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Bài viết 100 Bài tập Tương lai gần có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng Tương lai gần từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập Tương lai gần có đáp án

Bài tập Tương lai gần (phần 1)

Bài 1: A friend of yours is planning to go on hoiday soon. You ask her about her plans. Use the words in brackets to make your questions.

1 (where/go) Where are you going? Scotland
2 (how long/go for) ............. Ten days
3 (when/leave?) ................. Next Friday
4 (go/alone?) ................... No, with a friend
5 (travel/by car?) .............. No, by train
6 (where/stay?) ................. In a hotel

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. How long are you going for?

3. When are you leaving?

4. Are you going alone?

5. Are you travelling by car?

6. Where are you staying?

Bài 2: Tom wants you to visit him, but you are very busy. Look at your diary for the next few days and explain to him why you can't come

1. Tom: Can you come on Monday evening?

    You: Sorry, but I'm playing volleyball

2. Tom: What about Tuesday evening then?

    You: No, not Tuesday, I ....

3. Tom: And Wednesday evening?

    You: .......

4. Tom: Well, are you free on Thursday?

    You: I'm afraid not, ....

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. I'm working late

3. I'm going to the theatre

4. I'm meeting Julia

Bài 3: Have you arranged to do anything at these times? Write sentences about yourself.

1. (this evening) I'm going out this evening. or I'm not doing anything this evening

2. (tomorrow morning) I

3. (tomorrow evening)

4. (next Sunday)

5. (choose another day or time)

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. I'm working tomorrow morning

3. I'm not doing anything tomorrow evening

4. I'm playing football next Sunday

5. I'm going to a party this evening

Bài 4: Put the verb into the more suitable form, present continuous or present simple.

1. I'm going(go) to the cinema this evening.

2. Does the film begin (the film/begin) at 3:30 or 4:30?

3. We .... (have) a party next Saturday.Would you like to come?

4. The art exhibition .... (finish) on 3 May

5. I .... (not/go) out this evening. I .... (stay) at home.

6. .... (you/do) anything tomorrow morning? "No, I'm free. Why?"

7. We .... (go) to an concert tonight. It .... (start) at 7:30

8. I .... (leave) now. I've come to say goodbye.

9. A: Have you seen Liz recently?

    B: No, but we .... (meet) for lunch next week

10. You are on the train to London and you ask another passenger:

Excuse me. What time .... (this train/ get) to London?

11. You are talking to Helen:

Helen, I .... (go) to the supermarket .... (you/come) with me?

12. You and a friend watching television. You say:

I'm bored with this programme. What time .... (it/end)

13. I .... (not/use) the car this evening so you can have it

14. Sue .... (come) to see us tomorrow. She .... (travel) by train and her train .... (arrive) at 10.15

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. are having

4. finishes

5. am not going… am staying

6. are you doing

7. are going ... starts

8. am leaving

9. are meeting

10. does this train get

11. am going… are you coming

12. does it end

13. am not using

14. is coming ... is travelling ... arrives

Bài tập Tương lai gần (phần 2)

Bài 1: Write a question with going to for each situation

1. Your friend has won some money. You ask:

(what/do with it?) What are you going to do with it?

2. Your friend is going to a party tonight. You ask :

(what/wear?) .............................

3. Your friend has just bought a new table. You ask:

(where/put it) ..........................

4. Your friend has decided to have a party. You ask:

(who/invite) .............................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. What are you going to wear?

3. Where are you going to pur it?

4. Who are you going to invite?

Bài 2: Read the situations and complete the dialogues.Use going to

1. You have decided to tidy your room this morning

FRIEND: Are you going out this morning?

YOU: No, I'm going to tidy my room.

2. You bought a sweater, but it doesn't fit you very well. You have decided to take it back.

FRIEND: That sweater is too big for you.

YOU: I know .....................

3. You have been offered a job, but not tot you have decided not to accept it.

FRIEND: I hear you've been offered a job.

YOU: That right, but .....................

4. You have to phone Sarah. It's morning now and you have decided to phone her tonight

FRIEND : Have you phoned Sarah yet?

YOU: No, .....................

5. You are in a restaurant. The food is awful and you've decided to complain.

FRIEND: This food is awful, isn't it?

YOU: Yes, it's disgusting. .....................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. I'm going to take it back

3. I'm not going to accept it

4. I'm going to phone her tonight

5. I'm going to complain

Bài 3: What is going to happen in these situations? Use the words in brackets.

1. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky

(rain) It's going to rain.

2. It is 8.30, Tom is leaving his house. He has to be at work at 8.45 but the journey takes 30 minutes.

(late) He .........................................

3. There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. A lot of water is coming in through the hole.

(sink) The boat ....................................

4. Lucky and Chirs are driving. They is very little petrol leftin the tank. The nearest petrol station is a long way away.

