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Bài viết 100 Bài tập To, For, So that có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng giới từ To, For và So that từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập To, For, So that có đáp án

Bài tập To, For, So that (phần 1)

Bài 1: Choose from Box A and Box B to make a new sentence with to:

1. I shouted I want to keep warm
2. I had to go to the bank I wanted to report that my car had been stolen
3. I'm saving money I want to go to Canada
4. I went into hospital I had to have operation
5. I'm wearing two sweaters I needed to get some money
6. I phoned the police I wanted to warn people of the danger

1. I shouted to warn people of the danger.

2. I had to go to the bank ...............

3. .......................................

4. .......................................

5. .......................................

6. .......................................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. I had to go to the bank to get some money.

3. I'm saving money to go to Canada

4. I went into hospital to have an operation

5. I'm wearing two sweaters to keep warm

6. I phoned the police to report that my car had been stolen

Bài 2: Complete these sentences using a suitable verb:

1. The president has a team of bodyguards to protect him.

2. I didn't have enough time .... the newspaper today.

3. I came home by taxi. I didn't have the energy .... .

4. "Would you like something .... ?" "Yes, please. A cup of coffee."

5. We need a bag .... these things in.

6. There will be a meeting next week .... the problem.

7. I wish we had enough money .... another car.

8. I saw Helen at the party but we didn't have a chance .... to each other.

9. I need some new clothes. I don't have anything nice .... .

10. They've just passed their exams. They're having a party.

11. I can't do all this work alone. I need somebody .... me.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. to read

3. to walk/ to go on foot

4. to drink

5. to put/to carry

6. to discuss /to consider /to talk about

7. to buy / to get

8. to talk /to speak

9. to wear / to put on

10. to celebrate

11. to help / to assist

Bài 3: Put in to or for.

1. I'm going to Spain for a holiday.

2. You need a lot of experience .... this job.

3. You need a lot of experience .... do this job.

4. We'll need more time .... make a decision.

5. I went to the dentist .... a check up.

6. I had to put on my glasses .... reading?

8. I wish we had a garden .... the children .... play in.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. for

3. to

4. to

5. for

6. to

7. for

8. for .... to

Bài 4: Write sentences with so that.

1. I hurried I didn't want to be late.

I hurried so that I wouldn't be late.

2. I wore warm clothes. I didn't want to be cold.

I wore .....................................

3. I left Dave my phone number. I wanted him to be able to contact me.

I ..........................................

4. We whispered. We didn't want anybody else to hear our conversation.

................ nobody ....................

5. Please arrive early. We want to be able to start the meeting on time.

Please ......................................

6. Jenifer locked the door. She didn't want to be disturbed.


7. I slowed down. I wanted the car behind me to be able to overtake.


Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. I wore warm clothes so that I wouldn't be cold.

3. I left Dave my phone number so that he could contact me / ....would be able to contact me.

4. We whispered so that nobody else would hear our conversation/ that nobody else could hear .../ would be able to hear ....

5. please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time. / that we'll be able to start ....

6. Jenifer locked the door so that she wouldn't be disturbed

7. I slowed down so that the car behind me could overtake. / ....would be able to overtake

Bài tập To, For, So that (phần 2)

Bài 1: Choose from Box A and Box B to make a new sentence with to:

1. I shouted I want to keep warm
2. I had to go to the bank I wanted to report that my car had been stolen
3. I'm saving money I want to go to Canada
4. I went into hospital I had to have operation
5. I'm wearing two sweaters I needed to get some money
6. I phoned the police I wanted to warn people of the danger

1. I shouted to warn people of the danger.

2. I had to go to the bank ...............

3. .......................................

4. .......................................

5. .......................................

6. .......................................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. I had to go to the bank to get some money.

3. I'm saving money to go to Canada

4. I went into hospital to have an operation

5. I'm wearing two sweaters to keep warm

6. I phoned the police to report that my car had been stolen

Bài 2: Complete these sentences using a suitable verb:

1. The president has a team of bodyguards to protect him.

2. I didn't have enough time .... the newspaper today.

3. I came home by taxi. I didn't have the energy .... .

4. "Would you like something .... ?" "Yes, please. A cup of coffee."

5. We need a bag .... these things in.

6. There will be a meeting next week .... the problem.

7. I wish we had enough money .... another car.

8. I saw Helen at the party but we didn't have a chance .... to each other.

9. I need some new clothes. I don't have anything nice .... .

10. They've just passed their exams. They're having a party.

11. I can't do all this work alone. I need somebody .... me.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. to read

3. to walk/ to go on foot

4. to drink

5. to put/to carry

6. to discuss /to consider /to talk about

7. to buy / to get

8. to talk /to speak

9. to wear / to put on

10. to celebrate

11. to help / to assist

Bài 3: Put in to or for.

