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Can, Could, (be) able to trong tiếng Anh

Can, Could, và Be able to đều mang nghĩa “có thể”, diễn tả khả năng làm gì. Tuy nhiên, chúng vẫn có những sự khác nhau nhất định.

1. Can

Can được dùng để diễn đạt:

a. Khả năng ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai

Eg: I haven’t got time today, but I can see you tomorrow.

(Hôm nay tôi không có thời gian, nhưng tôi có thể gặp bạn vào ngày mai.)

b. Sự xin phép và cho phép, và thể phủ định (cannot) chỉ sự cấm đoán trong văn nói

Eg: Can I use your phone? (Tôi có thể dùng điện thoại của bạn không?)

c. Yêu cầu, đề nghị hoặc gợi ý

Eg: Can you wait a moment, please? (Vui lòng đợi một lát nhé?)

d. Khi dùng với động từ tri giác thì nó mang nghĩa tiếp diễn

Eg: Listen! I think someone is singing = Listen! I think I can hear someone singing.

(Nghe này! Tôi nghĩ có ai đó đang hát.)

2. Could

a. Could là dạng quá khứ của Can, chỉ khả năng ở quá khứ

Eg: My sister could play the piano when she was 4.

(Em gái tôi biết chơi dương cầm từ khi 4 tuổi.)

b. Could là trợ động từ tình thái, dùng để diễn đạt:

- Điều có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai nhưng không chắc chắn

Eg: The phone is ringing. It could be Tom.

(Điện thoại đang kêu kìa, có thể là Tom đấy.)

- Sự xin phép (trịnh trọng hơn dùng Can)

Eg: Could I ask you something? (Tôi có thể hỏi bạn vài đều không?)

- Yêu cầu lịch sự, trịnh trọng hơn Can

Eg: Could you mail this letter for me? (Bạn có thể chuyển bức thứ này giúp tôi không?)

c. Could được dùng trong câu điều kiện loại II

Eg: If you tried, you could do that work. (Nếu bạn cố gắng, tôi đã có thể làm công việc đó.)

3. Be able to

- Am/ is/ are + able to = Can (chỉ khả năng)

- Was/ were + able to = Could (chỉ khả năng)

Lưu ý: Nếu câu nói hàm ý một sự thành công trong việc thực hiện hành động mà chủ thể đã cố gắng, xoay sở để thực hiện thì Be able to được sử dụng chứ không phải Could.

Eg: The plane was able to take off after the fog had lifted.

(Máy bay đã có thể cất cánh sau khi sương mù tan.)

4. Bài tập Can, Could, Be able to

Exercise 1. Write the phrases in brackets in their correct forms into the gaps.

0. Lisa has been able to clean her dress. She can wear it again. (can/to clean)

1. Last week we………… swimming, this week we can’t. (can/to go)

2. Maybe the Smiths………… a new house next year. (can/to build)

3. If you try hard, you………… your examinations. (can/to pass)

4. When I was five, I…………. (not/can/to swim)

5. Dennis…………the trumpet after four months. (can/to play)

6. Luke has passed his driving test, now he………… a car. (can/to drive)

7. I…………to him on the phone for three weeks last month. (not/can/to speak)

8. Alex…………his homework when his desk is in such a mess. (not/can/to do)

9. They were so busy, they…………me. (not/can/to text)

1. could go

2. will be able to build

3. can pass

4. could not swim

5. could play

6. can drive

7. could not speak

8. will not be able to do

9. could not text

Exercise 2. Choose the best options to complete the sentences.

0. Lan has learnt English for 7 years so she __________speak English fluently now.

A. can       B. could

1. She __________ sing an English song at the age of 5.

A. can       B. could

2. ___________ robots talk to people some years ago?

A. Can       B. Could

3. He _________ read and write when he was 6 years old.

A. could       B. might

4. ___________ they climb Mount Fansipan now?

A. Can       B. Could

5. John ___________ play the piano very well 5 years ago.

A. will       B. could

6. In the past, robots __________ only do very simple things.

A. can       B. could

7. I _________ swim until I was 10 years old.

A. can't       B. couldn't








Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using can or (be) able to. If can is not possible, use (be) able to.

0. I haven’t been able to sleep very well recently.

1. Nicole ………, but she doesn’t have a car.

2. I used to ………..stand on my head, but I can’t do it any more.

3. I can’t understand Mark. I’ve never ………..understand him.

4. I can’t see you on Friday, but I ……… you on Saturday morning.

5. Ask Katherine about your problem. She might……….. help you.

6. You have to be careful in this part of the city. It ……… dangerous

1. can

2. be able to

3. been able to

4. can/ will be able to

5. be able to

6. can

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with can/can’t/could/couldn’t + the following:

believe       come       hear       run       sleep       wait

0. I’m afraid I can’t come to your party next week.

1. When Dan was 16, he …………….100 metres in 11 seconds.

2. ‘Are you in a hurry?’ ‘No, I’ve got plenty of time. I ……………..’

3. I don’t feel good this morning. I …………….last night.

4. Can you speak a little louder? I …………….you very well.

5. I was amazed when I heard the news. I …………….it.

1. could run

2. can wait

3. couldn’t sleep

4. can’t hear

5. couldn’t believe

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using could, couldn’t or managed to.

0. My grandfather travelled a lot. He could speak five languages.

1. Jessica had hurt her foot and …………….walk very well.

2. There was a small fire in the kitchen, but fortunately I …………….put it out.

3. The walls were thin and I …………….hear people talking in the next room.

4. I ran my first marathon recently. It was very hard, but I …………….finish.

5. My grandmother loved music. She …………….play the piano very well.

1. couldn’t

2. managed to

3. could

4. couldn’t

5. managed to

Exercise 6. Choose the best answer

0. ___ play professional tennis, you must be extremely fit.

a. Couldn’t

b. Will you be able to

c. To be able to

1. _______ you hear the fireworks from your house last night?

a. Can

b. Can’t

c. Could

2. Do you think you _______ write that report by Tuesday? I know you’re very busy.

a. will be able to

b. couldn’t

c. have been able to

3. I _________ touch my toes. See!

a. could

b. can

c. will be able to

4. I ________ spend another moment in that restaurant. It was too noisy.

a. can’t

b. couldn’t

c. have been able t

5. I _________ never seem to get the temperature right.

a. can

b. can’t

c. to be able t






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