi nói.)

  • impressed WITH/BY somebody/something:

    - I'm very impressed with (hoặc by) her English. It's very good.

    (Tôi rất có ấn tượng với tiếng Anh của cô ấy. Rất xuất sắc.)

  • fed up / bored WITH something:

    - I don't enjoy my job any more. I'm fed up with it. / I'm bored with it.

    (Tôi không thích công việc của tôi nữa. Tôi chán ngấy rồi.)

D. Sorry ABOUT/FOR trong tiếng Anh

  • sorry ABOUT something:

    - I'm sorry about the noise last night. We were having a party.

    (Tôi xin lỗi vì sự ồn ào đêm qua. Chúng tôi đã có một bữa tiệc.)

  • Nhưng ta thường nói sorry FOR doing something:

    - I'm sorry for shouting at you yesterday.

    (Tôi xin lỗi đã la bạn hôm qua.)

  • Hoặc sorry FOR/ABOUT something you did:

    - Alex is very sorry for what he said.

    (Alex rất xin lỗi về những gì anh ta đã nói.)

  • Bạn cũng có thể nói I'm sorry I (did something)":

    - I'm sorry I shouted at you yesterday.

Ta nói to feel / to be sorry FOR somebody:

- I feel sorry for George. He has a lot of problems.

(Tôi thấy tội cho George. Anh ấy đang gặp nhiều phiền phức.)

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