1. I'm going to Spain for a holiday.

2. You need a lot of experience .... this job.

3. You need a lot of experience .... do this job.

4. We'll need more time .... make a decision.

5. I went to the dentist .... a check up.

6. I had to put on my glasses .... reading?

8. I wish we had a garden .... the children .... play in.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. for

3. to

4. to

5. for

6. to

7. for

8. for .... to

Bài 4: Write sentences with so that.

1. I hurried I didn't want to be late.

I hurried so that I wouldn't be late.

2. I wore warm clothes. I didn't want to be cold.

I wore .....................................

3. I left Dave my phone number. I wanted him to be able to contact me.

I ..........................................

4. We whispered. We didn't want anybody else to hear our conversation.

................ nobody ....................

5. Please arrive early. We want to be able to start the meeting on time.

Please ......................................

6. Jenifer locked the door. She didn't want to be disturbed.


7. I slowed down. I wanted the car behind me to be able to overtake.


Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. I wore warm clothes so that I wouldn't be cold.

3. I left Dave my phone number so that he could contact me / ....would be able to contact me.

4. We whispered so that nobody else would hear our conversation/ that nobody else could hear .../ would be able to hear ....

5. please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time. / that we'll be able to start ....

6. Jenifer locked the door so that she wouldn't be disturbed

7. I slowed down so that the car behind me could overtake. / ....would be able to overtake

Ngữ pháp giới từ To, For và So that

A. Giới từ to trong tiếng Anh

Chúng ta sử dụng to... để nói vì sao một người làm một việc gì đó (= mục đích của hành động).

Ví dụ:

- "Why did you go out?" "To post a letter."

("Anh đi ra ngoài làm gì vậy?" "Để bỏ thư.")

- A friend of mine phoned to invite me to a party.

(Một người bạn gọi điện mời tôi đến dự tiệc.)

- We shouted to warn everybody of the danger.

(Chúng tôi la to để báo cho mọi người biết sự nguy hiểm.

Chúng ta sử dụng to... để nói tại sao một vật nào đó tồn tại hay tại sao một người nào đó có/muốn/cần (has/wants/needs) một vật nào đó.

Ví dụ:

- This wall is to keep people out of the garden.

(Bức tường này để ngăn người ngoài vào vườn.)

- The president has a team of bodyguards to protect him.

(Tổng thống có một đội vệ sĩ bảo vệ ông ta.)

- I need a bottle opener to open this bottle.

(Tôi cần cái mở chai để mở cái chai này.)

B. Cách sử dụng khác của to trong tiếng Anh

Chúng ta sử dụng to... để nói việc gì có thể làm hay cần làm bằng cách nào đó.

Ví dụ:

- It's difficult to find a place to park in the city centre.

(=a place where you can park)

(Để tìm ra một nơi đậu xe trong trung tâm thành phố thật là khó khăn.)

- Would you like something to eat?

(Anh muốn dùng thứ gì đó không?)

- Have you got much work to do? (=Work that you much do)

(Anh có nhiều việc phải làm không?)

- I get lonely if there's nobody to talk to.

(Tôi cảm thấy cô đơn nếu không có ai để nói chuyện.)

Với mục đích tương tự, chúng ta sử dụng money/ time/ chance/ opportunity/ energy/ courage ... + to (do something)

Ví dụ:

- They gave us some money to buy some food.

(Họ đưa cho chúng tôi một ít tiền để mua đồ ăn.)

- Do you have much opportunity to practise your English?

(Anh có nhiều dịp để thực hành tiếng Anh không?)

- I need a few days to think about your proposal.

(Tôi cần ít ngày để suy nghĩ về đề nghị của anh.)

C. So sánh for và to trong tiếng Anh

Bạn so sánh cách sử dụng hai giới từ này qua các ví dụ sau:

for + danh từ --vs-- to

I'm going to Spain for a holiday. | I'm going to Spain to learn Spanish.

What would you like for dinner? | What would you like to eat?

Let's go to the pool for a swim! | Let's go to the pool to have a swim.

Lưu ý rằng bạn có thể sử dụng for (somebody) to (do something)

- There weren't any chairs for us to sit on, so we had to sit on the floor.

(Đã không có cái ghế nào cho chúng tôi ngồi cả, vì thế chúng tôi phải ngồi lên sàn nhà.)

Bạn có thể sử dụng for + V-ing để nói về công dụng, mục đích chung của một vật. Theo cách này, giới từ to cũng được sử dụng.

Ví dụ:

- This knife is only for cutting bread (hoặc to cut bread)

(Con dao này chỉ dùng để cắt bánh mì.)

Để hỏi về mục đích, công dụng, bạn có thể sử dụng câu hỏi What ... for?

Ví dụ:

- What is this switch for?

(Cái công tắc này để làm gì vậy?)

- What did you do that for?

(Anh làm cái đó để làm gì vậy?)

D. Cách sử dụng của so that trong tiếng Anh

Đôi khi bạn phải sử dụng cụm từ so that để chỉ mục đích. Chúng ta sử dụng so that (không sử dụng to).

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Michael Gough
Michael Gough
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Michael Gough
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Michael Gough
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