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Bài viết 100 Bài tập For, During, While có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng For, During, While từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập For, During, While có đáp án

Bài tập For, During, While (phần 1)

Bài 1: Put in for or during.

1. It rained for three days without stopping.

2. I fell asleep during the film.

3. I went to the theatre last night, I met Sue .... the interval.

4. Martin hasn't lived in Britian all his life. He lived in Brazil .... four years.

5. Production at the factory was seriously affected .... the strike.

6. I felt really ill last week, I could hardly eat anything .... three days.

7. I waited for you .... half an hour and decided that you weren't coming.

8. Sarah was very angry with me. She didn't speak to me .... a week.

9. We usually go out at weekends, but we don't often go out .... the week.

10. Jack started a new job a few weeks ago. Before that he was out of work .... six months.

11. I need a change. I think I'll go away .... a few days.

12. The president gave a long speech. She spoke .... two hours.

13. We were hungry when we arrived. We hadn't had anything to eat .... the journey.

14. We were hungry when we arrived. We hadn't had anything to eat .... eight hours.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. during

4. for

5. during

6. for

7. for

8. for

9. during

10. for

11. for

12. for

13. during

14. for

Bài 2: Put in during or while.

1. We met a lot of interesting people while we were on holiday.

2. We met a lot of interesting people during our holiday.

3. I met Mike .... I was shopping.

4. .... I was on holiday, I didn't read any newspaper or watch TV.

5. .... our stay in Paris, we visited a lot of museums and galleries.

6. The phone rang three times .... we were having dinner.

7. The phone rang three times .... the night.

8. I had been away for many years .... that time, many things had changed.

9. What did they say about me .... I was out of the room?

10. I went go out for dinner last night. Unfortunately I began to feel ill .... the meal and had to go home.

11. Please don't interrupt me .... I'm speaking.

12. There were many interruptions .... the president's speech.

13. Can you lay the table .... I get the dinner ready?

14. We were hungry when we arrived. We hadn't had anything to eat .... we were travelling.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. while

4. while

5. during

6. while

7. during

8. during

9. while

10. during

11. while

12. during

13. while

14. while

Bài 3: Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

1. I fell asleep while I was watching television.

2. I fell asleep during the film.

3. I hurt my arm while ...................................

4. Can you wait here while ...............................

5. Most of the students looked bored during ..............

6. I was asked a lot of question during ..................

7. Don't open the car door while .........................

8. The lights suddenly went out while ....................

9. It started to rain during .............................

10. It started to rain while .............................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

Example answer

3. I hurt my arm while I was doing the housework.

4. Can you wait here while I make a quick phone call?

5. Most of the student looked bored during the lesson.

6. I was asked a lot of questions during the interview.

7. Don't open the car door while the car is moving.

8. The light suddenly went out while we were having dinner .

9. It started to rain during the game.

10. It started to rain while we were walking home.

Bài tập For, During, While (phần 2)

Bài 1: Put in for or during.

1. It rained for three days without stopping.

2. I fell asleep during the film.

3. I went to the theatre last night, I met Sue .... the interval.

4. Martin hasn't lived in Britian all his life. He lived in Brazil .... four years.

5. Production at the factory was seriously affected .... the strike.

6. I felt really ill last week, I could hardly eat anything .... three days.

7. I waited for you .... half an hour and decided that you weren't coming.

8. Sarah was very angry with me. She didn't speak to me .... a week.

9. We usually go out at weekends, but we don't often go out .... the week.

10. Jack started a new job a few weeks ago. Before that he was out of work .... six months.

11. I need a change. I think I'll go away .... a few days.

12. The president gave a long speech. She spoke .... two hours.

13. We were hungry when we arrived. We hadn't had anything to eat .... the journey.

14. We were hungry when we arrived. We hadn't had anything to eat .... eight hours.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. during

4. for

5. during

6. for

7. for

8. for

9. during

10. for

11. for

12. for

13. during

14. for

Bài 2: Put in during or while.

1. We met a lot of interesting people while we were on holiday.

2. We met a lot of interesting people during our holiday.

3. I met Mike .... I was shopping.

4. .... I was on holiday, I didn't read any newspaper or watch TV.

5. .... our stay in Paris, we visited a lot of museums and galleries.

