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Bài viết 100 Bài tập danh từ + giới từ có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng danh từ + giới từ từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập danh từ + giới từ có đáp án

Bài tập danh từ + giới từ (phần 1)

Bài 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.

1. What caused the explosion?

--> What was the cause of the explosion?

2. We're trying to solve the problem.

--> We're trying to find a solution .................

3. Sue gets on well with her brother.

--> Sue has a good relationship .....................

4. The cost of living has gone up a lot.

--> There has been a big increase ....................

5. I don't know how to answer your question.

--> I can't think of an answer .......................

6. I don't think that a new road is necessary.

--> I don't think there is any need ..................

7. I think that working at home has many advantages.

--> I think that there are many advantages ...........

8. The number of people without jobs fell last month.

--> Last month there was a fll ......................

9. Nobody wants to buy shoes like these any more.

--> There is no demand ...............................

10. In what way is your job different from mine?

--> What is the difference ...........................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. to the problem

3. with her brother

4. in the cost of livng

5. to your question

6. for a new road

7. in/to walking at hoe

8. in the number of people without jobs

9. for shoes like these any more

10. between your job and mine

Bài 2: Complete the sentences using the following nouns + the correct preposition

cause    connection    contact    damage    invitation

key    map    pictures    reason    reply

1. On the wall there were some pictures and a map of the world.

2. Thank you for the .... your party next week.

3. Since she left home two years ago, Sophie has had little ....her family.

4. I can't open this door. Have you got a .... the oher door?

5. The .... the fire at the hotel last night is still unknown.

6. I emailed Jim last week, but I still haven't received a .... my message.

7. The two companies are completely independent. There is no .... them

8. Jane showed me some old .... the city as it looked 100 years ago.

9. Carol has decided to give up her job. I don't know her .... doing this.

10. It wasn't a bad addicent. The .... the car wasn't serious.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. invitation to

3. contact with

4. key to

5. cause of

6. reply to

7. connection between

8. pictures of

9. reason for

10. damage to

Bài 3: Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1. There are some differences between Britsh and American English.

2. Money isn't the solution .... every problem

3. There has been an icrease .... the amount of traffic using the road.

4. When I opened the envelope, I was delighted to find a cheque .... $500.

5. The advantages .... having a car is that you don't have to rely on public transport.

6. There are many advantages .... being able to speak a foreign language.

7. Everything can be explained. There's a reason .... everything.

8. When Paul left home, his attitude .... his parents seemed to change.

9. Ben and I used to be good friends, but I don't have much contact .... him now.

10. There has been a sharp rise .... property prices in the past few years.

11. What was Emma's reaction .... the news?

12. If I give you the camera, can you take a photograph .... me?

13. The company has rejected the workers' demands .... a rise .... pay.

14. What was the answer .... question 3 in the test?

15. The fact that Jane was offered a job has no connection .... the fact that she is a friend of the managing director.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. to

3. in

4. for

5. of

6. in or to

7. for

8. to or towards

9. with

10. in

11. to

12. of

13. for a rise in pay

14. to

15. with

Bài tập danh từ + giới từ (phần 2)

Bài 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.

1. What caused the explosion?

--> What was the cause of the explosion?

2. We're trying to solve the problem.

--> We're trying to find a solution .................

3. Sue gets on well with her brother.

--> Sue has a good relationship .....................

4. The cost of living has gone up a lot.

--> There has been a big increase ....................

5. I don't know how to answer your question.

--> I can't think of an answer .......................

6. I don't think that a new road is necessary.

--> I don't think there is any need ..................

7. I think that working at home has many advantages.

--> I think that there are many advantages ...........

8. The number of people without jobs fell last month.

--> Last month there was a fll ......................

9. Nobody wants to buy shoes like these any more.

--> There is no demand ...............................

10. In what way is your job different from mine?

--> What is the difference ...........................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. to the problem

3. with her brother

4. in the cost of livng

5. to your question

6. for a new road

7. in/to walking at hoe

8. in the number of people without jobs

9. for shoes like these any more

10. between your job and mine

Bài 2: Complete the sentences using the following nouns + the correct preposition

cause connection contact damage invitation

key map pictures reason reply

1. On the wall there were some pictures and a map of the world.

2. Thank you for the .... your party next week.

3. Since she left home two years ago, Sophie has had little ....her family.

4. I can't open this door. Have you got a .... the oher door?

5. The .... the fire at the hotel last night is still unknown.

6. I emailed Jim last week, but I still haven't received a .... my message.

7. The two companies are completely independent. There is no .... them

8. Jane showed me some old .... the city as it looked 100 years ago.

9. Carol has decided to give up her job. I don't know her .... doing this.

10. It wasn't a bad addicent. The .... the car wasn't serious.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. invitation to

3. contact with

4. key to

5. cause of

6. reply to

7. connection between

8. pictures of

9. reason for

10. damage to

Bài 3: Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1. There are some differences between Britsh and American English.

