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Bài viết 50 Bài tập Câu ước I wish cực hay có lời giải gồm đầy đủ lý thuyết trọng tâm về Câu ước I wish và trên 50 bài tập về Câu ước I wish chọn lọc, có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn nắm vững cách sử dụng của Câu ước I wish.

50 Bài tập Câu ước I wish cực hay có lời giải


1. Định nghĩa

Câu ước diễn tả mong muốn, ước muốn hay sự hối tiếc, ân hận về một sự việc ở tương lai, hiện tại và quá khứ để tỏ ý mong muốn sự việc trái ngược lại với sự thật.

2. Các loại câu ước

A. Loại I

- Cách dùng: Diễn tả sự khó chịu, bực mình, không thể kiên nhẫn của người nói trước một sự việc ở hiện tại và mong muốn nó thay đổi

- Cấu trúc: S + wish (that) + S + would/could + V_inf

- Ví dụ: I wish they would stop making noise. (Ước gì họ sẽ không làm ồn nữa.)

B. Loại II

- Cách dùng: Diễn tả ước muốn trái với sự thật ở hiện tại (giống câu điều kiện loại 2)

- Cấu trúc: S + wish (that)+ S + V2/ed / (be->were)

- Ví dụ: I wish I knew his address. (Ước gì tôi biết địa chỉ anh ta, nhưng thật ra tôi không biết địa chỉ của anh ta.)

C. Loại III

- Cách dùng: Diễn tả ước muốn trái với sự thật ở quá khứ (giống câu điều kiện loại 3)

- Cấu trúc: S + Wish (that) + S + had + V3/ed

- Ví dụ: I wish I hadn’t spent so much money. (Tôi ước tôi đã không tiêu quá nhiều tiền, sự thực là tôi đã tiêu rất nhiều tiền.)

*Lưu ý: I wish = If only (giá mà/ phải chi)

Chúng ta còn có thể dùng "If only" thay cho "I wish" trong cả 3 cấu trúc, nó mang sắc thái mạnh hơn và càng không thể thực hiện được hơn so với "I wish".

Ví dụ: If only Andrew were here. (Giá mà Andrew có ở đây.)


Task 1. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tenses

1. I wish I (go)……………………………. to the movie with you.

2. I wish I (have)……………………………………… day off.

3. I wish I (study)…………………………… Latin instead of Greek.

4. I wish I (not / spend)………………………………. so much money.

5. I wish the weather (be) …………..…………….warm, so we could go swimming.

6. I wish I (ask)…………………………….………. him how to get there.

7. I wish I (not stay)………….……………….. at home.

8. I wish I (not/ buy) …………….……………..that book.

9. I wish I (not/see) ……………….…………….him.

10. I wish I (not/call)……………….………………. him a liar.

1. could go

2. had

3. studied

4. hadn't spent

5. were

6. had asked

7. wouldn't stay

8. hadn't bought

9. hadn't seen

10. hadn't called

Task 2. Rewrite the following sentences, using "Wish"

1. I don't know more people.

I wish.....................

2. I don't have a key.

I wish.....................

3. Ann isn't here.

I wish.....................

4. It is cold .

I wish.....................

5. I live in a big city (I don't like it).

I wish.................................

1. I wish I knew more people.

2. I wish I had a key.

3. I wish Ann were here.

4. I wish it weren't cold.

5. I wish I lived in the countryside.

Task 3. Rewrite the following sentences, using "Wish"

1. I can't go to the party (and I like it).

I wish...................................

2. I have to work tomorrow (I like to stay in bed).

I wish..................................................

3. I don't get good marks.

I wish..................................................

4. I'm not lying on a beautiful sunny beach.

I wish.....................................................

5. Hoa and Ba won't go fishing this weekend.

They wish ................................................

1. I wish I didn't have to go to the party,

2. I wish I could stay in bed tomorrow.

3. I wish I had good marks.

4. I wish I was lying on a beautiful sunny beach.

5. They wish Hoa ad Ba would go fishing this weekend.

Task 4. Give the correct form of the verbs

1. I wish he (be)……………. here now.

2. She wishes you (feel)……………. better.

3. I wish that you (be)…………….here yesterday.

4. I wish he (finish)……………. his work tonight.

5. We wish you (come)……………. tomorrow.

6. She wishes she (open)……………. the window last night.

7. I wish you (leave) …………….earlier yesterday.

8. We wish they (come)…………….with us last weekend.

9. They wish he (come)……………. with them the next day.

10. They wish we (give)……………. them some food yesterday.

1. were

2. felt

3. had been

4. would finish

5. would come

6. had

7. had left

8. had come

9. would come

10. had given

Task 5. Rewrite the second sentences in each pair using “I wish”

1. I have to study hard.

→ I wish ……………………………………….………………………….

2. We had a lot of homework yesterday.

→ I wish …………………………………………………………………….

3. It is raining heavily.

→ I wish ……………………………………….…………………………….

4. It was cold last night. .

→ I wish ……………………………………….……………………………

5.1. They work slowly.

→ I wish ……………………………………….…..………………………..

5.2. She doesn’t join in the trip.

→ I wish ……………………………………….…………………………….

6. I am not good at English.

→ I wish ……………………………………….…………………………….

7. He studies badly.

→ I wish ……………………………………….……………………………..