6. The phone rang three times .... we were having dinner.

7. The phone rang three times .... the night.

8. I had been away for many years .... that time, many things had changed.

9. What did they say about me .... I was out of the room?

10. I went go out for dinner last night. Unfortunately I began to feel ill .... the meal and had to go home.

11. Please don't interrupt me .... I'm speaking.

12. There were many interruptions .... the president's speech.

13. Can you lay the table .... I get the dinner ready?

14. We were hungry when we arrived. We hadn't had anything to eat .... we were travelling.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

3. while

4. while

5. during

6. while

7. during

8. during

9. while

10. during

11. while

12. during

13. while

14. while

Bài 3: Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

1. I fell asleep while I was watching television.

2. I fell asleep during the film.

3. I hurt my arm while ...................................

4. Can you wait here while ...............................

5. Most of the students looked bored during ..............

6. I was asked a lot of question during ..................

7. Don't open the car door while .........................

8. The lights suddenly went out while ....................

9. It started to rain during .............................

10. It started to rain while .............................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

Example answer

3. I hurt my arm while I was doing the housework.

4. Can you wait here while I make a quick phone call?

5. Most of the student looked bored during the lesson.

6. I was asked a lot of questions during the interview.

7. Don't open the car door while the car is moving.

8. The light suddenly went out while we were having dinner .

9. It started to rain during the game.

10. It started to rain while we were walking home.

Ngữ pháp For, During, While

I. While/ during/ for nghĩa là gì?

Trước hết, đây đều là các giới từ dùng để biểu thị khoảng thời gian diễn ra hành động hay sự việc nào đó.

- WHILE: Có nghĩa là “trong khi, trong lúc, trong khi đó, trong khoảng thời gian.”

- DURING: Có nghĩa là “trong thời gian, trong suốt thời gian.”

- FOR: Có nghĩa là “trong, được (bao nhiêu thời gian).”

II. Cách sử dụng của While/ During/ For


- Cấu trúc: WHILE + clause (mệnh đề)

- Vị trí: Mệnh đề WHILE có thể đứng đầu câu hoặc cuối câu (sau một mệnh đề khác). Lưu ý, khi mệnh đề WHILE đứng đầu câu thì cần có dấu phẩy sau mệnh đề.

- Cách dùng: WHILE dùng để diễn tả hai hành động xảy ra song song đồng thời tại cùng một thời điểm và khoảng thời gian diễn ra hành động không quan trọng.

– Ví dụ:

- 1: My mother was watching TV while I was reading books(Mẹ tôi đang xem TV trong khi tôi đang đọc sách)

Có thể viết thành.

- While I was reading books, my mother was watching TV. (Trong khi tôi đang đọc sách, mẹ tôi đang xem TV).

⇒ Hành động READING BOOKS (đọc sách) và hành động WATCHING TV (xem TV) diễn ra cùng một lúc tại một thời điểm nào đó. Khi dùng WHILE thì câu không hàm ý nhấn mạnh độ dài của khoảng thời gian diễn ra hành động. Có thể hai hành động này chỉ vừa mới bắt đầu xảy ra hoặc xảy ra được một lúc rồi.


- Cấu trúc: DURING + N (danh từ)

- Vị trí: Tương tự như mệnh đề WHILE, cấu trúc during có thể đứng ở đầu hoặc cuối câu. Và khi đứng ở đầu câu, sau cụm này cần có dấu phẩy.

- Cách dùng: DURING được dùng để nhấn mạnh khoảng thời gian diễn ra của một sự việc trong khi một sự việc khác đang diễn ra.

– Ví dụ:

- 1/ He used his phone during the party. (Anh ta dùng điện thoại trong suốt bữa tiệc.)

Có thể viết thành

- During the party, he used his phone. (Suốt bữa tiếc, anh ta cứ sử dụng điện thoại.)

⇒ Ý của câu muốn nhấn mạnh khoảng thời gian diễn ra của hành động USED HIS PHONE (sử dụng điện thoại) là trong cả quá trình bữa tiệc đang diễn ra.

c. FOR

- Cấu trúc: FOR + khoảng thời gian (danh từ/cụm danh từ)

- Vị trí: Đối với cấu trúc FOR, khác với hai cấu trúc còn lại, nó thường đứng cuối câu.

- Cách dùng: FOR được dùng để nhấn mạnh khoảng thời gian diễn ra của hành động hay sự việc nào đó.

– Ví dụ:

- 1: I have been living here for 10 years. (Tôi đã và đang sống ở đây được/trong 10 năm rồi)

⇒ Hàm ý câu muốn nhấn mạnh khoảng thời gian diễn ra sự việc “living here – sống ở đây”.

- 2/ It has been snowing for one week. (Tuyết đã rơi trong 1 tuần rồi.)

⇒ Tương tự, hàm ý câu muốn nhấn mạnh khoảng thời gian tuyết rơi là 1 tuần liền

III. Sự khác nhau cơ bản giữa While, During, For

Cấu trúc

Vị trí

Cách dùng


WHILE + clause

Đầu hoặc giữa câu

Diễn tả hai hành động xảy ra song song tại cùng một thời điểm và không nhấn mạnh khoảng thời gian



Đầu hoặc giữa câu

Nhấn mạnh khoảng thời gian diễn ra của một sự việc trong khi một sự việc khác đang diễn ra


FOR + khoảng thời gian

Cuối câu

Nhấn mạnh khoảng thời gian diễn ra của một sự việc hay hành động nào đó

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