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Bài viết 50 Bài tập Thì tương lai tiếp diễn cực hay có lời giải gồm đầy đủ lý thuyết trọng tâm về Thì tương lai tiếp diễn và trên 50 bài tập về Thì tương lai tiếp diễn chọn lọc, có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn nắm vững cách sử dụng của Thì tương lai tiếp diễn.

50 Bài tập Thì tương lai tiếp diễn cực hay có lời giải


1. Cách dùng

Thì tương lai tiếp diễn được dùng để nói về 1 hành động đang diễn ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong tương lai.

2. Cấu trúc

Khẳng định (+) Phủ định (-) Nghi vấn (?)

S + will + be + V-ing

Ví dụ:

I will be staying at the hotel in Nha Trang at 1 p.m tomorrow.

(Tôi sẽ đang ở khách sạn ở Nha Trang lúc 1h ngày mai.)

S + will + not + be + V-ing

Ví dụ:

We won’t be studying at 8 a.m tomorrow.

(Chúng tôi sẽ đang không học lúc 8h sáng ngày mai.)

Will + S + be + V-ing?

- Yes, S + will/ No, S + won’t

Ví dụ:

- Will you be waiting for the train at 9 a.m next Monday?

(Bạn sẽ đang đợi tàu vào lúc 9h sáng thứ Hai tuần tới phải không?)

- Yes, I will.

3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết

Trong câu có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong tương lai kèm theo thời điểm xác định:

– at this time/ at this moment + thời gian trong tương lai: Vào thời điểm này ….

– At + giờ cụ thể + thời gian trong tương lai: vào lúc …..


Task 1. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1. They are staying at the hotel in London. At this time tomorrow, they (travel) in Vietnam.

2. When they (come) tomorrow, we (swim) in the sea.

3. My parents (visit) Europe at this time next week

4. Daisy (sit) on the plane at 9 am tomorrow.

5. At 8 o’clock this evening my friends and I (watch) a famous film at the cinema.

6. She (play) with her son at 7 o’clock tonight.

7. He (work) at this moment tomorrow.

8. They (make) their presentation at this time tomorrow morning.

1. will be travelling

2. come – will be swimming

3. will be visiting

4. will be sitting

5. will be watching

6. will be playing

7. will be working

8. will be making

Task 2. Complete these sentences using the future continuous tense.

1. This time next year I (live)______ in London.

2. At 8PM tonight I (eat)_________ dinner with my family.

3. They (run)________ for about four hours. Marathons are incredibly difficult!

4. Unfortunately, I (work)______ on my essay so I won’t be able to watch the match.

5. She (study)_________ at the library tonight.

6. (you/wait)______ at the station when she arrives?

7. I (drink)_________ at the pub while you are taking your exam!

8. (she/visit)________ her Grandmother again this week?

9. At 3PM I (watch)__________ that movie on channel four.

10. (they/attend)____________ your concert next Friday? It would be lovely to see them.

1. will be living

2. will be eating

3. will be running

4. will be working

5. will be studying

6. will you be waiting

7. will be drinking

8. will she be visiting

9. will be watching

10. will they be attending

Task 3. Put the verb into the correct form, will be (do)ing or will have (done)

1. Don’t phone between 7 and 8. We’ll be having (we/have) dinner then.

2. Phone me after 8 o’clock. ……………… (we/finish) dinner by then.

3. Tomorrow afternoon we’re going to play tennis from 3 o’clock until 4.30. So at 4 o’clock, ………………. (we/play) tennis.

4. A:Can we meet tomorrow? - B:Yes, but not in the afternoon. …………….. (I/work).

5. B has to go to a meeting which begins at 10 o’clock. It will last about an hour.

A:Will you be free at 11.30?

B:Yes, ………….. (the meeting/end) by then.

6. Ben is on holiday and he is spending his money very quickly. If he continues like this, ……….. (he/spend) all his money before the end of his holiday.

