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Bài viết 50 Bài tập Mệnh đề quan hệ cực hay có lời giải gồm đầy đủ lý thuyết trọng tâm về Mệnh đề quan hệ và trên 50 bài tập về Mệnh đề quan hệ chọn lọc, có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn nắm vững cách sử dụng của Mệnh đề quan hệ trong Tiếng Anh.

50 Bài tập Mệnh đề quan hệ cực hay có lời giải


1. Định nghĩa

Mệnh đề quan hệ (Relative Clause) là mệnh đề phụ được nối với mệnh đề chính bởi các đại từ quan hệ (who, whom, whose, which, that) hay các trạng từ quan hệ như (where, when, why).

2. Đại từ quan hệ (Relative Pronouns)


- Là đại từ quan hệ chỉ người

- Đứng sau danh từ chỉ người để làm chủ ngữ cho động từ đứng sau nó hoặc làm tân ngữ

Ví dụ: The man who is sitting by the fire is my father.

(Người đàn ông đang đứng bên đống lửa là bố tôi.)


- Là đại từ quan hệ chỉ người làm tân ngữ

- Đứng sau danh từ chỉ người để làm tân ngữ cho động từ đứng sau nó

- Theo sau whom là một mệnh đề

- Whom có thể được lược bỏ trong mệnh đề quan hệ khi mệnh đề quan hệ được dùng để xác định cho mệnh đề chính.

Ví dụ: The woman whom you saw yesterday is my aunt.

= The woman you saw yesterday is my aunt.

(Người phụ nữ mà tôi gặp hôm qua chính là cô tôi.)


- Là đại từ quan hệ chỉ vật làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ cho động từ sau nó

- Theo sau which có thể là một động từ hoặc một chủ ngữ

- Which có thể được lược bỏ trong mệnh đề quan hệ khi mệnh đề quan hệ được dùng để bổ ngữ cho mệnh đề chính.

Ví dụ: The book which is black is mine. (Quyển sách màu đen là của tôi.)


Là đại từ quan hệ chỉ cả người lẫn vật, có thể được dùng thay cho Who, Whom, Which trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định (defining relative clause).

Ví dụ: This is the dress that I bought yesterday. (Đây là chiếc đầm mà tôi mua hôm qua.)

Các trường hợp bắt buộc dùng that:

*Nếu nó thay thế 2 danh từ trở lên bao gồm cả người và vật

Ví dụ: My baby and my dog that are playing in the garden look so happy. (Con của tôi và con chó đang chơi trong vườn rất vui.)

*Nếu nó theo sau đại từ bất định như someone, anybody, nothing, anything, something, none,… và sau các đại từ như all, much, any, few, some, little, none

Ví dụ: This is something that I want to say. (Đây là vài điều mà tôi muốn nói.)

*Nếu nó theo sau các từ chỉ số thứ tự như the first, the second, the third, the last, the only,…

Ví dụ: I am the last one that attends this competition. (Tôi là người cuối cùng tham gia cuộc thi này.)

*Nếu nó theo sau cấu trúc so sánh nhất

Ví dụ: This is the most interesting book that I have ever read. (Đây là quyển sách thú vị nhất mà tôi từng đọc.)

*Trong cấu trúc câu chẻ “It + be + … + that…”

Ví dụ: John told me the news.

→ It was John who/that told me the news. (Đó chính là John người đã kể cho tôi tin tức.)

3. Trạng từ quan hệ (Relative Adverbs)


Là trạng từ quan hệ chỉ thời gian, đứng sau danh từ chỉ thời gian, dùng thay cho at, on, in + which, then.

Ví dụ: I’ll never forget the day when I met her. (when = on which) (Tôi sẽ không bao giờ quên cái ngày mà tôi gặp cô ấy.)


Là trạng từ quan hệ chỉ nơi chốn, đứng sau danh từ chỉ nơi chốn, thay cho at, on, in + which, there.

Ví dụ: That is the house where we used to live. (where = in which) (Đó là ngôi nhà mà chúng tôi từng sống.)


Là trạng từ quan hệ chỉ lý do, đứng sau danh từ “the reason”, dùng thay cho “for the reason”, thay cho for + which.

Ví dụ: I don’t know the reason why I love him. (why = for which) (Tôi không biết lý do tại sao tôi lại yêu anh ấy.)