2. Money isn't the solution .... every problem

3. There has been an icrease .... the amount of traffic using the road.

4. When I opened the envelope, I was delighted to find a cheque .... $500.

5. The advantages .... having a car is that you don't have to rely on public transport.

6. There are many advantages .... being able to speak a foreign language.

7. Everything can be explained. There's a reason .... everything.

8. When Paul left home, his attitude .... his parents seemed to change.

9. Ben and I used to be good friends, but I don't have much contact .... him now.

10. There has been a sharp rise .... property prices in the past few years.

11. What was Emma's reaction .... the news?

12. If I give you the camera, can you take a photograph .... me?

13. The company has rejected the workers' demands .... a rise .... pay.

14. What was the answer .... question 3 in the test?

15. The fact that Jane was offered a job has no connection .... the fact that she is a friend of the managing director.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. to

3. in

4. for

5. of

6. in or to

7. for

8. to or towards

9. with

10. in

11. to

12. of

13. for a rise in pay

14. to

15. with

Ngữ pháp danh từ + giới từ

A. Danh từ + for trong tiếng Anh

  • a cheque FOR (a sum of money - một số tiền):

    - They sent me a cheque for £75.

    (Họ đã gửi tôi một tờ séc 75 bảng Anh.)

  • a demand FOR / a need FOR...:

    - The firm closed down because there wasn't enough demand for its product.

    (Hãng đó đã đóng cửa vì không có đủ nhu cầu tiêu thụ sản phẩm của họ.)

    - There's no excuse for behaviour like that. There's no need for it.

    (Không xin lỗi đối với những hành vi như vậy. Không cần thiết phải xin lỗi.)

  • a reason FOR...:

    - The train was late but nobody knew the reason for the delay. (không nói 'reason of')

    (Chuyến tàu bị trễ nhưng không ai biết lý do sự chậm trễ đó.)

B. Danh từ + of trong tiếng Anh

  • an advantage / a disadvantage OF...:

    - The advantage of living alone is that you can do what you like.

    (Điều có lợi của việc sống độc thân là bạn có thể làm những gì bạn thích.)

    Nhưng ta thường nói: "there is an advantages in (hoặc to) doing something":

    - There are many advantages in (hoặc to) living alone.

    (Có nhiều điều có lợi khi sống độc thân.)

  • a cause OF...:

    - Nobody knows what the cause of the explosion was.

    (Không ai biết nguyên nhân vụ nổ là gì.)

  • a photograph / a picture / a map / a plan / a drawing (...) OF...:

    - She showed me some photographs of her family.

    (Cô ấy cho tôi xem một vài bức ảnh gia đình cô ấy.)

    - I had a map of the town, so I was able to find my way around.

    (Tôi có bản đồ thành phố nên tôi có thể tìm đường đi được.)

C. Danh từ + in trong tiếng Anh

  • an increase / a decrease / a rise / a fall IN (prices, ...):

    - There has been an increase in the number of road accidents recently.

    (Thời gian gần đây có sự gia tăng số các vụ tai nạn giao thông.)

    - Last year was a bad year of the company. There was a big fall in sales.

    (Năm rồi là năm không tốt cho công ty. Có sự giảm sút lớn trong việc bán hàng.)

D. Danh từ + to trong tiếng Anh

  • damage TO...:

    - The accident was my fault, so I had to pay the damage to the other car.

    (Vụ đụng xe là lỗi của tôi nên tôi đã phải đền bù thiệt hại cho chiếc xe kia.)

  • an invitation to... (a party/a wedding ...):

    - Did you get an invitation to the party?

    (Bạn có nhận được giấy mời dự tiệc không?)

  • a solution TO (a problem) / a key TO (a door) / an answer TO (a question) / a reply TO (a letter) / a reaction TO...:

    - Do you think we'll find a solution to the problem?

    (KHÔNG nói "a solution of the problem")

    (Bạn có nghĩ rằng chúng ta sẽ tìm ra giải pháp cho vấn đề không?)

    - I was surprised at her reaction to my suggestion.

    (Tôi ngạc nhiên trước phản ứng của cô ấy với lời đề nghị của tôi.)

  • an attitude TO... (hoặc TOWARDS...):

    - His attitude to his job is very negative.

    (hoặc His attitude towards his job...).

    (Thái độ của anh ấy đối với công việc của anh ấy là rất tiêu cực.)

E. Danh từ + with/between trong tiếng Anh

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