(run out) They .....................................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. He's going to be late

3. The boat is going to sink

4. They're going to run out of petrol

Bài 4: Complete the sentences with was/were going to + the following verbs:

buy    give up    have    phone    play    travel

1. We were going to travel by train, but then we decided to go by car instead

2. I .... some new clothes yesterday, but I was very busy and didn't have time to go to the shops

3. Martin and I .... tennis last week but he was injured

4. I .... Jane, but I decided to email her instead

5. A: When I last saw Tim, he .... his job

    B: That's right, but in the end he decided to stay when he was

6. We .... a party last week, but some of our friends couldn't come, so we cancelled it.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. was going to buy

3. were going to play

4. was going to phone

5. was going to give up

6. were going to have

Ngữ pháp Tương lai gần

1. Khẳng định:

- Cấu trúc:

S + is/ am/ are + going to + V(nguyên mẫu)

- Trong đó:

  • S (subject): Chủ ngữ
  • is/ am/ are: là 3 dạng của “to be”
  • V(nguyên mẫu): Động từ ở dạng nguyên mẫu

- Lưu ý:

  • S = I + am = I’m
  • S = He/ She/ It + is = He’s/ She’s/ It’s
  • S = We/ You/ They + are = We’re/ You’re/ They’re

- Eg:

  • I am going see a film at the cinema tonight.
    (Tôi sẽ đi xem phim tại rạp chiếu phim tối nay.)
  • She is going to buy a new car next week.
    (Cô ấy sẽ mua một chiếc xe mới vào tuần tới.)
  • We are going to Paris next month.
    (Chúng tôi sẽ đi tới Paris vào tháng tới.)

2. Phủ định:

- Cấu trúc

S + is/ am/ are + not + going to + V(nguyên mẫu)

=> Câu phủ định ta chỉ cần thêm “not” vào ngay sau động từ “to be”.

- Lưu ý

  • am not: không có dạng viết tắt
  • is not = isn’t
  • are not = aren’t

- Eg:

  • I am not going to attend the class tomorrow because I’m very tired.
    (Tôi sẽ không tham dự lớp học ngày mai vì tôi rất mệt.)
  • She isn’t going to sell her house because she has had enough money now.
    (Cô ấy sẽ không bán ngôi nhà của cô ấy bởi vì cô ấy đã có đủ tiền rồi.)
  • They aren’t going to cancel the meeting because the electricity is on again.
    (Họ sẽ không hủy bỏ cuộc họp bởi đã có điện trở lại.)

3. Câu hỏi:

- Cấu trúc

Is/ Am/ Are + S + going to + V(nguyên mẫu)?

- Trả lời:

  • Yes, S + is/am/ are.
  • No, S + is/am/are.

=> Câu hỏi ta chỉ việc đảo động từ “to be” lên trước chủ ngữ.

- Eg:

  • Are you going to fly to America this weekend?
    (Bạn sẽ bay tới Mỹ vào cuối tuần này à?)
    Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.
  • Is he going to stay at his grandparents’ house tonight?
    (Cậu ấy sẽ ở lại nhà ông bà cậu ấy tối nay phải không?)
    Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.

4. Lưu ý

- Động từ “GO” khi chia thì tương lai gần ta sử dụng cấu trúc:

  • S + is/ am/ are + going

- Chứ ta không sử dụng:

  • S + is/ am/ are + going to + go

- Eg:

  • I am going to the party tonight. (Tôi sẽ tới bữa tiệc tối hôm nay.)

5. Cách sử dụng thì tương lai gần

Cách Sử Dụng Ví dụ
- Diễn đạt một kế hoạch, dự định (intention, plan)
  • He is going to get married this year.
    (Anh ta dự định sẽ kết hôn trong năm nay.)
  • We are going to take a trip to Da Nang city this weekend.
    (Chúng tôi dự định sẽ làm một chuyến tới thành phố Đà Nẵng vào cuối tuần này.)
- Diễn đạt một lời dự đoán dựa vào bằng chứng (evidence) ở hiện tại
  • Look at those dark clouds! It is going to rain.
    (Hãy nhìn những đám mây kia kìa! Trời sắp mưa đấy.)
  • Are you going to cook dinner? I have seen a lot of vegetables on the table.
    (Bạn chuẩn bị nấu bữa tối à? Tớ vừa trông thấy rất nhiều rau củ quả ở trên bàn.)

6. Dấu hiệu nhận biết

- Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì tương lai gần bao gồm các trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong tương lai giống như dấu hiệu nhận biết thì tương lai đơn, nhưng nó có thêm những căn cứ hay những dẫn chứng cụ thể.

  • in + thời gian: trong … nữa (in 2 minutes: trong 2 phút nữa)
  • tomorrow: ngày mai
  • Next day: ngày hôm tới
  • Next week/ next month/ next year: Tuần tới/ tháng tới/ năm tới

- Eg:

  • Tomorrow I am going to visit my parents in London. I have just bought the ticket
    (Ngày mai tôi sẽ đi thăm bố mẹ tôi ở Luân Đôn. Tôi vừa mới mua vé rồi.)

=> Trong đó “Ngày mai” là thời gian trong tương lai. “Tôi vừa mới mua vé” là dẫn chứng cụ thể cho việc sẽ “đi thăm bố mẹ ở "Luân Đôn".

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