4. Các loại mệnh đề quan hệ

*Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định (restrictive/ defining relative clause):

- Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định hay còn gọi là mệnh đề quan hệ giới hạn dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước

- Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định là bộ phận quan trọng của câu, nếu bỏ đi mệnh đề chính không có nghĩa rõ ràng

- Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định được sử dụng khi danh từ là danh từ không xác định và không dùng dấu phẩy ngăn cách nó với mệnh đề chính.

Ví dụ: The girl who is wearing the blue dress is my sister. (Cô gái mà đang mang cái đầm xanh chính là chị tôi.)

Danh từ “the girl” chưa xác định vì thế cần một mệnh đề quan hệ “who is wearing the blue dress” để xác định đó là cô gái nào.

*Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định (non-restrictive/ non-defining relative clause):

- Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước,là phần giải thích thêm, nếu bỏ đi mệnh đề chính vẫn còn nghĩa rõ ràng

- Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định thường được ngăn với mệnh đề chính bởi các dấu phẩy

- Danh từ đứng trước thường là tên riêng hoặc trước các danh từ thường có các từ như: this, that, these, those, my, his, her,…đứng trước

- Không được dùng that trong mệnh đề không xác định.

Ví dụ: My aunt, who is sitting next to you, is a doctor. (Cô của tôi, người đang ngồi cạnh bạn, là một bác sĩ.)


Task 1. Combine each pair of sentences using a relative pronoun or relative adverb.

1. She is the most intelligent woman. I’ve ever met this woman.

2. This doctor is famous. You visited him yesterday.

3. These children are orphans. She is taking care of these children.

4. The two young men are not good persons. You are acquainted with them.

5. My father goes swimming every day. You met him this morning.

6. The man is my father. I respect this man most.

7. The man is my father. I respect his opinion most.

8. Mary and Margaret are twins. You met them yesterday.

9. I’ll introduce you to the man. His support is necessary for your project.

10. The middle-aged man is the director. My father is talking to him.

1. She is the most intelligent woman whom I’ve ever met.

2. This doctor whom you visited yesterday is famous.

3. These children whom she is taking care of are orphans.

4. The two young men whom you are acquainted with are not good persons.

5. My father whom you met this morning goes swimming everyday

6. The man whom I respect most is my father.

7. The man whose opinion I respect most is my father.

8. Mary and Margaret whom you met yesterday are twins.

9. I’ll introduce you to the man whose support is necessary for your project.

10. The middle-aged man is the director whom my father is talking to.

Task 2. Combine each pair of sentences using a relative pronoun or relative adverb.

1. The boy is my cousin. You make fun of him.

2. The student is from china. He sits next to me.

3. I thanked the woman. This woman had helped me.

4. The professor is excellent. I am taking his course.

5. Mr. Smith said he was too busy to speak to me. I had come to see him.

6. I saw a lot of people and horses. They went to market.

7. Tom has three sisters. All of them are married.

8. I recently went back to Paris. It is still as beautiful as a pearl.

9. I recently went back to Paris. I was born in Paris nearly 50 years ago.

10. Do you know the music? It is being played on the radio.

1. The boy whom you make fun of is my cousin.

2. The student who sits next to me is from China.

3. I thanked the woman who had helped me.

4. The professor whose course I am taking is excellent.

5. Mr. Smith, who I had come to see, said he was too busy to speak to me.

6. I saw a lot of people and horses that went to the market.

7. Tom has three sisters, all of whom are married.

8. I recently went back to Paris, which is still as beautiful as a pearl.

9. I recently went back to Paris, in which I was born nearly 50 years ago.

10. Do you know the music which is being played on the radio?

Task 3. Combine each pair of sentences using a relative pronoun or relative adverb.

