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Thì Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn trong Tiếng Anh đầy đủ, chi tiết

1. Khái niệm Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn

Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn được dùng để diễn tả quá trình xảy ra 1 hành động bắt đầu trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ và tiếp tục cho tới thời điểm đó, hoặc chấm dứt ngay trước thời điểm đó.

2. Cách dùng Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn

Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn dùng để diễn tả:

a. Hành động đã xảy ra liên tục trong một khoảng thời gian trong quá khứ

Eg: I found the calculator. I’d been looking for it for ages.

(Tôi đã tìm thấy cái máy tính. Tôi đã tìm nó lâu lắm rồi.)

b. Hành động bắt đầu trước một thời điểm trong quá khứ và tiếp tục cho tới thời điểm đó, hoặc chấm dứt ngay trước thời điểm đó

Eg: He had been living here for a year when he decided to move to the suburbs.

(Cho đến khi anh ấy quyết định dọn về ngoại ô, anh ấy đã sống ở đây được một năm.)

3. Cấu trúc Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn

(+) Khẳng định

S + had been + Ving

She was tired because she had been working very hard.

(Cô ấy mệt vì cô ấy đã làm việc rất vất vả.)

(-) Phủ định

S + had not been/ hadn’t been +Ving

I had’t been paying attention.

(Tôi đã không chú ý.)

(?) Nghi vấn

(Từ để hỏi) + have/has + S + been + Ving?

Was the ground wet? Had it been raining?

(Đất bị ướt à? Trời đã mưa phải không?)

4. Cách thêm –ing vào động từ Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn

Động từ nguyên thể Cách chuyển Ví dụ
Động từ tận cùng là “e” Bỏ “e” thêm “-ing”

Love – loving (yêu)

Hate – hating (ghét)

Động từ tận cùng là “ee” Thêm “-ing” như thường See – seeing (nhìn)
Động từ tận cùng là phụ âm (trừ h, w, y, x) và đằng trước là một nguyên âm Gấp đôi phụ âm và thêm “-ing”

Stop – stopping (dừng)

Cut – cutting (cắt)

Một số động từ đặc biệt cần học thuộc:

Động từ nguyên thể Động từ đuôi “-ing”
Die (chết) dying
Lie (nằm) lying
Tie (trói) tying
Panic (làm hoảng sợ) panicking

5. Dấu hiệu nhận biết Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn

Một số trạng từ chỉ thời gian và cần dựa vào nghĩa của câu:

• Until then

• By the time

• Prior to that time

• Before

• After

Eg: She had been walking for 2 hours before 11 p.m last night.

(Cô ấy đã đi bộ 2 tiếng đồng hồ tính đến 9 giờ tối qua.)

6. Bài tập Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn

Exercise 1. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

0. Hannah and James were very happy when I arrived, they (wait) had been waiting for me.

1. Their team (run) ……………along the road for about 30 minutes before the referee stopped them.

2. My husband said he (stop) …………………smoking for 5 months before we met.

3. My mother and I (talk) ……………………… on the line for 3 hours.

4. That rich man (pay) ………………………….. for his new apartment in cash.

5. I (have) …………..…….dinner by the time my grandparents came into the restaurant.

6. It (rain) ……………………….. for a month before the storm came last week.

1. had been running

2. had been stopping

3. had been talking

4. had been singing

5. had been having

6. had been raining

Exercise 2. There is mistake in each sentence. Find the mistake.

0. The apartment was hot when I got home, so I was turning on the air conditioner.

A. hot       B. got      C. was turning      D. conditioner

1. We are waiting for Mike for the last two hours, but he still hasn't arrived.

A. are waiting       B. the last two       C. but       D. hasn’t arrived

2. Tom wants to get married, but he doesn't meet the right person yet.

A. wants       B. married       C. doesn’t meet       D. right person

3. By the end of the 20th century, scientists have discovered the cure for common cold.

A. the end of       B. 20th century       C. have discovered       D. for

4. I saw that movie three times, and now I want to see it again.

A. three times       B. saw       C. to see       D. again

5. Last night, I have had dinner with two friends. I have known both of them for a long time.

A. have had       B. with       C. have known       D. for

1. A

2. C

3. D

4. B

5. A

Exercise 3. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

0. When I arrived, they (wait) had been waiting for me. They were very angry with me.

1. We (run) ……………………along the street for about 40 minutes when a car suddenly stopped right in front of us.

2. Yesterday, my brother said he (stop) ……………………………smoking for 2 months.

3. Someone (paint) ……………… the room because the smell of the paint was very strong when I got into the room.

4. They (talk) ………………………..… on the phone when the rain poured down.

5. When we came , the boy (sing) ………………………….. loudly for 2 hours.

6. I (have) ……………………….lunch by the time the others came into the restaurant

7. It (rain) ……………………….. for two days before the storm came yesterday.

1. had been running

2. had been stopping

3. had been painting

4. had been talking

5. had been singing

6. had been having

7. had been raining

Exercise 4. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

0. When I arrived, they (wait) had been waiting for me. They were very angry with me.

1. Marry had (walk) ………… three miles a day before her leg was broken.

2. She had (finish) ………… her assignment before 10 o’clock last night.

3. I had (turn off) ………… the air – conditioner before I came home

4. Henry failed the final test because she had not (attend) ………… class.

5. She had (make) ………… soup, so it was still hot and steamy when the visitors came in.

6. Sam gained weight because he had (overeat) ………….

7. They had (fall) ………… in love for 5 years and prepared for a wedding.

8. My parents had (quarrel) ………… 1 hour before my grandmother came back home.

9. I had (read) ………… the novel before I saw the film.

10. Had you (finish) …………the report by the time the meeting started?

1. had been walking

2. had finished

3. had turned off

4. had not been attendin

5. had been making soup

6. had been overeating

7. had been falling in love

8. had been quarreling

9. had read

10. finished

Exercise 5. Cho dạng đúng của động từ.

0. When I arrived, they (wait) had been waiting for me. They were very angry with me.

1. When it rained, everybody _______ (play) outside. They _______ (play) for hours.

2. He _______ (drive) his car all day, so he was very tired. He _______ (sleep) since he came home.

3. I didn’t want to eat more. I _______ (consume) the sweet cakes before I came here.

4. How careless were you!. It _______ (snow) for hours. Why did you not bring an umbrella?

5. He _______ (laugh) when you screamed.

6. The child _______ (cry) since her mother went out.

1. had been playing/have been playing

2. had been driving/had been sleeping

3. had been consuming

4. had been snowing

5. had been laughing

6. had been crying

Exercise 6. Hoàn thành câu với từ gợi ý đã cho.

0. He/type/report/on/ his laptop/since/finish/dinner.

He had been typing the report on his laptop since he finished his dinner.

1. The chief/cook/hours//so/he/exhausted.

2. The wind/blow/since/this morning//so/it/become/cooler.

3. Mother/complain/I/watch/TV/all day/

4. You/not/sleep/all night?

1. The chief had been cooking for hours, so he was exhausted.

2. The wind had been blowing since this morning, so it became cooler.

3. My mother complained that I had been watching TV all day.

4. Why had you not sleeping all night?

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Michael Gough
Michael Gough
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Michael Gough
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