8. He doesn’t like playing sports.

→ I wish ……………………………………….……………………………..

9. I don’t have a computer.

→ I wish ……………………………..………….…………………………….

10. Today isn’t a holiday.

→ I wish ……………………………………….……………………………….

1. I wish I didn’t have to study.

2. I wish we hadn’t had a lot of homework yesterday.

3. I wish it didn’t rain heavily.

4. I wish it hadn’t been cold last night.

5.1. I wish they didn’t work slowly.

5.2. I wish she joined in the trip.

6. I wish I were good at English.

7. I wish he didn’t studied badly.

8. I wish he liked playing sports.

9. I wish I had a computer.

10. I wish today were a holiday.

Task 6. Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences

1. She wish she could speak English well.

2. I wish it didn’t rained now.

3. I wish I was a doctor to save people.

4. I wish I have more time to look after my family.

5. He wishes it didn’t rain yesterday.

6. I wish my father gives up smoking in the near future.

7. I wish I studied very well last year.

8. I wish you will come to my party next week.

9. I wish it stops raining now.

10. I wish you are my sister.

11. She wishes she is the most beautiful girl in the world.

12. I wish Miss Brown will come here and stay with us next week.

13. I wish I am at home with my family now.

14. I wish I could been there with you.

15. She wish she could go home now.

1. wish → wishes

2. rained → rain

3. was → were

4. have → had

5. didn’t rain → hadn’t rain

6. gives → would give

7. studied → had studied

8. will → would

9. stops → stopped

10. are → were

11. is → were

12. will → would

13. am → were

14. been → be

15. wish → wishes

Task 7. Choose the best answer

1. I wish I (have/ has/ had) a lot of interesting book.

2. I wish I (would meet/ met/ meet) her tomorrow.

3. I wish I (was/ were/ am) your sister.

4. I wish they (won/ had won/ would win) the match last Sunday.

5. I wish they (played/ playing/ play) soccer well.

6. She wishes she (will/ would/ can) come here to visit us.

7. I wish yesterday (were /was/had been ) a better day.

8. I wish I (can speak/ could speak/ will speak) many languages.

9. I wish tomorrow (were/ will be/ would be) Sunday.

10. I wish I (am/ was/ were) a movie star.

1. had

2. would meet

3. were

4. had won

5. played

6. would

7. had been

8. could speak

9. would be

10. were

Task 8. Rewrite the second sentences in each pair using “I wish”

1. I can’t sing this song.

→ I wish ………………………………………….…………

2. He was punished by his mother.

→ I wish ……………………………………………………

3. They won’t come here again.

→ I wish ………………………………………….…………

4. He won’t go swimming with me.

→ I wish …………………………………………………….

5. We didn’t understand them.

→ We wish ………………………………………….……..

6. I will be late for school.

→ I wish ………………………………………….……….

7. The bus was late today.

→ I wish ………………………………………….………..

8. She doesn’t like this place.

→ I wish ………………………………………….………

9. These students talked too much in class.

→ I wish ………………………………………………….

10. I can’t play basketball.

→ I wish ………………………………………….……….

1. I wish I could sing this song.

2. I wish he hadn’t been punished by his mother.

3. I wish they would come here again.

4. I wish I he would go swimming with me.

5. We wish we had understood them.

6. I wish I wouldn’t be late for school.

7. I wish the bus hadn’t been late today.

8. I wish she liked this place.

9. I wish these students hadn’t talked too much in class.

10. I wish I could play basketball.

Task 9. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tenses

1. I don’t have time to go to “High Quality Good Fair “. I wish I (go)………there.

2. The weather is very hot. I wish it (be) ………………………… cooler.

3. We seldom write to her. I wish we (write) ………………… to her more often.

4. John doesn’t know how to swim. He wishes he (can) ………………..…… swim.

5. John doesn’t buy the book. She wishes she (buy) ……………………..… it.

6. Mai doesn’t pass the exam. She wishes she (study) ……………..…… harder.

7. We will not go to Ha Long Bay next week. I wish we (go) …………… there.

8. It is raining now. I wish it (stop) ……………………… raining soon.

9. My parents are not in now. I wish they (be) ……….……at home with us now.

10. I know Nam will not lend me his car . I wish he (lend). ……………… it to me.

1. could go

2. were

3. wrote

4. could

5. had bought

6. had studied

7. would go

8. would stop

9. were

10. would lend

Task 10. Rewrite the following sentences, using "Wish"

1. I don't know more people.

I wish............................

2. I don't have a key.

I wish............................

3. Ann isn't here.

I wish............................

4. It is cold .

I wish............................

5. I live in a big city (I don't like it).

I wish............................

6. I can't go to the party (and I like it).

I wish............................

7. I have to work tomorrow (I like to stay in bed).

I wish............................

8. I don't get good marks.

I wish............................

9. I'm not lying on a beautiful sunny beach.

I wish............................

10. Hoa and Ba won't go fishing this weekend.

I wish............................

1. I wish I knew more people.

2. I wish I had a key.

3. I wish Ann were here.

4. I wish it weren't cold.

5. I wish I lived in the countryside

6. I wish I didn't have to go to the party,

7. I wish I could stay in bed tomorrow.

8. I wish I had good marks.

9. I wish I was lying on a beautiful sunny beach.

10. They wish Hoa ad Ba would go fishing this weekend.

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