1. You didn’t tell us the reason. We have to cut down our daily expenses for that reason.

2. The day was rainy. She left on that day.

3. I’ve sent him two letters. He has received neither of them.

4. That man is an artist. I don’t remember the man’s name.

5. One of the elephants had only one tusk. We saw these elephants at the zoo.

6. That car belongs to Dr. Clark. Its engine is very good.

7. You sent me a present. Thank you very much for it.

8. This is Mrs. Jones. Her son won the championship last year.

9. Rod Lee has won an Oscar. I know his sister.

10. Is this the style of hair? Your wife wants to have it.

1. You didn’t tell us the reason for which we have to cut down our daily expenses.

2. The day on which she left was rainy.

3. I’ve sent him two letters, neither of which he has received.

4. That man, whose name I don’t remember, is an artist.

5. One of the elephants which we saw at the zoo had only one tusk.

6. That car, the engine of which is very good, belongs to Dr. Clark.

7. Thank you very much for the present which you sent me.

8. This is Mrs. Jones, whose son won the championship last year.

9. I’ll introduce you to the man whose support is necessary for your project.

10. Is this the style of hair which your wife wants to have?

Task 4. Combine each pair of sentences using a relative pronoun or relative adverb.

1. A man answered the phone. He said Tom was out.

2. 7.05 is the time. My plane arrives then.

3. Max isn’t home yet. That worries me.

4. Do you know the building? The windows of the building are painted green.

5. Last week I went to see the house. I used to live in it.

1. A man who answered the phone said Tom was out.

2. 7.05 is the time at which my plane arrives.

3. Max isn’t home yet, that worries me.

4. Do you know the building the windows of which are painted green?

5. Last week I went to see the house in which I used to live.

Task 5. Use relative adverb to combine each pair of sentences below

1. This is the house. We often stay in this house in summer.

2. I’ll show you the second hand bookshop. You can find valuable books in this shop.

3. I have not decided the day. I’ll go to London on that day.

4. He was born on the day. His father was away on that day.

5. The book is a telephone directory. We can look up telephone numbers in this book.

6. Mrs. Brown rang Dr. Brown. He was going to carry out an urgent operation at that moment.

7. The airport is the most modern one. We’re going to arrive at this airport.

8. She doesn’t want to speak of the cause. She divorced her husband of this cause.

9. The days were the saddest ones. I lived far from home on those days.

10. I never forget the park. We met each other for the first time at this park.

1. This is the house where we often stay in summer.

2. I’ll show you the secondhand bookshop where you can find valuable books.

3. I have not decided the day when I’ll go to London.

4. He was born on the day when his father was away.

5. The book in which we can look up telephone numbers is a telephone directory.

6. Mrs. Brown rang Dr. Brown when he was going to carry out an urgent operation.

7. The airport where we’re going to arrive is the most modern one.

8. She doesn’t want to speak of the cause why she divorced her husband.

9. The days when I lived far from home were the saddest ones.

10. I never forget the park where we met each other for the first time.

Task 6. Use a relative pronoun preceded by a preposition to combine each pair of sentences below