7. Do you think ……. (you/still/do) the same job in ten years’ time?

8. Lisa is from Nem Zealand. She is travelling around Europe at the moment. So far she has travelled about 1,000 miles. By the end of the trip, ……(she/travel) more than 3,000 miles.

9. If you need to contact me, …. (I/stay) at the Lion Hotel until Friday.

A:………….. (you/see) Luara tomorrow?

B: Yes, probably. Why?

A: I borrowed this CD from her. Can you give it back to her?

2. We’ll have finished

3. we’ll be playing

4. I’ll be working

5. the meeting will have ended

6. he’ll have spent

7. you’ll still be doing

8. she’ll have travelled

9.1. I’ll be staying

9.2. Will you seeing

Task 4. Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with simple future or future continuous tense.


Sandra: Where is Tim going to meet us?

Marcus: He (wait)____1___ for us when our train arrives. I am sure he (stand)___2___ on the platform when we pull into the station.

Sandra: And then what?

Marcus: We (pick)___3_______ Michele up at work.


Samantha: Just think, next week at this time, I (lie)_____4_____ on a tropical beach in Maui drinking Mai Tais and eating pineapple.

Darren: While you are luxuriating on the beach, I (stress)_____5____ out over this marketing project. How are you going to enjoy yourself knowing that I am working so hard?

Samantha: I ‘ll manage somehow.

Darren: You’re terrible. Can’t you take me with you?

Samantha: No. But I (send)____6_____ you a postcard of a beautiful, white sand beach.

Darren: Great, that (make)_____7_____ me feel much better.

1. will be waiting

2. will be standing

3. will pick

4. will be lying

5. will be stressing

6. will send

7. will make

Task 5. Viết lại câu theo thì tương lai tiếp diễn. Sử dụng dạng phủ định

1. I have no plans for the weekend. (not do)

I ………………………………………………….. anything at the weekend.

2. The test starts at 9 o’clock and you have to finish at 10.30. (not write)

We ………………………………………………….. the test at 10.30.

3. I have no work to do in the evening. (not work)

I ………………………………………………….. in the evening.

4. Dad can take you to the 8.30 train tomorrow morning. He has a day off. (not go)

Dad can take you to the 8.30 train tomorrow morning. He………….. to work.

5. I have new contact lenses. No glasses next time! (not wear)

I ………………………………………… glasses when you see me next time.

6. You can come at one o’clock. We want to prepare the meal before that. (not cook)

You can come at one o’clock.. We ………………………….. the meal anymore.

7. Please, don’t come back home at midnight. I don’t want to wait for you so long. (not wait)

If you come back home at midnight, I ……………………………….. for you.

1. I will not | won’t be doing anything at the weekend.

2. We will not | won’t be writing the test at 10.30.

3. I will not | won’t be working in the evening.

4. He will not | won’t be going to work.

5. I will not | won’t be wearing glasses.

6. We will not | won’t be cooking the meal anymore.

7. I will not | won’t be waiting for you

Task 6. Hoàn thành những câu sau với thì tương lai tiếp diễn và những động từ trong bảng bên dưới.

lie    see    use     sleep   watch    take     work    wait    descor

1. When you come back home I ………………………… in my bed.

2. In a few days’ time we ………………………. on the beach.

3. I’ll call Jim at six. He …………………….. in his office then.

4. I’ll tell him. I ………………………. him on the train as usual.

5. We can’t meet you on Saturday. We ……………………. our house at the weekend

6. In a ten years’ time most people …………………………. electric cars.

7. I’ll come at one o’clock. – OK. I ……………………. for you.

8. It won’t be easy to get in. The warden …………………………… the gate closely.

9. Will you help me tonight? – Sorry, I …………..……. to the concert on the radio.

10. This time tomorrow my sister …………………. her entrance exam.

1. When you come back home I will be sleeping in my bed.

2. In a few days’ time we will be lying on the beach.

3. I’ll call Jim at six. He will be working in his office then.

4. I’ll tell him. I will be seeing him on the train as usual.

5. We can’t meet you on Saturday. We will be decorating our house at the weekend. In a ten years’ time most people will be using electric cars.

