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Bài viết 50 Bài tập Thì hiện tại hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn cực hay có lời giải gồm đầy đủ lý thuyết trọng tâm về Thì hiện tại hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn và trên 50 bài tập về Thì hiện tại hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn chọn lọc, có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn nắm vững cách sử dụng của Thì hiện tại hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn.

50 Bài tập Thì hiện tại hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn cực hay có lời giải


1. Cách dùng

- Hành động bắt đầu ở quá khứ và còn đang tiếp tục ở hiện tại (nhấn mạnh tính liên tục)

- Hành động đã kết thúc trong quá khứ, nhưng chúng ta quan tâm tới kết quả tới hiện tại

2. Cấu trúc

Câu khẳng định (+)

S + have/ has + VpII

Trong đó:

– S = I/ We/ You/ They + have

– S = He/ She/ It + has

Ví dụ: I have graduated from my university since 2012.

(Tôi tốt nghiệp đại học từ năm 2012.)

Câu phủ định (-)

S + haven’t / hasn’t + been + V-ing

Trong đó:

– haven’t = have not

– hasn’t = has not

Ví dụ: I haven’t been studying English for 5 years.

(Tôi không học tiếng Anh được 5 năm rồi.)

Câu nghi vấn (?)

Have/ Has + S + been + V-ing?

Trả lời:

- Yes, I/ we/ you/ they + have.

- Yes, he/ she/ it + has.

Ví dụ:

- Have you been standing in the rain for more than 2 hours?

(Bạn đứng dưới mưa hơn 2 tiếng đồng hồ rồi phải không?)

- Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.

3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết

– Since + mốc thời gian

– For + khoảng thời gian

– All + thời gian (all the morning, all the afternoon, all day, …)


Task 1. Chia các động từ sau đây sang thì hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn.

1. I (try) to learn English for years.

2. I (wait) for two hours, but she (not come) yet.

3. She (read) all the works of Dickens. How many have you (read)?

4. I (wait) hear nearly half an hour for my girlfriend Joana; do you think she (forget) to come?

5. Mary (rest) in the garden all day because she (be) ill.

6. Although john (study) at the university for five years he (not get) his degree yet.

7. Jack (go) to Switzerland for a holiday; I never (be) there.

8. We (live) for the last five months, and just ( decide) to move.

9. You already (drink) 3 cups of tea since I (sit) here.

10. That book (lie) on the table for weeks. You (not read) it yet?

1. have been trying/ have not succeeded

2. have been waiting / hasn’t come

3. has read /have you read

4. have been waiting / has forgot

5. has been resting / has been

6. has been studying / has not got

7. has gone / has never been

8. have been living / have just decided

9. have already drunk / have been sitting

10. has been lying / haven’t you read

Task 2. Write a question for each situation.

1. You meet Paul as he is leaving the swimming pool.

You ask: (you/ swim?) Have you been swimming?

2. You have just arrived to meet a friend who is waiting for you.

You ask: (you/ wait/ long) ...........

3. You meet a friend in the street. His face and hands are dirty.

You ask: (what/ to/ do?) ...........

4. A friend of yours is now working in a shop. You want to know how long.

You ask: (how long/ you/ work/ there?)

5. A friend tells you about his job – he sells computers. You want to knowhow long.

You ask: (how long/ you/ sell/ computers?) ...........

2. Have you been waiting long?

3. What have you been doing?

4. How long have you been working there?

5. How long have you been selling computers?

Task 3. Put the verb into the present continuous. (I am –ing) or present perfect continuous (I have been –ing)

1. Maria has been learning (Maria/ learn) English for two years.

2. Hello, Tom ..... (I/ look) for you. Where have you been?

3. Why ..... (you/ look) at me like that? Stop it!

4. Linda is a teacher ..... (she/ teach) for ten years.

5. ...... (I/ think) about what you said and I've decided to take your advice.

6. 'Is Paul on holiday this week?' 'No, ..... '(he/ work?)

7. Sarah is very tired ..... (she/ work) very hard recently.

2. I've been looking

3. are you looking

4. she has been teaching

5. I've been thinking

6. he's working

7. she's been working

Task 4. Read the situations and complete the sentences.

1. It's raining.The rain started two hours ago. It's been raining for two hours.

2. We are waiting for the bus. We started waiting for 20 minutes. We ..... for 20 minutes.

3. I'm learning Spanish. I started classes in December. I ..... since December.

4. Mary is working in London. She started working there on 18 January. ....... since 18 January.

5. Our friends always spend their holidays in Italy. They started going there years ago. ....... for years.

2. have been waiting

3. have been learning Spanish

4. she has been working there

5. they've been going there

Task 5. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng

1. He ………………… motorbikes for 2 years.

A. has been riding     B. has ridden

C. has been ridden     D. have been riding

2. My sister ……….. for you since yesterday.

A. has been looked     B. has been looking

C. have been looking    D. looked

3. Why are your hands so dirty? - bike

A. repaired     B. have been repaired

C. has been repaired     D. have been repairing

4. We...............around Scotland for 8 years

A. travelled     B. have travelled

C. have been travelling     D. has been travelling

5. Sandy...................dinner 4 times this week

A. has cooked    B. has been cooking

C. have been cooking     D. cooked

6. I .................. to learn English for years but I have not succeeded yet.

A. have been trying    B. have tried

C. tried     D. A and B

7. I .................. to New York three times this year.

A. have been being    B. have been

C. was     D. has been

8. My brother .................. several plays. He has just finished his second tragedy.

A. have written     B. have been writing

C. has written     D. has been writing

9. I love this film. four or five times already.

A. have been seeing    B. have seen

C. has seen     D. had seen

10. How long you ..................English? For 5 years

A. have you studied     B. have been studying

C. studied     D. do you study

1. A. has been riding

2. B. has been looking

3. D. have been repairing

4. C. have been travelling

5. A. has cooked

6. A. have been trying

7. B. have been

8. C. has written

9. B. have seen

10. B. have you been studying

Câu hỏi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Đáp án A B D C A A B C B B

Task 6. Read the situations and write sentences with just, already or yet.

