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Bài viết 50 Bài tập về Từ chỉ số lượng trong Tiếng Anh cực hay có lời giải gồm đầy đủ lý thuyết trọng tâm về Từ chỉ số lượng và trên 50 bài tập về Từ chỉ số lượng chọn lọc, có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn nắm vững cách sử dụng của Từ chỉ số lượng.

50 Bài tập về Từ chỉ số lượng trong Tiếng Anh cực hay có lời giải

Phần I. Lý thuyết

1. Some (một vài)

- Dùng trong câu khẳng định, lời mời

- Đứng trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm được

VD: I have some friends.

2. Any (một vài)

- Dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi

- Đứng trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm được

VD: There aren’t any books in the shelf.

3. Many (nhiều)

- Thường dùng trong câu hỏi và câu phủ định, câu khẳng định được dùng ít hơn

- Đi với danh từ đếm được số nhiều

VD: Do you have many cars?

4. A lot of – Lots of (nhiều)

- Được dùng trong câu khẳng đinh và câu nghi vấn

- Đi với danh từ không đếm được và danh từ đếm được số nhiều

VD: We spent a lot of money.

5. A few (một ít)

- Dùng trong câu khẳng định

- Dùng với danh từ đếm được số nhiều

VD: She enjoys her life here. She has a few friends and they meet quite often.

6. A little (một ít)

- Dùng trong câu khẳng định

- Đi với danh từ không đếm được

VD: Have you got any money? - Yes, a little. Do you want to borrow some?

Phần II. Bài tập

Task 1. Điền SOME hoặc ANY vào chỗ trống

1. I don't have ............... paper.

2. Is there ............... petrol in the car?

3. I buy ...............fruit, but I don't have ...............vegetables.

4. Do you have ............... stamps? I need two.

5. I need ...............butter to make a cake.

6. I don't have time today. Sorry.

7. Are there............... potatoes in the basket?

8. There is on the table.

1/ any

2/ any

3/ some-any

4/ any

5/ some

6/ any

7/ any

8/ some

Task 2. Điền vào chỗ trống: HOW MUCH hoặc HOW MANY để hoàn thành câu sau

1. is there in the fridge?

2. ...................................eggs do you want?

3. ..........................languages do you speak?

4. ..........................people are there in the class?

5.............................days are there in a week?

6. .............................milk do you drink everyday?

7. ................................kilos of rice do you want?

8. ..............................soda does she want?

1/ How much

2/ How many

3/ How many

4/ How many

5/ How many

6/ How much

7/ How many

8/ How much

Task 3. Chia động từ

1. What time .................. you (go) ....................... to school?

2. Lan (watch) ............................. T.V three times a week.

3. Nam and Ba often (go) ............................ fishing on Sunday.

4. We (not go) .............................. to school on Sunday.

5. My brother likes jogging. He ( jog) ...... every morning. At the moment, he (jog)....... in the park.

6. What is she doing ? -She (cook).............................. lunch.

7. Where is Ba? He (be) ................... in the yard. He (play).............................. badminton.

8. Hoa (not read)................................ book now, he (do).......................... his homework.

9. They (do) ............................................ their homework in the evening.

10. Nam (visit) ....................................... Hue this summer vacation.

1/ do you go

2/ watches

3/ go

4/ don't go

5/ jogs – is jogging

6/ is cooking

7/ is – is playing

8/ isn't reading-is doing

9/ do

10/ is going to visit

Task 4. Điền a / an / some / any vào chỗ trống

1. There is .................. banana in the basket.

2. I need ..................tea.

3. Are there ..................tomatoes in the fridge?

4. We have .........rice, but we don't have ......meat.

5. There's on the table.

6. I'd like juice.

7. He has ............TV and

8. Would you like cream?

9. I have.............. friends in Hue.

10. Do you have ...............dogs or cats at home?

11. Would you like ..................cup of tea?

12. I would like.................. cakes, please.

13. Can I have of milk?

14. Thank you. And of chocolates would be fine.

1/ a

2/ some

3/ any

4/ some –any

5/ an

6/ some

7/ a – a

8/ some

9/ some

10/ any

11/ a

12/ some

13/ a

14/ a

Task 5. In some of these sentences much is incorrect or unnatural. Change much to many or a lot where necessary. Write OK if the sentence is correct.