1. This is a rare opportunity. You should take advantage of it to get a better job.

2. The boy is my cousin. You made fun of him.

3. This matter is of great importance. You should pay attention to it.

4. The woman lives next door to me. You gave place to her on the bus.

5. The examination lasted two days. I was successful in this examination.

6. This is the result of our work. I’m pleased with it.

7. There is a No parking sign. I do not take notice of it.

8. Mr. Brown is the man. I am responsible to him for my work.

9. Do you see my pen? I have just written the lesson with it.

10. We are crossing the meadow. We flew kites over it in our childhood.

1. This is a rare opportunity of which you should take advantage to get a better job.

2. The boy of whom you made fun is my cousin.

3. This matter, to which you should pay attention, is of great importance.

4. The woman to whom you gave place on the bus lives next door to me.

5. The examination in which I was successful lasted two days.

6. This is the result of our work, with which I am pleased.

7. There is a No parking sign of which we don’t take notice.

8. Mr. Brown is the man to whom I am responsible for my work.

9. Do you see my pen, with which I’ve just written the lesson?

10. We are crossing the meadow over which we flew kites in our childhood.

Task 7. Choose the best answer

1. That’s my friend, _______________ comes from Japan.

A. which     B. who

C. whom     D. where.

2. The plants which______________ in the living room need a lot of water.

A. are     B. be

C. is     D. was

3. She’s the woman_______________ sister looks after the baby for us.

A. who     B. which

C. that’s     D. whose

4. That’s the doctor for________________ Cliff works.

A. that     B. which

C. whom     D. whose

5. Marie,______________ I met at the party, called me last night.

A. that     B. whom

C. which     D. whose

6. I remember Alice,______________ rode the bus to school with.

A. I     B. whom I

C. which I     D. who

7. I used to enjoy the summer, ______________ we had a big family picnic.

A. where     B. when

C. which     D. that

8. Tell me about the city ______________ you grew up.

A. that     B. where

C. which     D. ∅

9. Anna found the book that ________________ wanted at the bookshop.

A. ∅     B. where

C. she     D. which

10. Please remember to take back to the library all the books ________ are due this week.

A. ∅     B. that

C. when     D. they

1. B. who

2. A. are

3. D. whose

4. C. whom

5. B. whom

6. B. whom I

7. B. when

8. B. where

9. C. she

10. B. that

Câu hỏi1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Đáp ánB A D C B BB B C B

Task 8. Choose the best answer

1. He likes the dress. Huong is wearing it

A. He likes the dress which Huong is wearing it

B. He likes the dress Huong is wearing it

C. He likes the dress who Huong is wearing

D. He likes the dress Huong is wearing

2. Most of the classmates couldn't come. He invited them to the birthday party

A. Most of the classmates he invited to the birthday party couldn't come.

B. Most of the classmates he was invited to the birthday party couldn't come.

C. Most of the classmates that he invited them to the birthday party couldn't come.

D. Most of the classmates which he invited to the birthday party couldn't come.

3. What was the name of the man? You met and talked to him this morning.

A. What was the name of the man who you met and talked to him this morning?

B. What was the name of the man you met and talked to this morning?

C. What was the name of the man you met and talked to whom this morning?

D. What was the name of the man whose you met and talked to this morning?

4. The church is over 500 years old. Our class visited it last summer.

A. The church which our class visited it last summer is over 500 years old.

B. The church that our class visited it last summer is over 500 years old.

C. The church which our class visited last summer is over 500 years old.

D. The church our class visit last summer is over 500 years old.

5. The song says about the love of two young students. She is singing the song.

A. The song which she is singing it says about the love of two young students.

B. The song she is singing says about the love of two young students.

C. The song says about the love of two young students which she is singing.

D. The song says about the love of two young students that she is singing it.

1. D. He likes the dress Huong is wearing

2. A. Most of the classmates he invited to the birthday party couldn't come.

3. B. What was the name of the man you met and talked to this morning?

4. C. The church which our class visited last summer is over 500 years old.

5. B. The song she is singing says about the love of two young students.

Câu hỏi1 2 3 4 5
Đáp ánD A B C B

Task 9. Fill in the blanks with WHO, WHICH or THAT

1. The men _______ lives next-door are English

2. The dictionary _______ you gave me is very good.

3. Do you know the girls _______ are standing outside the church?

4. The police are looking for the thieve _______ got into my house last night.

5. The chocolate _______ you like comes from the United States.

6. I have lost the necklace _______ my mother gave me on my birthday.

7. A burglar is someone _______ breaks into a house and steals things.

8. Buses _______ go to the airport run every half hour.

9. I can't find the key _______ opens this door.

10. I gave you a book _______ had many pictures.

1. The men ___who___ lives next-door are English.

2. The dictionary ___which___ you gave me is very good.

3. Do you know the girls ___who___ are standing outside the church?

4. The police are looking for the thieve ___who___ got into my house last night.

5. The chocolate ___which___ you like comes from the United States.

6. I have lost the necklace ___which___ my mother gave me on my birthday.

7. A burglar is someone ___that___ breaks into a house and steals things.

8. Buses ___that___ go to the airport run every half hour.

9. I can't find the key ___which___ opens this door.

10. I gave you a book ___which___ had many pictures.

Task 10. Combine These Pairs Of Sentences Using Relative Pronouns

1. The first boy has just moved. He knows the truth.


2. I don't remember the man. You said you met him at the canteen last week


3. The only thing is how to go home. It make me worried.


4. The most beautiful girl lives city. I like her long hair very much.


5. He was Tom. I met him at the bar yesterday.


1. The first boy who knows the truth has just moved.

2. I don't remember the man whom you said you met at the canteen last week.

3. The only thing which make me worried is how to go home.

4. The most beautiful girl, whose long hair I like very much, lives in this city.

5. The man whom I met at the bar yesterday was Tom.

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