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Could (do) và could (have done) trong tiếng Anh

1. Cách dùng của Could + Vinf

a. Could là dạng quá khứ của Can, chỉ khả năng ở quá khứ

Eg: When I was a child, I could run very fast.

(Khi tôi còn nhỏ, tôi đã có thể chạy rất nhanh.)

b. Could là trợ động từ tình thái, dùng để diễn đạt:

Điều có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai nhưng không chắc chắn

It could rain this afternoon.

(Chiều nay trời có thể mưa.)

Sự xin phép (trịnh trọng hơn dùng Can)

Could I turn in my paper tomorrow?

(Em có thể nộp bài vào ngày mai không ạ?)

Yêu cầu lịch sự (trịnh trọng hơn Can)

We could write a letter t the headmaster.

(Chúng ta có thể viết thư cho hiệu trưởng.)

c. Could được dùng trong câu điều kiện loại II

Eg: If you tried, you could do that work.

(Nếu bạn cố gắng, tôi đã có thể làm công việc đó.)

d. Could được dùng với các động từ tình thái/ tri giác để diễn đạt sự việc tại một thời điểm cụ thể nào đó

Eg: I could see Susan coming. (Tôi có thể thấy Susan đang đến.)

2. Cách dùng của Could + have VpII

Could have VpII Couldn’t have VpII

- Điều có thể đã xảy ra hoặc có thể đúng trong quá khứ

- Điều có thể xảy ra nhưng lại không xảy ra

Điều chắc chắn không thể xảy ra trong quá khứ

Eg: Someone could have stolen your wallet.

(Có thể ai đó đã lấy cắp ví của bạn.)

Eg: I couldn't have arrived any earlier. There was a terrible traffic jam.

(Tôi đã không thể đến sớm hơn được. Đường tắc lắm.)

3. Bài tập với Could

Exercise 1. Nối câu hỏi cột A với câu trả lời cột B


0. What shall we eat tonight?

1. I need to phone Vicky sometime.

2. What shall I get Ann for her birthday?

3. Where shall we put this picture?

4. What would you like to do at the weekend?

5. I don’t know what to wear to the wedding

a. We could go away somewhere.

b. You could give her a book.

c. We could have fish.

d. You could wear your brown suit.

e. You could do it now.

f. We could hang it in the kitchen.

Mẫu: 0c






Exercise 2. Put in can or could

0. This is a wonderful place. I could stay here forever.

1. I’m so angry with him. I ………….kill him!

2. I ………….hear a strange noise. What is it?

3. It’s so nice here. I ………….sit here all day but unfortunately I have to go.

4. I …………….understand your point of view, but I don’t agree with you.

5. Peter is a keen musician. He plays the flute and he …………….also play the piano.

6. The company Amy works for isn’t doing well. She …………….lose her job.

7. Some people are unlucky. Life …………….be very unfair.

8. I’ve been really stupid. I …………….kick myself.

1. could

2. can

3. could

4. can

5. can

6. could

7. can

8. could

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences. Use couldn’t or couldn’t have + these verbs (in the correct form)

afford       be       be      live

manage      stand       study       wear

0. I couldn’t live in a big city. I’d hate it.

1. We had a really good holiday. It …………. better.

2. I ………………..that hat. People would laugh at me.

3. You helped me a lot. I ………………..without you.

4. The staff at the hotel were really good. They ……………..more helpful.

5. There’s no way we could buy a car now. We ……………

6. Jack prepared for the exam as well as he could. He ……………..harder.

7. I wouldn’t like to live near the motorway. I ……………..the noise of the traffic.

1. couldn’t have been

2. couldn’t wear

3. couldn’t have managed

4. couldn’t have been

5. couldn’t afford (or couldn’t manage)

6. couldn’t have studied

7. couldn’t stand

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences. Use could or could have + suitable verb

0. A: What shall we do this evening?

B: I don't mind. We could go to the cinema.

1. A: I had very boring evening at home yesterday.

B: Why did you stay at home? You ………….. out with us.

2. A: There's an interesting job advertised in the paper. You ………..... for it.

B: What sort of job? Show me the advertisement.

3. A: How was your exam? Was it difficult?

B: It wasn't so bad. It …………….... worse.

4. A: I got very wet walking home in the rain last night.

B: Why did you walk?. You .................... a taxi

5. A: Where shall we meet tomorrow?

B: Well, I ................ to your house if you like.

1. could have come

2. could apply

3. could have been

4. could have got

5. could come

Exercise 5. Chọn phương án đúng

0. You don't look well. You ………………. see a doctor.

A. could B. need to C. are to D. should

1. She ………………… home yesterday because her little son was sick.

A. could have stayed B. must have stayed

C. had to stay D. should have stayed

2. You …………… disturb him during his work!

A. should not B. needn't C. mustn't D. don't have to

3. Whose car is this? – It ……. be Anton's. I think I saw him driving a red car like this one.

A. could B. might C. must D. would

4. Though he was ill and weak, he ………………. get out of the burning building.

A. was able to B. might C. could D. should

5. I don't believe it. It ……………… be true.

A. can't B. mustn't C. shouldn't D. wouldn't






Exercise 6. Answer the question with a suggestion. Use COULD

0. Where shall we go for our holidays?

(to Scotland) We could go to Scotland.

1. What shall we hve for dinner tonight?

(fish) We ...........................

2. When shall I phone Angela?

(now) You ...........................

3. What shall I give Ann for her birthday?

(a book).............................

4. Where shall we hang this picture?

(in the kitchen).......................

1. We could have fish

2. You could phone now

3. You could give her a book

4. We could hang it in the kitchen

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