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Bài viết 100 Bài tập Used to có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng Used to từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

100 Bài tập Used to có đáp án

Bài tập Used to (phần 1)

Bài 1: Complete the senten ces with use(d) to + a suitable verb.

1. Diane don't travel much now. She used to travel a lot, but she prefers to stay at home these days.

2. Liz .... a motorbike,but last year she sold it and bought a car.

3. We came to live in London a few years ago. We .... in Leeds

4. I rarely eat ice-cream now, but I .... it when I was a child.

5. Jim .... my best friend, but we aren't good friend any longer.

6. It only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work now that the new road is open. It .... more than an hour.

7. There .... a hotel near the airport, but it closed a long time ago.

8. When you lived in New York, .... to the theatre very often?

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. used to have

3. used to live

4. used to eat

5. used to be

6. used to take

7. used to be

8. used to use to go

Bài 2: Matt changed his life style. He stopped doing some things and started doing other things: | studying hard He stopped | going to bed early | running three miles every morning | sleeping late He started | going out in the evening | spending a lot of money

Write sentences about Matt with used to and didn't use to

1. He used to stud hard.

2. He didn't use to sleep late.

3. ...........................

4. ...........................

5. ...........................

6. ...........................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:


He used to go to bed early

He didn't use to go out in the evening

He used to run three miles every morning

He didn't use to spend much money

Bài 3: Compare what Marry said five years ago and what she says today:

Five years ago

I travel a lot

I'm a hotel receptionist.

I've got lots of friends

I play the piano.

I'm very lazy

I never read newspaper.

I don't like chese

I don't drink tea

I go to a lot of parties

I've got a dog


I eat lots of cheese now

My dog died two years ago

I work very hard these days.

I read a newspaper every day now

I don't know many people these days

I haven't been to a party for ages

I work in a bookshop now

I haven't played the piano for years

Tea's great! I like it now

I don't go away much these days

Now write sentences about how Karen has changed. Use used to/didn't use to/never used to in the first part of your sentences.

1. She used to travel a lot but she doesn't go away much these days.

2. She used .......... but ..........

3. ................... but ..........

4. ................... but ..........

5. ................... but ..........

6. ................... but ..........

7. ................... but ..........

8. ................... but ..........

9. ................... but ..........

10. .................. but ..........

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:


She used to have a lot of friends, but she doesn't know many people these days.

She used to be very lazy, but she works very hard these days.

She didn't use to like cheese, but she eats lots of cheese now.

She used to be a hotel receptionist, but she works in a bookshop now.

She used to play piano, but she hasn't played the piano for years

She never used to read newspapers, but she reads a newspaper everyday now.

She didn't use to drink tea, but she likes it now.

She used to have a dog, but it died two years ago.

She used to go to a lot of parties, but she hasn't been to a party for ages.

Bài tập Used to (phần 2)

Bài 1: Complete the senten ces with use(d) to + a suitable verb.

1. Diane don't travel much now. She used to travel a lot, but she prefers to stay at home these days.

2. Liz .... a motorbike,but last year she sold it and bought a car.

3. We came to live in London a few years ago. We .... in Leeds

4. I rarely eat ice-cream now, but I .... it when I was a child.

5. Jim .... my best friend, but we aren't good friend any longer.

6. It only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work now that the new road is open. It .... more than an hour.

7. There .... a hotel near the airport, but it closed a long time ago.

8. When you lived in New York, .... to the theatre very often?

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. used to have

3. used to live

4. used to eat

5. used to be

6. used to take

7. used to be

8. used to use to go
Bài 2:
Matt changed his life style. He stopped doing some things and started doing other things: | studying hard He stopped | going to bed early | running three miles every morning | sleeping late He started | going out in the evening | spending a lot of money

Write sentences about Matt with used to and didn't use to

1. He used to stud hard.

2. He didn't use to sleep late.

3. ...........................

4. ...........................

5. ...........................

6. ...........................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:


He used to go to bed early

He didn't use to go out in the evening

He used to run three miles every morning

He didn't use to spend much money

Bài 3: Compare what Marry said five years ago and what she says today:

Five years ago

I travel a lot

I'm a hotel receptionist.

I've got lots of friends

I play the piano.

I'm very lazy

I never read newspaper.

I don't like chese

I don't drink tea

I go to a lot of parties

I've got a dog


I eat lots of cheese now

My dog died two years ago

I work very hard these days.

I read a newspaper every day now

I don't know many people these days

I haven't been to a party for ages

I work in a bookshop now

I haven't played the piano for years

Tea's great! I like it now

I don't go away much these days

Now write sentences about how Karen has changed. Use used to/didn't use to/never used to in the first part of your sentences.

1. She used to travel a lot but she doesn't go away much these days.

2. She used .......... but ..........

3. ................... but ..........

4. ................... but ..........

5. ................... but ..........

6. ................... but ..........

7. ................... but ..........

8. ................... but ..........

9. ................... but ..........

10. .................. but ..........

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:


She used to have a lot of friends, but she doesn't know many people these days.

She used to be very lazy, but she works very hard these days.

She didn't use to like cheese, but she eats lots of cheese now.

She used to be a hotel receptionist, but she works in a bookshop now.

She used to play piano, but she hasn't played the piano for years

She never used to read newspapers, but she reads a newspaper everyday now.

She didn't use to drink tea, but she likes it now.

She used to have a dog, but it died two years ago.

She used to go to a lot of parties, but she hasn't been to a party for ages.

Ngữ pháp Used to

Cấu trúc Used to

Khẳng định

Phủ định

Nghi vấn

Cấu trúc: S + used to + V


Tom used to read to the book. – Ngày trước Tom thường đọc sách.

Their used to go to school together. – Ngày trước họ thường đi học cùng nhau.

Cấu trúc: S + did not + use to + V


Tom didn’t use to read to the book. – Ngày trước Tom thường không đọc sách.

Their did not use to go to school together. – Ngày trước họ thường không đi học cùng nhau.

Cấu trúc: Did + S + use to + V..?


Did he use to read to the book? – Ngày trước anh ấy có thường đọc sách không?

Did their use to go to school together? – Ngày trước họ có thường đi học cùng nhau không?

- Được sử dụng để chỉ thói quen trong quá khứ và không được duy trì ở hiện tại.


We used to live in Ninh Binh when I was a child.

I used to walk to work when I was 22 years old.

- Được dùng để thể hiện tình trạng, trạng thái trong quá khứ (thường dùng thì quá khứ đơn) nhưng không còn tồn tại ở hiện tại. Trong cấu trúc dùng những động từ biểu hiện trạng thái như have, believe, know, like.


I used to like SNSD but now I never listen to them.

She used to have short hair but nowadays this hair is very long.

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