1 We didn't spend much money. OK
2 Sure drinks much tea. a lot of tea
3 Joe always puts much salt on his food. ......
4 We'll have to hurry.We haven't got much time. ......
5 It cost much to repair the car. ......
6 Did it cost much to repair the car? ......
7 I don't know much people in this town. ......
8 I use the phone much at work. ......
9 There wasn't much traffic this morning. ......
10 You need much money to travel round the world. ......

3 a lot of salt

4 OK

5 It cost a lot

6 OK

7 many people or a lot of people

8 I use the phone a lot

9 OK

10 a lot of money

Task 6. Put in much/many/few/little (one word only)

1 She isn't very popular. She has few friends.

2 Ann is very busy these days. She has .... free time.

3 Did you take .... photographs when you were on holiday?

4 I'm not very busy today. I haven't got .... to do.

5 This is a very modern city. There are .... old building.

6 The weather has been very dry recently. We've had .... rain.

7 "Do you know Rome?" "No, I haven't been there for .... years."

2 little

3 many

4 much

5 few

6 little

7 many

Task 7. Put in a where necessary. Write OK if the sentence is already complete.

1 She is lucky. She has few problems.

⇒ OK

2 Things are not going so well for her. She has few problems.

⇒ a few problems

3 Can you lend me few dollars?

4 There was little traffic so the journey didn't rake very long.

5 I can't give you a decision yet. I need little time to think.

6 It was a surprise that he won the match. Few people expected

him to win.

7 I don't know much Spanish – only few words.

8 I wonder how Sam is. I haven't seen him for few months.

3 a few dollars

4 Ok

5 a little time

6 OK

7 only a few words

8 a few months

Task 8. Put in little/a little/few/a few

1 Gary is very busy with his job. He has little time for other things.

2 Listen carefully. I'm going to give you .... advice.

3 Do you mind if I ask you .... question?

4 It's not a very interesting place to visit, so ....tourises come here.

5 I don't think Jill would be a good teacher. She's got .... patience.

6 "Would you like milk in your coffee?" "Yes, .... "

7 This is a very boring place to live. There's .... to do.

8 "Have you ever been to Paris?" "Yes, I've been there .... times."

2 a little

3 a few

4 few

5 little

6 a little

7 little

8 a few

Task 9. Chọn đáp án đúng.

1) I have got ……………….. T-shirts in my wardrobe.

A.Much    B.many

2) ……………… pencils did you find yesterday? much many

3) My dog brings me ………………… different slippers.

A.Much    B.many

4) This cow produces …………………. milk.

A.Much    B.many

5) ………………. shampoo did you use last week? much many

6) Paul always gets ………………. homework.

A.Much     B.many

7) ………………. castles did he destroy? much many

8) …………….. love do you need? much many

9) Andy hasn’t got ……………….. hair.

A.Much    B.many

10) I drank too ……………… cola yesterday.

A.Much     B.many

1) B

2) B

3) B

4) A

5) A

6) A

7) B

8) A

9) A

10) A

Task 10. Điền vào chỗ trống với: a few, few, a little, little, much, many, some, any.

1) The postman doesn’t often come here. We receive ………….. letters.

2) The snow was getting quite deep. I had ……………….. hope of getting home that night.


A: I’m having ……………… trouble fixing this shelf.

B: Oh, dear. Can I help you?

4) I shall be away for …………. days from tomorrow.

5) Tony is a keen golfer, but unfortunately he has …………… ability.

1) The postman doesn’t often come here. We receive few letters.

2) The snow was getting quite deep. I had a little/little hope of getting home that night.


A: I’m having a little trouble fixing this shelf.

B: Oh, dear. Can I help you?

4) I shall be away for a few/many/some days from tomorrow.

5) Tony is a keen golfer, but unfortunately he has little ability.

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