6. I’ll come at one o’clock. – OK. I will be waiting for you.

7. It won’t be easy to get in. The warden will be watching the gate closely.

8. Will you help me tonight? – Sorry, I will be listening to the concert on the radio. This time tomorrow my sister will be taking her entrance exam.

Task 7. Sử dụng động từ trong ngoặc để viết lại những gì họ sẽ đang làm vào thứ hai này

1. Mr. Scott is cleaning his car in the garage.

This time on Monday he ……………………….. to the airport. (drive)

2. Mrs. Scott is reading a fashion magazine.

This time on Monday she …………………… meals at the restaurant. (cook)

3. Marion, their daughter, is playing with a ball in the garden. And her grandma is watching her.

This time on Monday Marion ………………….. a geography lesson. (have)

And her grandma …………………………………. a doctor. (see)

4. Ben, the oldest son, is still sleeping. And his grandpa is trying to wake him up. This time on Monday

Ben …………………………….. football in his club. (practice)

And his grandpa ………………………. for grandma at the doctor’s. (wait)

5. Samuel, the youngest son, is chasing their dog Spot around the house.

This time on Monday Samuel ………………… in a physical education lesson. (exercise)

But we have no idea what Spot ………………. tomorrow. (do)

1. This time on Monday he will be driving to the airport.

2. This time on Monday she will be cooking meals at the restaurant.

3. This time on Monday Marion will be having a geography lesson.

And her grandma will be seeing a doctor.

4. This time on Monday Ben will be practicing football in his club.

And his grandpa will be waiting for grandma at the doctor’s.

5. This time on Monday Samuel will be exercising in a physical education lesson.

But we have no idea what Spot will be doing tomorrow.

Task 8. Cho dạng đúng của động từ.

1. It seems that she _______ (not/ go) to school at this time the next day.

2. Her father is going to go abroad next month. So, she _____ (stay) with her mother for 1 month.

3. I ________ (dance) at my room when my boyfriend comes to my house tomorrow.

4. At 1 p.m. tomorrow, she _______ (sleep) in her classroom due to her tiredness.

5. I think my boyfriend _______ (write) a report at this time tomorrow evening.

6. They don’t want to eat fish, so they _______ (not/ have) lunch with them at this time tomorrow.

1. will not be going/won’t be going

2. will be staying

3. will be dancing

4. will be sleeping

5. will be writing

6. won’t be having

Task 9. Hoàn thành câu dùng từ gợi ý đã cho.

1. They/be/play/volleyball/time/tomorrow/their friends.

2. It/seem/him/that/he/be/study/abroad/time/he/graduate/next month.

3. The children/be/live/Hanoi/for/3 weeks/because/visit/their aunt’s house.

4. He/be/do/homework/8 p.m/tomorrow evening//so/I/not/ask/him/go out.

5. They/not/be/have/dinner/together/when/you/come/tomorrow.

1. They will be playing volleyball at that time tomorrow with their friends.

2. It seems to him that he will be studying abroad by the time he graduates next month.

3. The children will be living in Hanoi for 3 weeks because of their visit to their aunt’s house.

4. He will be doing his homework at 8 p.m. tomorrow evening, so I don’t ask him to go out.

5. They will not/won’t be having dinner together when you come tomorrow.

Task 10. Complete the dialogue, using the future continuous form of the verbs

Tom: I’m going to go to university. Six years from now, I’ll be running a big company. I expect I (1. earn) __________ lots of money.

Tony: I don’t know what I (2. do)___________. What about you Linda? What ______ you (3. do)____________, do you think?

Linda: I’m too lazy to do any work. I intend to marry someone rich. I (4. host) ________ parties all the time. We’ll have robots that (5. do) ______________ all the work. And you’ll both get invitations.

1. will be earning

2. will be doing

3. will/ be doing

4. will be hosting

5. will be doing

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