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Bài viết 100 Bài tập Bài tập sử dụng a, an, some với danh từ đếm được có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng Bài tập sử dụng a, an, some với danh từ đếm được từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập sử dụng a, an, some với danh từ đếm được có đáp án

Bài tập Bài tập sử dụng a, an, some với danh từ đếm được (phần 1)

Bài 1: What are these things? Use a dictionary if necessary

1. an ant? --> It's an insect.

2. ants and bees? --> They're insects.

3. a cauliflower? ...................

4. chess? ...................

5. a violin, a trumper and a flure? ..................

6. a skyscraper? ...................

7. Earth, Mars, Venus and Jupiter? ...................

8. a tulip? ...................

9. the Nile the Rhine and the Mississippi? ...........

10. a pigeon, an eagle, and a crow? ..................

Who were these people?

11. Beethoven? --> He was a composer.

12. Shakespeare? ...................

13. Albert Einstein? ...................

14. Washington, Linclon and Kenedy? ..................

15. Marilyn Monroe? ...................

16. Elvis Presley and John Lennon? ...................

17. Van Gogh Renoir and Picasso? .....................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. It's a vegetable.

4. It's a game.

5. They're musical instruments.

6. It's a building.

7. They're planets.

8. It's a flower.

9. They're rivers.

10. They're birds.

12. He was a writer/ a poet/ a playing wright/ a dramatist.

13. He was a scientist / a physicist.

14. They were U.S presidents/ American presidents .

15. She was an actress/a film actress.

16. They were singers.

17. They were painters.

Bài 2: Read about what these people do and say what their jobs are. Choose from:

chef    interpreter    journalist    nurse

plumber    surgeon    travel agent    waiter

1. Sarah looks after patients in hospital. She is a nurse.

2. Gary works in a restaurant.He brings the food to the tables.


3. Martina arranges people's holidays for them.


4. Kevin works in a hospital. He operates on people.


5. Jonathan cooks in a restaurant.


6. Jane writes articles for a newspaper.


7. Dave installs and repairs water pipes.


8. Linda translates what people are saying from one language into another so that they can understand each other.


Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. He's a waiter.

3. She's a travel agent.

4. He's a surgeon.

5. He's a chef.

6. She's a journalist.

7. He's a plumber.

8. She's an interpreter.

Bài 3: Put in a/an or some where necessary. If no word is necessary leave the space empty.

1. I've seen some good films recently.

2. What's wrong with you? Have you got a headache?

3. I know a lot of people. Most of them are .... students.

4. When I was .... a child I used to be very shy.

5. Would you like to be .... actor?

6. Do you collect .... stamps?

7. What .... beautiful garden!

8. .... birds, for example the penguin cannot fly.

9. Do you enjoy going to .... concerts?

10. I've been walking for three hours. I've got .... sore feet.

11. I don't feel very well this morning. I've got .... sore throat.

12. Maria speaks .... English but not very much.

13. It's a pity we don't have .... camera.I'd like to take .... phoographs of that house.

14. Those are .... nice shoes. Where did you get them?

15. I'm going shopping. I want to buy .... new shoes.

16. You need .... visa to visit .... countries but not all of them.

17. Jane is .... teacher. Her parents were .... teachers too.

18. I don't believe him. He's .... liar. He's always telling .... lies.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

4. a

5. an

6. - (Do you collect stamps?)

7. a

8. sone

9. - (Do you enjoy going to concerts?)

10. – (I've got sore feet.)

11. a

12. some

13. a .... a

14. – (Those are nice shoes.)

15. Some

16. You need a visa to visit some countries

17. Jane is a teacher. Her parents were teachers too.

18. He's a liar. He's always telling lies.

Bài tập Bài tập sử dụng a, an, some với danh từ đếm được (phần 2)

Bài 2: Read about what these people do and say what their jobs are. Choose from:

chef interpreter journalist nurse

plumber surgeon travel agent waiter

1. Sarah looks after patients in hospital. She is a nurse.

2. Gary works in a restaurant.He brings the food to the tables.


3. Martina arranges people's holidays for them.


4. Kevin works in a hospital. He operates on people.


5. Jonathan cooks in a restaurant.


6. Jane writes articles for a newspaper.


7. Dave installs and repairs water pipes.


8. Linda translates what people are saying from one language into another so that they can understand each other.


Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. He's a waiter.

3. She's a travel agent.

4. He's a surgeon.

5. He's a chef.

6. She's a journalist.

7. He's a plumber.

8. She's an interpreter.

Bài 3: Put in a/an or some where necessary. If no word is necessary leave the space empty.

1. I've seen some good films recently.

2. What's wrong with you? Have you got a headache?

3. I know a lot of people. Most of them are .... students.

4. When I was .... a child I used to be very shy.

5. Would you like to be .... actor?

6. Do you collect .... stamps?

7. What .... beautiful garden!

8. .... birds, for example the penguin cannot fly.

9. Do you enjoy going to .... concerts?

10. I've been walking for three hours. I've got .... sore feet.

11. I don't feel very well this morning. I've got .... sore throat.

12. Maria speaks .... English but not very much.

13. It's a pity we don't have .... camera.I'd like to take .... phoographs of that house.

14. Those are .... nice shoes. Where did you get them?

15. I'm going shopping. I want to buy .... new shoes.

16. You need .... visa to visit .... countries but not all of them.

17. Jane is .... teacher. Her parents were .... teachers too.

18. I don't believe him. He's .... liar. He's always telling .... lies.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

4. a

5. an

6. - (Do you collect stamps?)

7. a

8. sone

9. - (Do you enjoy going to concerts?)

10. – (I've got sore feet.)

11. a

12. some

13. a .... a

14. – (Those are nice shoes.)

15. Some

16. You need a visa to visit some countries

17. Jane is a teacher. Her parents were teachers too.

18. He's a liar. He's always telling lies.

Ngữ pháp Bài tập sử dụng a, an, some với danh từ đếm được

I. Cách dùng a/an

- Trước một danh từ số ít đếm được.
Ex: We need a microcomputer (Chúng tôi cần một máy vi tính). / He eats an ice-cream.
- Trong các thành ngữ chỉ số lượng nhất định.
Ex: a lot (nhiều); a couple (một cặp/đôi); a third (một phần ba) / a dozen (một tá); a hundred (một trăm); a quarter (một phần tư)

**Không dùng mạo từ bất định(a / an) trong các trường hợp sau:
- Trước danh từ số nhiều

- Trước danh từ không đếm được
Ex: He gave us good advice (Ông ta cho chúng tôi những lời khuyên hay).

I write on paper (Tôi ghi trên giấy)
- Trước tên gọi các bữa ăn, trừ phi có tính từ đứng trước các tên gọi đó
Ex: They have lunch at eleven (họ dùng cơm trưa lúc 11 giờ)
But: You gave me a delicious dinner (bạn đã cho tôi một bữa ăn tối thật ngon miệng).

II. Cách sử dụng Some

- Some có thể dùng với danh từ đếm được ( số nhiều) và không đếm được

VD: some books, some water, some rice, some houses, etc.

-Some dùng trong câu khẳng định

VD: I need some candies, He has bought some houses.

- Tuy nhiên, khi chúng ta muốn đề nghị hay yêu cầu một cái gì đó thì sẽ dùng "some" thay thế cho "any".
VD : Would you like some coffee?
Is there some ham in the fridge, mum? I'm very hungry.

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