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Bài viết 50 Bài tập Unless cực hay có lời giải gồm đầy đủ lý thuyết trọng tâm về Unless và trên 50 bài tập về Unless chọn lọc, có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn nắm vững cách sử dụng của Unless.

50 Bài tập Unless cực hay có lời giải


Unless = If….not (Nếu ………không, trừ phi)

Ex: If you don’t study harder, you will fail in the entrance examination

→ Unless you study harder, you will fail in the entrance examination

Chú ý: Khi đổi một câu điều kiện với từ nối IF sang UNLESS, lưu ý không được đổi sang thể phủ định khi dùng UNLESS (unless….not) mà phải đổi mệnh đề chính sang thể ngược lại.

Ex: If I have time, I’ll help you

→ Unless I have time, I won’t help you


Task 1. Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1. If you don't study harder, you 'll get bad marks.

=> Unless ..........................................................................

2. Unless this man is a driver, he can’t help you move by car.

=> If ..........................................................................

3. If he doesn't practice writing every day, he can't improve his writing skill.

=> Unless ..........................................................................

4. Unless you return this book to the library today, you’ll have to pay a fine.

=> If ..........................................................................

5. Unless you go out more often, you might fall ill.

=> If ..........................................................................

1. Unless you study harder, you 'll get bad marks.

2. If this man is not a driver, he can’t help you move by car.

3. Unless he practices writing every day, he can't improve his writing skill.

4. If you don’t return this book to the library today, you’ll have to pay a fine.

5. If you go out more often, you might fall ill.

Task 2. Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1. Unless they were absent now, they would meet the head master.

=> If ...........................................................................

2. Unless he cleaned up the car now, his boss could ask him to do this.

=> If ...........................................................................

3. If I didn’t know the number, I would not ring her up.

=> Unless ...........................................................................

4. If Peter didn’t study hard, he could not get good marks.

=> Unless ...........................................................................

5. If my sister didn’t have a terrible headache she wouldn’t be absent from her class.

=> Unless ...........................................................................

1. If they were not absent now, they would meet the head master.

2. If he didn’t clean up the car now, his boss could ask him to do this.

3. Unless I knew the number, I would not ring her up.

4. Unless Peter studied hard, he could not get good marks.

5. Unless my sister had a terrible headache she wouldn’t be absent from her class.

Task 3. Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1. Unless you had stayed at home yesterday, you wouldn’t have enjoyed a delicious meal.

=> If ...........................................................................

2. Unless he had been busy last night, he could have met his friends.

=> If ...........................................................................

3. If she hadn’t missed the bus, she wouldn’t have been late.

=> Unless ...........................................................................

4. If he hadn’t been angry, he would have say something.

=> Unless ...........................................................................

5. If he hadn’t had time, he wouldn’t have read this novel.

=> Unless ...........................................................................

1. If you had stayed at home yesterday, you wouldn’t have enjoyed a delicious meal.

2. If he had not been busy last night, he could have met his friends.

3. Unless she had missed the bus, she wouldn’t have been late.

4. Unless he had been angry, he would have say something.

5. Unless he had had time, he wouldn’t have read this novel.

Task 4. Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed above it.

1. He spent all his money. He even borrowed some from me.

=> Not only_______________________________________________________

2. He had hardly left the office when the telephone rang.

=> No sooner _____________________________________________________

3. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back.

=> Hardly _______________________________________________________

4. He didn’t finish his work until the bell rang.

=> Not until ______________________________________________________

5. We only began to see the symptoms of the disease after several months.

=> Only _________________________________________________________

1. Not only did he spend all his money but she also borrowed some from me.

2. No sooner had I left the office than the phone rang.

3. Hardly had I put the phone down when the boss rang back.

4. Not until the bell rang did he finish his work.

5. Only after several months did we begin to see the symptoms of the disease.

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