1. After lunch you go to see a friend at her home. She says "Would you like something to eat"

You say: No thank you. I've just had lunch. (have lunch).

2. Joe goes out. Five mintues later, the phone rings and the caller says 'Can I speak to Joe"

You say: I'm afraid ... (go out).

3. You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your plate away.

You say: Wait a minute! ... (not/finish)

4. You are going to a restaurant tonight. You phone to seserve a table. Later your friend says, 'Shall I phone to reserve a table'.

You say: No, ... (do/it).

5. You know that a friend of yours is looking for a place to live. Perhaps she has been successful.

Ask her. You say: ... ? (find).

6. You are still thinking about where to go for your holiday. A friend asks: "Where are you going for your holiday?"

You say: ... (not/decide).

7. Linda went to the bank, but a few mintues ago she returned. Somebody asks, "Is Linda still at the bank? '

You say: No, ... (come back).

2. he's just gone out

3. I haven't finished yet

4. I've already done it

5. Have you found a place to live yet?

6. I haven't decided yet

7. she's just come back

Task 7. Hoàn thành câu dựa vào các từ gợi ý cho sẵn.

1. I/not/want/go/because/be/read/book.

2. kittens/be/sleep/hours//so/house/quiet.

3. He/drink/alcohol/since/I/see/

4. They/do/work/whole/day//now/be/tired.

5. She/not/see/parents/so long/because/she/busy.

1. I don’t want to go out because I have been reading this book.

2. My kittens have been sleeping for hours, so the house is very quiet.

3. He has been drinking alcohol since I saw him.

4. They have been doing their homework for the whole day, so now they are tired.

5. She has not been seeing her parents for so long because she is extremely busy.

Task 8. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1. They ________ (sleep) for hours now because they didn’t get enough sleep last night.

2. Since he arrived, my family ________ (have) dinner.

3. What are you now? I ______ (wait) for you for so long.

4. My father ________ (still/do) the gardening since I came home. Meanwhile, my brother ______ (do) his homework.

5. Her mother ________ (go) shopping since she went out with her friends.

6. I would like to eat something because I ________ (not eat) for the whole day.

7. It ______ (rain) for the whole morning, so I don’t want to go out.

8. Katty _____ (watch) her favorite film since I came.

1. have been sleeping

2. is having

3. have been waiting

4. has been still doing/has been doing

5. has been going

6. haven’t been eating

7. has been raining

8. has been watching

Task 9. Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại với dạng khẳng định và phủ định của động từ trong ngoặc sử dụng thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn.

A: John, how long …… ……………….. Japanese? (learn)

B: Japanese? Wait a minute. For about four years.

A: What a lovely smell!

B: My mom …………………….. some cakes. (bake)

A: Why are your hands so dirty?

B: I ………………………… my car. (clean)

A: You look so tired. You should have a rest.

B: Should I? But I ………………………….. so hard. (not work)

A: Why ……….. Miley ……………………… out lately? (not go)

B: She broke her leg while she was skiing.

A: Peter, why are you so noisy? I want to sleep!

B: Do you mean it? I ………………… any noise since I got up. (not make)

A: …….. you ………………… for a long time? (cough)

B: Not really. It started the day before yesterday.

A: Mr. John, how long …………… you …………………….. English? (not teach)

B: To tell the truth I’ve never taught English. But I’d like to try it.

A: Hi, Tom. How is your new girlfriend doing?

B: Surry? She ……………………. to me since we had an argument. (not speak)

A: Have you heard about the bank robbery in King Street?

B: Yes, I have. The police ……………….. for the robbers day and night. (look)

George, how long have you been learning Japanese?

My mom has been baking some cakes.

I have been cleaning my car.

But I have not been working so hard.

Why has Sarah not been going | hasn’t Miley been going out lately?

I have not been making any noise since I got up.

Have you been coughing for a long time?

Mr.John, how long have you not been teaching | haven’t you been teaching English?

She has not been speaking to me since we had an argument.

The police have been looking | has been looking for the robbers day and night.

Task 10. Bài tập viết những câu sau dựa vào từ trong ngoặc sử dụng thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn

1. How long ……………………………. for me? (you | wait)

2. What ………………………….. since he returned? (John | do)

3. Why …………………….. meat lately? (you | not eat)

4. There’s so much snow on the road. …………………… all night? (it | snow)

5. Why ………………… for such a long time? (Peter and Jolly | argue)

6. ……………………… my shampoo? There’s not much left. (you | use)

7. How long …………………………… glasses? (Ben | not wear)

1. How long have you been waiting for me?

2. What has John been doing since he returned?

3. Why have you not been eating | haven’t you been eating meat lately?

4. Has it been snowing all night?

5. Why have Peter and Joly been arguing for such a long time?

6. Have you been using my shampoo?

7. How long has Ben not been wearing | hasn’t Ben been wearing glasses?

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Learning English Everyday